A Family Tradition
By: Ryu the Weredragon (AKA Ryu-kun) and Schmen.
Note that I use a tad bit of Japanese because of a lack of nouns & verbs to describe some things.
‘tousan/Otousan and ‘kaasan/Okaasan mean Dad and Mom, respectively.
It was a particularly cold night, the snow was deep,
there was a cold breeze, and heading to his birth
parent's house was Timothy,He was wearing
just about every winter protective gear he could to
keep warm, despite having a good amount of body fat
around his waist (even though he didn’t weigh much).
He had Brown hair and Gray eyes, was extremly
tall (about 7’) and he had a less-than spectacular
build. If he wanted to, he could probably be a
Pro-Basketball Player, but he didn’t ever find any
point in sports. Even with his extra protective gear,
he was beginning to get cold.
"Brr.. It’s freezing... But, they have to be
here," Timothy said to himself. He decided he’d
wait a bit longer, before heading back to the cabin
where he and his fiancée were staying.
Timothy waited in the cold wind as his surroundings
started to get slightly darker from overpassing clouds.
The full moon was out, but all it did was put
everything into an eriee glow, dark shadows appearing
everywhere. He glanced at his watch again, and started
to look around.
"Where could they be," he asked rhetorically, "For
that matter, why do I feel like I’m being watched?"
From out of the corner of his eye, he thought he
saw movement, and turning to that direction, the two
people he was waiting for walked out of the shadows.
For some reason though, they looked.. well, odd,
as far as he could tell. "M-mom? D-dad?", he asked,
somewhat unsure. When they nodded, he smiled and
ran up to them.
They smiled back, and hugged Timothy, who was
overcome with tears of happiness. Timothy’s Mother
turned to Timothy and handed him small amulet,
a gift, for being reunited together.
"We’ve been searching for you for a long time son,
now we can finally be a family again," his mother told
It was a beautiful, solid gold amulet, with a wolf,
Timothy’s favorite [real] animal, and in it’s eyes was
a Sapphire. Timothy wondered how they knew that
Blue was his favorite color. But, rather than asking,
he simply put it on.
The parents smiled, and took a step back
from Timothy. "Finally, we can be
together...", his mother repeated, just as
Timothy started to feel a little sick in his stomach.
Timothy clutched his stomach, and fell to his knees.
"Do not worry m’boy, the changes wont take
long, and it isn't painful...", Timothy’s Father told
As soon as he finished saying that, Timothy began
to feel hot under all his clothes, despite the fact it was
about -10 Celcius, and the burning sensation made him
"Wh--What’s happening to me?", Timothy asked,
as he knew good and well that it should NOT be this
hot in Alaska, when there’s snow around.
"You see son, we wanted you to have a proper life,
to learn things outside, but thanks to our.. state, we
couldn't, so we gave you something that stopped you from
being what you really are, allowing you a life without
changes. But now your of age, we can be a family again...
We didn’t know it would cause you to be weakened
as well," Timothy’s Mother tried to explain.
The Silver-Eyed young man had a blank look on his
face, "Umm... Layman’s terms, please."
Timothy’s Father Smiled at his son’s sense of humor,
which he obviously inherited from him, "Alright. In
Layman’s terms... We’re werewolves..."
The Brown haired boy, feeling his insides change
somehow, remained silent for a while, before
speaking up, "I--I’m a werewolf?"
"We all are, dear," his mother supplied.
Quickly the heat became to much for Timothy, and
he felt that he HAD to take off his clothes to avoid
what he thought would be heat stroke. As his heavy,
thick jacket, scarf, sweater, sweatshirt, undershirt,
and Ski Mask all fell to the ground, the bitter wind
struck him, but, for some reason, it was not as bad
as it should have been. The sick feeling had long since
passed Timothy by, but he felt his skin tingling all over,
and his hair blew in the wind a little more than it should.
Running his still gloved hand over his shoulders, he gave
a gasp in shock as he touched the greyish fur growing
from his shoulders.
"Don't worry m’boy, you'll be okay..." ‘tousan said to
Timothy as he stared back in confusion.
"I’m-- I’m not worried, dad, I’m just overwhelmed...
and quite a bit confused," Timothy responded.
"We assumed you would be, but we think it's for your own
good, humanity isn't the best of places to be in these trying times."
"Yeah, I know, pops... I know all too well."
The fur then spread down your back and over his chest,
the fur becoming white down his front and a light grey-brown
on his back.
The fur continued to spread, and for the first time all night
the wind no longer bothered Timothy, as his newly grown
[,and still growing,] fur stopped it in it's tracks. As it spread
down his arms, he pulled off one of his gloves, and ran his
hand over it, and feel the weird sensation of fur against his
hand. Quickly it spread up to his cheeks on his face, down
to the end of his hands, and also further down his back and
chest. His hands felt a little stange, and he stared in awe as
his fingernails lengthened slightly into claws, the palm of his
hand turning softer into pads, but otherwise stopping there --
his other hand hand ripped straight out of his glove. The whole
time, Timothy was smiling, as if he was enjoying the feeling
of transformation.
"Well, at least your enjoying it, we were afraid you might
hate us for our decision," his mother said.
Timothy’s fur continues to spread down his body, and it also
covered the rest of his face. To Timothy, the feeling was as if
bread grew in a matter of seconds. His face then started to tug
outwards, and Timothy gritted his teeth, not from pain, but from
the sheer force being used, as it pulled out into a muzzle. His
ears lenghtened, pulling outwards and also sliding up his head,
thus causing his hearing to intensifiy. He could now hear things
he never even knew had a sound! His nose turned black quickly,
becoming wet and also enhancing the smells all around him.
"Son? Are you alright?," ‘kasaan asked her son with genuine
Timothy nodded and smiled, "I’m fine, mother. No need to
She smiled back, as does her husband, and the changes
continued, as if taking that as a sign. Timothy closed his eyes
quickly as they started to water, and upon opening them, he
realized he now saw the night in a whole new perspective, the
whole area being lit in a strange way. As he smiled again, his
teeth quickly lengthened into canines as well, and while not
painful, it was very strange for a moment there.
Timothy looked down with his new eyes to feel and see the fur
spread down under his pantss, where the tingly feeling was
probably a little better than it should’ve been. In fact, he started
to pant in ectacy. A few seconds later, he felt the fur emerge from
his ankles and cover his feet.
Tim’s ankle bones lengthened and he heard a faint crack, thanks
to his new hearing, but oddly he felt no pain, as his legs shifted from
the human position, plantigrade, into the position of a wolves hind legs,
Digigrade. He tried to stand up, but felt his tail bone lengthen,
and out from the back of your pants, with a loud rip, a fluffy tail
emerged, slowly getting longer and thicker, until he finally had a tail
swishing back and forth.
Finally, the werewolf smiled happily as his body fat around his waist
dwindled away, he had to grab his pants before they fell off. Then
his muscles felt slightly warm again, and he ran his hand over his furry
stomach as the abdomials became more dominate and toned, along with
his bisceps growing, and his whole body becoming much more. He was
no longer the puny wimp he was teased about being in High School (which
he ignored anyway), in fact, if he was in human form and had these muscles
everyone he knew would be jealous.
Timothy’s parents had changed during the whole process, and
hugged their son, "Finally were together again son. How about
we go back to where we live so we can talk?", his father asked.
"Okay. However, I need to go out to--- expand the family later,
mainly because I brought my Fiancée Along."
Timothy’s Mother Smiled, "Of course, but let's talk first,
I’m sure you’re interested in where we've been all these years,
and I want to learn how you've been going too.."
Timothy slowly walked away with them, the feeling
of snow under his feet giving him a strange sensation.
Meanwhile, in a cabin quite a few miles away,
A woman named Tabitha waited for her Fiancée,
Timothy, to return from meeting his birth parents...
To Be Continued...