Baby Kyle
With little Kyle sitting in a pouch that Rusty had made up and had attached to the bottom of his shirt, Rusty walked down the patch to the fortune tellers tent. Kyle stood up, his little head looking out of the pouch, wondering where they were going. Rusty petting him on the head and Kyle closed his eyes and purred, enjoying the feeling.
“Were going to see the fortune teller. It’s been a week since all those people tried to attack her. She wanted me to take care of you so you’d be safe from the attackers.” Rusty said. He wasn’t sure if Kyle could understand him or not, but when he saw Kyle smile and nod his head, he knew that he did.
It was a cold day, and the wind was even cooler. Arriving at the fortune tellers tent, Rusty entered.
“Welcome back Rusty” she said, as if she had anticipated his arrival.
“I’m glad to see you’re alright”.
“How is the little guy doing?” she asked. Recognizing her voice, Kyle immediately climbed out of pouch and onto the table in front of her and started warbling. Reaching over and petting him, the fortuneteller was happy to see him, picking him up, she stroked his belly.
“You’re taking great care of him. I need a favor. Ever since the attack last week, people have been getting more and more suspicious of me, I’m afraid very few people trust me. I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave. I need you to take care of Kyle. He really has taken a liking to you.”
“Are you sure you really have to leave? There are people here that still trust and believe in you. I can take care of him, but I don’t want to see you go” Rusty said.
“I know, but it’s not safe for me here anymore. Don’t worry, you and Kyle will do fine together. I see an interesting future for the two of you. We will speak again, don’t worry” She responded. They said their good-byes, and Rusty walked out of the tent and headed home.
Kyle was still very young, and had to be bottle-fed. This wasn’t much of a problem as Rusty had plenty of formula for the little guy. Kyle was a hungry little baby, and always drank the entire bottle of formula at each feeding. Rusty had made up a small bed for him right beside his own bed so he could be close to him during the night. On more then one occasion, Kyle climbed into bed with him at night. Sometimes Rusty would spend almost the entire night just stroking Kyle, the sound of him purring was very soothing and relaxing.
The next day, Rusty decided to take Kyle with him when he went for a long walk in the park. It was warmer that day and he left like getting outside for a while.
At breakfast he fed Kyle as normal, then ate his own breakfast. During it, Kyle watched him intently. On a couple of occasions, Kyle grabbed a piece of toast and started to chew on it. His teeth were just starting to come in, so he couldn’t chew that well. Putting a dab of peanut butter on his finger, Rusty reached towards Kyle and let him lick it off. Kyle loved the taste of peanut butter, and started begging for some more, and pawed at the bottle of it. Petting him Rusty said,
“When you’re a little older you can have some more”. Almost looking as if he was pouting, Kyle lay down on the table and continued to watch Rusty eat.
Finishing his breakfast, Rusty washed the dishes and got ready for his walk. Getting his coat on and putting his pouch on to carry Kyle, he walked over to him and lifted him up.
“Want to go for a walk?” he asked. Kyle smiled, and started getting all excited, climbing up Rusty and settling into the pouch.
“Ill take that as a yes”, Rusty said as he locked the house up, and started out.
The air was warmer that day and the sun was shining. Rusty knew of a trail that would take most of the day to walk, but was a very good and enjoyable walk. He had made sure to bring some formula with him, in a special container that would keep it cool, along with his lunch. They walked for about 2 hours when they came to a good-sized park. There was no one else there, so Rusty decided to let Kyle out to run for a while. Seeing a baby raccoon run around was very cute. Despite his age, Kyle could run pretty good, Rusty made sure to stay close to him just in case any predators tried anything. After running around for nearly 2 hours, it was getting close to time for Kyle’s feeding. Knowing this, Kyle walked over to Rusty and pawed at the container that held his bottle.
“After all that running I can understand why your so hungry” Rusty said as he opened the container and took the bottle out. Nearly knocking Rusty over, Kyle ran up his pant leg, then his shirt and sat on his shoulder, waiting to be fed.
“Wow, your really hungry. Here let's try a more comfortable position” Rusty said, as he picked Kyle up and laid on his back, putting Kyle on his chest. Rusty held the bottle so Kyle could drink from it and Kyle drank the formula down quickly. Warbling happily, Kyle indicated that he wanted more. Fortunately rusty was brought along a couple of extra bottles ‘just in case’. Getting out the second bottle, he placed it in front of Kyle and watched as Kyle drank almost the entire thing. Standing up, Kyle started to feel tired, and indicated to Rusty that he wanted to sleep. Holding him, then sitting up, Rusty held him towards his face, when he said,
“I can understand why you feel tired, considering how much you ate”. Just then Kyle, reached forwards and licked Rusty right on the nose. Rusty suddenly felt a wave of odd feelings go through his entire body, which lasted for several seconds.
“Thanks for the kiss” he said, as he placed Kyle in the pouch. He wasn’t sure what the odd feeling had been, maybe Kyle had picked up some static electricity or something. Watching Kyle curl up in a little ball and go to sleep, Rusty stood up and continued on the walk.
The rest of the walk took most of the rest of the way, Kyle slept though most of it. As they were getting home, he woke up and stood up, his paws on the edge of the pouch and his little head sticking out of it. It was now dark. Petting his head, Rusty said,
“Welcome back, you’ve been asleep nearly 8 hours”. Entering the house, he was tired from the walk and decided to go to bed early. He wasn’t sure if Kyle was going to be able to sleep, especially after sleeping for that long.
“I’m going to bed, what are you going to do?” he said to him. As if knowing it was bedtime, Kyle jumped on Rusty’s bed and warbled.
“Looks like you answered my question” Rusty said. He got into bed, and Kyle stood beside him, curled up into a little ball, and went to sleep. Rusty fell quickly feel asleep as well.
Waking up the next day, Rusty saw that Kyle was standing next to him looking at him. He felt a little strange and Kyle seemed to be looking at him as if he liked what he saw. Getting out of bed, he walked into the bathroom with Kyle walking behind him and looked at the mirror. What he saw sent shivers down his spine. His face was furry! The fur around his eyes looked just like the mask of a raccoon! Looking at his arms, they has fur on them as well, it wasn’t very thick but it was definitely there. The nails on his fingers seemed to be a bit longer. As he discovered this, Kyle was looking at him smiling. Examining the rest of his body, he found his entire body was covered in a coating of fur. Realizing Kyle was happy to see these changes, he looked at him.
“Did you somehow do this to me?” he asked him. Kyle ran up him and sat on his shoulder and started to purr.
“That kiss yesterday, somehow it caused this?” He wasn’t sure what to think. Had Kyle really caused this on purpose or was it an accident? Not knowing what else to do, he got dressed, and took Kyle downstairs.
After feeding Kyle, he ate breakfast and again looked at his fur. He decided that it wasn’t so bad, and that he could probably live with the changes. He wasn’t sure how people would react to them, but figured that he could shave the fur on his face as long as he was careful, and the rest of it could be hidden with clothes. For the rest of the day, he spent most of his playing with Kyle and giving him belly rubs then rubbing him behind the ears. These changes seemed to make him want to play with the little guy more.
Taking a shower was a bit more difficult with all the fur, he found that he had to use shampoo on his body as well as his hair, as soap didn’t work to well. Drying himself off took a while longer. Figuring he would just have to get used to doing things this way, he got into bed. Again Kyle decided to stay with him that night.
The next day, he awoke feeling very odd again. Kyle was even more excited as he looked at him, this time warbling happily. Running to the bathroom, Rusty looked into the mirror. His face as well as the rest of his body was now covered in a thick pelt of fur. The fur made him feel quite warm. It was very soft to the touch. Looking at his hands, they looked very different. The top of his hands had fur on and the skin on the bottom of them was now much more sensitive then normal. His fingers looked a bit longer and more nimble then before and at the tip of each one was a claw. His feet were also changed, taking on changes similar to his hands. He looked very much like a humanoid raccoon, but without a tail. He also seemed to be a lot shorter. He had to stand on a stool to reach the mirror. Looking at Kyle, who was now standing on the counter looking at him, he felt himself wanting to play with him, the urge was now much stronger then before. With all of his fur, he felt perfectly comfortable, and since his clothes didn’t fit him any longer, he didn’t seem to mind not wearing anything, at least when he was in the house.
Feeding Kyle was a lot of fun like this, he lay down on his back, and Kyle laid down on his stomach drinking from the bottle. Being covered in a pelt of fur was a very warm feeling and having a little baby raccoon sitting on that fur felt amazingly warm. He could tell Kyle felt the same way, as he was purring and warbling much louder and for much longer then before. With his enhanced sense of touch, petting Kyle felt great, and for hours he lay there like that with Kyle lying on his furry chest just alternating between petting him and rubbing his belly. Eventually he wanted to go outside to play with Kyle. He didn’t seem to be bothered by the ideas of someone seeing them, so he opened the back door and with Kyle on his shoulders, went outside. The feel of the air against his fur felt amazing. His sense of smell had also considerably improved, so he could smell things he had never known existed, it was an incredible experience. As Kyle watched him, he ran around the backyard, and climbed a couple of the trees. Climbing was certainly a lot easier with these claws. Lying down in the tree on a secure branch, he called Kyle. While he was still just a kit, he could climb well and he climbed up the tree to where Rusty was laying, where he lay down with him. Scratching his belly, and rubbing him behind the ears Rusty thanked him for doing this to him. He had never felt more alive. He and Kyle felt so relaxed in this position that they both feel asleep, and slept though the entire night.
Waking up the next day, Rusty saw Kyle has moved slightly, and was sleeping securely on a branch beside him. He felt strange again. Looking at his hands (paws?) he saw an interesting site. His arms looked just like a raccoons arms and his legs, raccoon legs. Examining the rest of his body, it didn’t take him long to realize that he was now a ‘normal’ raccoon. Attempting to call for Kyle, he could no longer speak. Somehow instinctively he knew how to make raccoon sounds, and was quickly able to make the proper ones to get Kyle to wake up and come to him. Quickly waking up, Kyle walked over to him, and began making excited sounds. Rusty could tell that Kyle wanted this to happen to him. Looking down at the ground, Rusty indicated to Kyle to get on his back, and to hold on tight. Kyle did so, and Rusty slowly made his way to the ground. Looking at the world though the eyes of a raccoon was certainly different. He could now definitely tell why Kyle always acted very happy and always wanted to play. Managing to get into the house with Kyle following, he realized that they had a problem. It would be very difficult for him to make formula like this, and Kyle was still young enough that he needed formula. As he finished that thought, Kyle walked up to him and started to make hungry noises while pawing at Rusty’s chest. Rusty wasn’t sure what to do. He needed to feed Kyle, but a male raccoon can’t make milk for the babies, he needed a female for that. Kyle was starting to paw at Rusty's fur when Rusty started to feel strange again. Looking down at his chest, he saw several nipples appear seemingly out of nowhere. The feeling spread across most of his body, and subsided after a few minutes. Looking in the mirror he realized that he had been given a solution to finding a female raccoon. He had become one!
The concept of becoming female was a bit shocking to him to say the least, perhaps even a bit disturbing. That was until Kyle started nursing from him. Up until now he had always enjoyed bottle feeding him, but this was much more personal and he felt a much greater bond with Kyle like this. As Kyle finished, Rusty instinctively washed him off and cuddled him. Kyle purred, and they both curled up in a little ball and fell asleep together.