The end
Umbrella’s headquarters lay in ruin from the bombardment that concluded 30 minutes before. A campaign that had lasted for nearly a year had nearly come to an end. All of umbrellas bases and installations lay in ruin, many of it leaders dead. The members that had survived were in solitary confinement in maximum security jails. The only base that had remained was the HQ. Prior to the attack, s.t.a.r.s had released a virus into the compound. The virus incapacitated everyone in the building, which allowed agents to rescue hostages and prisoners and to give them the antidote. The virus was supposed to have dissipated prior to the attack, and all indications were that it had.
Their mission was to search the ruins to see if any umbrella agents had survived as to ascertain the status of umbrellas leader. If they found any surviving members, they were to take them into custody. The helicopter landed. 7 agents got out; Jill, Barry, Carlos, Leon, Chris, Claire and Rebecca. They all had suits on to protect them from the virus, in case it was still present. Scanning the area, Carlos searched for survivors while Chris scanned for remnants of the virus. The headquarters had been composed of several metals and it interfered with the scans, so everyone on the team had to search manually. They broke up into teams of 2, each would search a different part of the debris. Chris went with Claire, Rebecca went with Leon and Carlos, Barry and Jill went together.
Claire and Chris searched the debris on the far side of the base. Their scanner was limited to only a few meters so much of their searching had to be manually. Looking though a pile of debris, Claire said
“I dought anyone could survive this, this all seems pointless”.
“Probably not, but we have to make sure none of these basterds get away, not after what they’ve done. It looks like the virus is gone, so we can take off our suits.” Chris responded. Signaling to the two other teams, he told them of his finding. Removing her mask, Claire gagged at the smell. The entire area smelled of death, such a smell would normally have made her sick, but the crimes umbrella had committed against humanity and nature were not able to be forgiven. The loss of Raccoon City had been the final straw. Chris having since taken off his mask, commented
“such destruction, such loss of life. And for what?”. Hearing his comments, Claire commented.
“Before you cry too many tears for these people, remember what they did, all the death and destruction they caused. The families of those who died when Raccoon city was lost would call this 'poetic justice'”.
“Point taken, you're of course right” he responded.
Rebecca and Leon dug though a pile of debris. They had picked up odd readings from under it. Just in case there were survivors, they had to check. Lifting up and clearing several pieces of debris, they found the source of the odd readings.
“A computer? Why would such strange reading be coming from a computer?”, Rebecca asked. Examining it, Leon said
“Looks like this was their main computer, it held all the information on the viruses. Looks like it was a pretty powerful piece of machinery.”. Examining the spot further, he saw that the reason power was still getting to it, was because it had a backup power source which was shielded against attacks.
“We should destroy it, as long as that information exists someone way use it to reproduce the virus”, Rebecca said. Agreeing with her, Leon pulled a detonation pack out of his backpack, and set it. The two of them took cover, and detonated it. Walking towards the now smoking hole, they saw that it had worked, the computer had been destroyed. Standing up, they walked away from the area, continuing their search.
Carlos, Barry and Jill had found a few weapons in their search, but nothing significant. Barry and Jill were having a discussion.
“Looks like they all were vaporized in the bombardment, as we should have found something buy now”
“Not necessarily, with all this debris, a more complete search is needed”.
“We’re close to where the office of their leader was, if he was in his office at the time, his body should be around here” ,
“my scanner is picking something up, right under this pile of debris. We’d better lift it”. Barry and Carlos each lifted piece of piece of debris until they finally were able to see what Jill’s scanner had found.
“It’s him!” she said. Looking at what she had found they saw the body of Umbrella’s leader. Lifting his communicator out of his communications device out of his pocket, Carlos said
“I will inform everyone and command”, as he informed the other two groups of their finding.
Microbes of the virus floated silently in the air. They had dissipated enough to prevent detection, but enough of them still existed to infect several hosts. The virus could detect several potential hosts in the area, and began to seek them out. Finding it’s first hosts it entered their bodies.
Chris and Claire had about completed their search when it started. Chris felt a wave of dizziness, and nearly collapsed before it dissipated. Claire, seeing his distress, ran to his side.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I don’t know, I suddenly felt dizzy”. Claire started to feel dizzy, as Chris was trying to help her he started feeling incredibly itchy under his suit.
“What’s going on?” he asked. Recovering from her dizziness, Claire saw Chris itching.
“I don’t know, could it be the virus?”.
“But how? It’s not supposed to cause symptoms like this!” he said. His itching had become severe and finally he took off his suit, so that he was in jeans and a tee shirt. To his shock, he saw what looked like fur growing on his arms.
“What the hell?” he said, as he watched the fur grow. It was soft and brown. His hands started to feel strange.
“Ack! It’s spreading” he said to Claire. Claire in the meantime had begun to itch her chest.
“It’s happening to me too!” she said, sounding very alarmed. Chris’ hands were starting to feel and look very different. Short fur had grown on top of them, and his fingers seemed be getting longer, while his finger nails were getting sharper, and longer. The fur on his arms continued to grow, getting much thicker, almost like a pelt. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t see any of his skin. The itching started to spread, making it’s way to his chest, which suddenly became incredibly itchy. Looking at Claire, he saw that Claire’s had taken her suit off and was itching her chest was like mad. At the top of her tee shirt, he could see that her chest was quickly growing fur that looked very much like the fur he now had on his arms. The itching in Chris’s chest worsened as he saw Claire start to itch her arms.
“This is crazy! We have to get help!” he said.
“I know, but how?”, she asked. Finally getting desperate to relieve the itching on his chest, Chris took his shirt off. His entire torso, both front, side and back were covered from his neck down with a soft, brown pelt of fur. He looked at his hands, they looked as much animal as they did human. The top of both of them was covered in a soft but short covering of brown fur, and his fingers were longer and more nimble then normal. His nail had grown into claws and the bottom of both hands skin had grown darker, becoming more sensitive in the process. His claws were able to scratch much better then his finger nails had been able to before but it still did little to relieve the itching. Claire arms were now almost fully covered in fur, and he hands started to change like Chris’ had. Her finger nails grew longer and darker and fur grew on top of her hands. Chris’s legs started to itch. At first he was content to scratch though his pant legs, but the itching didn’t take long before it got so bad that he had to take his jeans off. His legs were becoming furrier by the second, and he could have sworn that he was shrinking. Turning to Claire, he saw her holding her hands slightly above her rear end as if something was bothering her there. Chris watched as what looked like a bulge appeared in her pants. His legs had continued to itch, and the itching was spreading to his feet. And he still seemed to shrinking. Seeing the fabric of her pants rip, he watched as a furry tail ripped it way out of her pants. Looking back and touching it, she said
“a tail?”. The coloration pattern on the tail was familiar, brown with several black rings down it, the tail of a raccoon.
“Were turning into raccoons!” she said, alarmed by the turn of events!
“But how! Why?” Chris said, his voice sounding higher then normal. He picked up his shirt and put it back on, it now seemed several sizes too big for him. He put his jeans back on, and they too seemed too big for him. His face started to itch. His mouth and nose felt odd, as if they were being pulled on. Claire had started to itch her legs, and her clothes were starting to look too big for her.
“Chris! Your face!” she said, seeing her brothers face. He had a muzzle, with whiskers growing from the side of it. His nose was now at the end of the muzzle, and was small and black. It twitched instinctively. His face started to itch, and he could feel his ears changing shape and changing position on his head.
“What about it?” he asked.
“It’s look a lot like a raccoons! You even have the same fur coloration!” she said. Her voice was started to sound higher pitched then normal. His face continued to itch and feeling it with his paws, he felt fur growing in. Feeling an odd sensation above his rear end, he heard a ripping sound and saw a tail that looked very much like Claire's. Swishing it, he felt strange sensations, sprouting a new limb wasn’t something that happened every day. He was still shrinking, and he wasn’t sure exactly how far this was going to go. Claire’s face started to change, pulling out into a muzzle and her ears getting furry and moving to the top of her head. Chris continued to shrink until he was so much smaller that his pants had fallen down and his shirt covered his entire body. His changes seemed to stop. As he watched Claire, she too shrunk until she was his size, before her changes came to a stop.
“I think were done” he said, surprised by the sound of his voice, which now sounded much like a kid. Giggling, Claire said
“you sound just like you did when you were a kid”. Surprised by the sounds of her voice, he grabbed her muzzle.
“Looks like I’m not the only one”, he said.
“So how are we going to explain this?” she asked.
The viruses microbes found it’s next hosts. Quickly moving towards them, it entered their bodies and began to replicate. Rebecca and Leon continued their search, nearing its completion. From their search they could tell that they were not going to find any survivors. Rebecca’s suddenly started feeling a sharp pain in her hands, enough that she dropped he scanner, its display breaking on the concrete below her. Leon turned to her.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“My hands!” she said, in pain. Removing her gloves, she saw that her hands looked very different then normal. Her fingers looked different, longer and more nimble. And her finger nails were dark and sharp, much more like claws. The top of her hands was itchy
“What the hell?”, she said as she saw fur being to sprout from them. Leon’s face begin to ache, and he took his gloves his so he could cradle it as best as he could. He could have sworn that he not only felt fur, but that his mouth and nose seemed to be merging and lengthening. He turned towards Rebecca to ask her what his face was ‘doing’, he saw that she had removed her protective coat and was holding her arms held out in front of her and was staring at them. Fur was spreading up her arms from her hands. She started at she watching it grow, her expression a mixture of horror and fascination. The aching in Leon face continued for a few more seconds then slowly dissipated before spreading down his neck and onto his shoulders. Fur started to sprout on his neck and on his shoulders, it was soft and long. The fur on Rebecca’s arms reached her elbows when her feet started to feel strange. Sitting down, she managed to get her shoes and socks off. Her feet looked very strange, like her hands, they had fur on top of them. Her toes were slightly longer and more nimble then before and each toe had a sharp black claw on the tip. Fur began to spread up her legs, quickly growing in. The growth of fur on Leon’s neck and his shoulders had completed and had begun to spread down his arms and chest. It itched severely as it grew in, and felt very soft and warm. By then he had taken off his protective top and shirt to watch the fur grow. While he was scared by what he was witnessing, he was also fascinated by it and wanted to see how it played out. The fur continued to grow in, as the ‘line’ it was growing on and had grown above became lower and lower down his body, eventually it spread to his hands and they began to change. The fur on Rebecca’s arms had stopped growing, but once the fur on her legs reached her knees it resumed. She was starting to feel very uncomfortable, and felt very upset and helpless as there was little she could do to stop it. As the fur on her legs reached her torso, she began to feel a strange pulling sensation in her tailbone. Looking back as best as she could to see what was going on, she saw her pants rip as a furry tail grew out. It was long, and had several rings on it. Right away, she recognized its shape and appearance.
“A raccoon tail!” she said as she looked at Leon’s face. The changes to his face were complete, and she commented that his face looked very much like a raccoon’s face.
“Are you saying that were turning into raccoons?” Leon asked. Normally the idea would have seemed absurd to him, but the evidence was very clear.
“It’s kind of hard to deny!” she said.
“So what are we supposed to do?” he asked, as his changes reached his tail bone and a tail grew from it. Standing up, she grabbed his tail, it felt soft and warm. He chucked a bit.
“heh, that feels kind of nice, maybe this isn’t such a bad thing”.
“Speak for yourself!” she said, letting go of his tail and resuming watching her body change. The fur on her arms had reached her shoulders and spread up her neck and onto her head and face. The fur at the bottom of her torso continued to grow, proceeding up her torso. She blushed somewhat as the changes made her belly button impossible to see under the fur. The fur growth on her neck extended to her face, and her entire head felt warm. Leon, who’s changes had proceeded down his legs and had nearly completed, watched as Rebecca’s face slowly extended out into a muzzle, and as her ears moved to the top of her head, becoming furry and round. The fur on her face developed, creating a classic raccoon mask around her eyes. Leon felt his changes move to his feet. Both of their changes seem to be complete. Looking at each other, Leon said
“you look beautiful”. Rebecca returned the compliment by saying that Leon looked ‘cute’.
“So now what do we do? What if this has happened to the others?” Rebecca asked. As she finished the sentence, she heard what sounded like 2 kids running towards them. Both her and Leon looked towards the sounds to see a pair of raccoon kids wearing oversized tee shirts and oversized shoes.
“Chris, Claire?” is that you.
“Leon?” the two kids responded.
“Ill take that as a yes”, Rebecca responded, having recognized the clothes the kids were wearing.
“Don’t you two certainly look cute” Leon said. The two kids seemed slightly embarrassed by this, but confirmed that they were indeed Chris and Claire. The 4 humanoid raccoons exchanged stories about their transformations. At one point they became worried about if the same thing was happening to Carlos Leon and Rebecca.
“we have to go find them!” Chris suggested, seeming half urgent and half almost hoping they were changing.
“Their last known location is that way” Leon said, pointing. The 4 of them started walking in that direction.
Carlos and Barry had finished loading the leaders body into a body bag while Jill communicated with HQ about what to do with it. His office had been reinforced, and it appeared that was how they were able to find his body. Their scans of the rest of the debris in their area showed that there were no survivors. If only they could have seen the microbes that were entering their bodies, perhaps they could have done something. But once they had entered each of their bodies, it was already too late. Carlos and Barry had finished loading the body bag onto a helicopter, and it has just taken off when it started. Carlos felt a warm, tingling feeling halfway up his chest. At first he dismissed it as his imagination. But it quickly started to spread. Barry’s legs started to ache, cramping up enough that he had to sit down. Carlos had started to scratch his chest when Jill asked them what was wrong. They both responded, telling her about their discomfort when her face started to feel strange. Carlos looked up from scratching his chest and saw what was happening to Jill’s face. Fur was growing on her face. He watched as it grew, as her mouth and nose started to twitch, merging and pushing themselves out into a muzzle. She felt her face, as her muzzle grew, her expression became a combination or horror and fear. The fur on her face continued to grow, and its pattern was familiar. It was black around her eyes, and brown elsewhere. Her ears were twitching, and started changing shape while they made their way up her head. Her hair’s texture changed, it’s color turning brown.
“My face! What does it look like?” she said, sounding extremely alarmed. Carlos told her that it looked very much like a raccoons. She responded, almost horrified of what he was saying.
“No! That’s impossible, this is crazy!” her voice, started sounding higher pitched.
“My voice!” she said. Fur started growing on her neck as the changes proceeded downwards. The itching on Carlos chest had spread considerably, his entire chest was itchy and warm. The changes were spreading to his sides and back. Taking his protective shirt off, he lifted up his shirt. His entire chest was covered in fur.
“It’s happening to me too!” he said. Barry’s legs continued to ache, and his pants were starting to feel long.
“My legs are shrinking!” he said. His feet started feeling strange, and the warmth and itching moved up to his torso. Watching is legs shrink was very alarming for him, but having no apparent way to stop it, all he could do was watch it. As the changes moved up his torso, he felt a pulling at the back of his tailbone. He reached back to try to find out what was going on. Feeling a furry stub at the back, he felt it as it grew longer and longer. Watching this happen, Carlos commented.
“It’s a tail! A raccoon tail at that”. His own tailbone started to feel strange, and a tail sprouted from it. It was long and furry and had several black rings on it. His insides were starting to feel warm. The changes extended to his arms and legs which started to ache, and he seemed to start to shrink. He pulled off his protective suit, under it he was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt and he was able to see that fur was growing on both his arms and legs and that they were indeed shrinking. Jill’s arms and chest had started to ache and itch and fur started growing on them. She removed her protective suit, so she could better see what was going on. Having it removed, she was able to see that fur was growing down her arms, it was brown and soft. Removing her tee shirt, she was able to get a much clearer picture of the fur growth on her chest. It was spreading down her chest at about the same level that it was at on her arms. She held her hands out of front of her face, watching the fur grow down her arms and reach her hands. As it reached her arms, it progressed down her chest, reaching her belly. Looking at Carlos and Barry she saw that they were progressing at an equally fast rate. Barry’s legs no longer looked human, their shape and size was very much like a raccoons back legs, and they were fully covered in a pelt of fur. His tail was fully grown in, and was long and furry. The fur growth had spread up to his shoulders, he had since removed his shirt, which allowed him to see that his chest, sides and back were fully covered in a pelt of brown fur. His insides felt warm and ached. He could feel his organs shifting and changing, while his bones did the same to accommodate them. He appeared to be getting smaller. The changes spread to his arms, and they quickly became furry and started changing shape and size. Carlos was now on his back, his arms and legs had since become fully covered in fur. They were finishing changing size and shape, and were much smaller then before. His expression was of fascination and terror over what was happening to him. He yelped slightly as his torso started to shrink, changing to a size that would be much for suitable for the length his arms and legs were becoming. Fur started growing up his neck, and his voice started to sound strange. His torso continued to shrink was the fur continued up his neck and onto his face, reshaping his face into a muzzle. His ears became furry and changed position, moving up his head to the top of it. As his muzzle grew out his voice sounded stranger and stranger until he no longer sounded at all human. The sounds he was making sounded very much like a raccoon in distress makes. Jill arms had started to shrink, and her torso quickly joined them. The fur growth had spread to her legs, and they started to shrink. She laid down on her back, because her legs had started to hurt, enough that they couldn’t properly support her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a raccoon standing on Carlo's clothes, making distress sounds as it watched her and Barry, their changes quickly approached completion. Her throat started feeling odd, she tried to say something, but her voice has been changed. She was quickly making the same distress that Carlos was now making. Her torso continued to shrink, along with her arms. The fur had finished growing on her legs and they started to changing shape and shrinking. She knew that she would soon be complete. Looking at Barry, she saw that he was not far behind her. Barry’s neck has become covered in fur, and his face was quickly changing shape, pulling out into a muzzle, his ears shifting position and shape and getting furry. His arms and legs had since finished shrinking and changing shape, and his torso has very close behind. Trying to speak, he realized that his voice was quickly changing as it sounded much high pitched. Looking to his side, he now saw 2 raccoons standing on top of clothes watching him change. His face continued to change and as he tried to say something, his voice finished it’s changes, he too was now making distress sounds. His face completed its changes and his torso finished shrinking. Standing up, now on all fours, he looked at Jill and Carlos. The 3 raccoons pondered what to do next.
Chris, Claire, Rebecca and Leon ran towards where Jill, Carlos and Barry were, hopping to get to them in time. Finding them, they saw that they were too late. 3 raccoons stood on top of piles of clothes Chittering wildly. They responded when Claire called their names.
“So what are we supposed to do now, and how do we explain this?” Chris asked. Rebecca pulled out her communication device from her pocket and radioed back to base.
“Base, we have situation here”. When they asked what was wrong, she replied that it was difficult to explain, and they should see for themselves, but that 7 of them needed evacuation.
** Later at the stars base **
Chris and Claire sat on the examining table, they had since been provided with clothes that fit them in their new forms. Rebecca and Leon had also been provided with new clothes. Jill, Carlos and Barry sat on a table next to the others.
The doctors had taken blood samples from all of them to figure out what had happened to them. After viewing the results of all of the tests one of the doctors informed them of the results.
“We have discovered why this happened to you all. Through scans indicate that some microbes of the virus we used were still present when you were there. There would have been no way for your scanners to detect it. We have determined that they combined with the Umbrella viruses in your systems and mutated, creating a morphegenic virus. As to why it turned you all into raccoons, we can’t say for certain. The extend of the transformation appears to have been random, but seems to be bases on genetic patterns, this is why Chris and Claire were both affected in a similar way, because their brother and sister. The good news for Chris and Claire is that their intelligence and memories do not appear to be affected. They will age at a normal human rate and grow up to be like Rebecca and Leon. The good news for Jill, Carlos and Barry is similar, you will retain your human intelligence and memories. You will age at a human rate so your life expectancy will be the same as a humans.”.
“So what do we do know? Where do we live?” Chris asked. Another man walked in, a friends of the 7.
“They have been rebuilding Raccoon city, it would seem fitting to live there. You’d be given a hero’s welcome, personally I think you’d all make do great as a family. We could of course provide you with the proper accommodations.”. The 7 of them discussed what to do, Jill, Carlos and Leon were given computers so that they would use voice synthesis to communicate.
“I think it would be fun!” Chris said.
“It would allow us to get away from ‘it all’ at least for a while”. Carlos typed. The 7 discussed the idea for 20 more minutes, and they decided that they wanted to go with it. Chris and Claire may have kept their intelligence, but being in the bodies of kids made them feel like kids again, they were no longer concerned with fighting. With umbrella destroyed, there was no immediate need for them to continue to fight, s.t.a.r.s. officials agreed with this and allowed them all to take extended leaves of absences. So it was agreed, the 7 of them would move to a large house that would be build for them in Raccoon city, as it was being rebuilt.
It was difficult for Jill, Carlos and Barry to adjust to being animals, they found that they actually liked it after a while. The house they had planned to live it had a huge arboretum with plenty of tree’s for them to climb and play in. Chris and Claire soon adjusted to being kids and found they enjoyed it. Rebecca and Leon became ended up playing the roles of the parents, with Chris and Claire as the kids and Jill, Carlos and Barry as animal companions. Life was a lot different for them all, but in time they all grew to enjoy living that way, and were all happy with their new lives. Perhaps this was meant to be. It was late and The 7 of them all curled up together in bed, looking forward to the next day and to their new lives.