The field trip

The school bus drove quickly down the road. It was bumpy, and they were the only ones on the road. Anna’s 11th grade geography class was going on a field trip into the forest to study various plant’s and rocks. Anna enjoyed the wilderness, so finally being able to get out of school and out into the ‘field’ was enjoyable for her. She was really “into it” and since it was a hot day had on her short denim shorts and Flannel shirt, and had brought a water bottle.

Her friends in the class thought it was a bit odd that she was taking this trip so seriously. Like most students, they saw fields trips as a “day off” where they could have fun all day, even though they were supposed to be working.

The bus arrived at it’s destination, and all of the students and teachers got out. The air was warm and it was humid. Fortunately the shade from the tree’s provided ample shelter from the sun. Steadily the class began walking towards their first destination. Walking at the back of the class Anna admired several of the tree’s and wildlife, sometimes she’d get a bit behind the class and would have to run a bit to catch up.

Getting to their first destination, which was a small rock face where they were to study various rock types and formations etc, she took a sip of water from her bottle. Almost immediately after sipping, a strange feeling came over her. She found herself suddenly having an urge to hop. But the feeling quickly passed. Dismissing it as her imagination, Anna went to work, taking down notes about the various rock formations.

Completing this part of the trip, the class moved on. Again, Anna walked in the back. Still wondering what that strange feeling was that she had earlier. She was feeling thirsty, so again she took a small sip of water from her bottle. Again a strange feeling enveloped her, she once again felt the urge to hop. The class was starting to get a bit ahead of her, but the urge was still there.

“What the he..” she said, being cut off as she suddenly realized she had just hopped up to the class. Somehow no one noticed her, something she was thankful for. The feeling again subsided. Looking at the water bottle she still could not understand why drinking from it was making her feel this way. She thought of throwing it out. In retrospect it probably would have prevented what eventually happened to her.

Again she dismissed the feeling as simply 'getting too into this'. She had watched a documentary on kangaroo’s the previous night. She figured that she must have ‘had them on the brain’ and this was why she felt like hopping. Why it was only happening when drinking from the bottle was beyond her.

Stopping at their next stop, a river the class started to take notes about the rocks in the water and the various types of insects they would see buzzing around the surface. They took a few samples of the water, and used the instruments they had brought with them to see what was in it. Again they headed to their next destination. It was getting close to lunch time so they stopped for lunch in an area that had several picnic tables.

Anna had brought few sandwiches with her and a small bag of Doritos, not exactly nutritious but a typical high school students lunch. Finishing her lunch, she walked towards a garbage can which was in a slight clearing a short distance away from the picnic tables. Throwing away her garbage she felt thirsty and openened the bottle to take a bigger drink from it. She had momentarily forgotten about what had happened the last two times when she had taken just a sip of water .

This time she drank a large amount of the water in the bottle, nearing the bottom of it she suddenly heard a loud ripping sound in her pant. Looking down she saw that her thighs were rapidly increasing in size, and her pants were ripping under the pressure. The change caused her to lose her balance and she fell onto her rear end, dropping the bottle and spilling what little water was left in it. Her thighs continued to grow and expand, and were starting to become furry. Whatever embarasment she felt from now being half naked was overidden by facination and fear over watching her thighs expand to huge proportions and growing fur. Her weist size had nearly doubled in size when her legs began to change. Her feet lengthened to incredible lengths, throwing both of her shoes several meters away, the toes on both her feet merged so that she now only had three large toes at the end of each foot. From each toe a long and thick black claw sprouted from it’s previously small human nail. Her legs lengthened as well changing shape and growing fur. She found that her legs and feet now greatly resembled a kangaroo’s.

Feeling another wave of change spread over the bottom of her torso and butt, she saw a huge, wide and furry tail grow from them. She now looked very strange, the bottom half of her body was that of a kangaroo’s yet her top half was as of yet unnaffected. This quickly changed. Fur began to grow all over arms and began growing up her torso and spreading to her chest. Her hands began to quake severly, fingers merging and changing shape. When they finally stopped, her hands were each left with 3 large fingers, that each had a large claw on them. The fur growing on her chest causing her shirt to burst open,

“Why isn’t anyone saying anything? How can they not be noticing what’s happening to me?” she thought, as the changes continued. The growth of fur spread to her breasts and they began to rapidly shrink, much to her perturbation. With a matter of seconds, not only was she

“flat chested” but her nipples was disapearted into her chest. A pouch formed slightly about her weist. Tears rolled down her cheek as she saw that everything below her neck was kangaroo, and her head and face were all that she had left of her humanity. Before she could even finish the thought the changes spread to her face. Her nose and mouth were pulled out together to form a muzzle, her nose shrunk and became a small black animal like nose at the end of the muzzle. Her ears moved to the top of her head and became large and furry. Her eyes turned black, and fur spread all over her head. Her transformation complete, she sat there, using her left hand to support her weight, and started down at her new body.

Still baffled as to how no one could have seen this, she stood up and turned arround. Everyone was gone. In the distance she could see them walking away towards their next destination. Trying to say something, she found she could no longer speak, and could only makes sounds simular to the sounds made by the kangaroo’s on the documentary she had seen.

Standing up, she found herself standing in a position exactly like a kagaroo would stand. It felt very strange. Her shirt was still dangling off of her, she quickly removed it as she felt there was no point in wearing it now.

Her classmates were getting further away, and she knew she had to catch them so they would know what had happened to her and could help her. Whatever had turned her into a kangaroo’s must had given her a kangaroo’s instances as she found herself hopping naturally. She had to admit, it felt great and she was making incredible time. Quickly catching up to her classmates she hopped in front of them to get their attention.

The classes comments ranged from

“What the heck?” to

“Oh my gosh!” to

“Can I pet it?” as they saw a kangaroo come out of nowhere and hop in front of them. They were baffled as to how they could encounter a kangaroo anywhere but a zoo, this wasn’t Australia this was Canada. Anna tried to get their attention.

“What is it girl? Is Timmy trapped in a well again?” much to her disdain one of them asked jokingly. Not having any other options, Anna knelt down, and used her paws to write her name in the dirt. First she wrote the letter

“A”. Continuing she wrote the letters


“N” and

“A” after it.

Her classmates respond took her completely by surprise. Their responses ranged from

“Anna?” to

“Who is Anna?”.

“Who is Anna?” she thought, it was as if they had forgotten she existed! Their responses became more and more of a surprise, until finally one of them said

“Wait a minute, I remember that the zoo had a female kangaroo named Anna. They weren’t sure how, but one of their kangaroo’s had escaped the day before. The teacher had a cell phone with her and used it to call the Zoo.

Anna was still in disbelief at what was happening. Being turned into a kangaroo was bad enough, but now it was if everyone’s memories had been altered so they didn’t remember her or maybe her memories had been altered and she always had been a kangaroo. Maybe the whole transformation was a hallucination. Seeing the teacher tell the class that

“their on their way” and to

“try to keep her here” only increased her apprehension.

Her instincts were telling her to run, but she wanted to stay, hoping they would come to their senses. She tried everything she could think of, but no matter what she did they still didn’t seem to remember her. Finally a helicopter arrived at the scene and landed. 2 officials with zoo uniforms stepped out, one of them saying

“that’s her all right, we have no idea how she got out this far”. Panic setting in, Anna tried to hop away as fast as she could, but felt a sharp pain in her side. She looked to see a dart sticking out of her. Everything went fuzzy and she lost consciousness.

Waking up, she was in a brightly-lit room. She momentarily thought that maybe what had happened was just a hallucination and that she was in the hospital or something. Sitting up, she saw a mirror, and saw a kangaroo looking back at her. It wasn’t a dream, and wasn’t a hallucination.

Getting off the bed and standing up, she saw that the room she was in was fairly small. The walls were all white and the only thing in the room was the bed. The room has a disinfectant smell. Looking in the mirror again she found herself thinking,

“What happens now”.

She spent the next two hours, examining the various parts of her new body, seeing how the fur felt, how her new feet felt etc. Finally she head someone approaching the area. The mirror in the room suddenly vanished and she saw 4 people standing in a room observing her with various instruments. It was a two-way mirror.

Knowing that they had her attention, one of the 4 people, a man in what looked like a doctor uniform stepped forward and spoke.

“Hello Anna. I’m sure this is all very confusing to you, not to mention disorienting and upsetting. You’re probably wondering not only why you have been taken here but also why you’ve been turned into a kangaroo and why your classmates didn’t remember you. Your water bottle was spiked with a new serum we have developed, we needed to test it out to see if it would work outside of a laboratory. The fact you are standing here shows it does. As to how we are able to spike your bottle, that’s not important for you to know. When your teacher called what she though was the zoo, she was in fact speaking to us.” He said. Anna couldn’t believe her ears. This was like something out of the X-Files or some conspiracy movie. The man continued.

“We were able to temporarily alter your teacher and classmates memories, so they thought that a Kangaroo escaped from the Zoo and they had heard it on the news, and so they wouldn’t remember you. Don’t worry, your classmates memories were restored after we took you away, except they have no memory of seeing you as a kangaroo or of our chopper. Our agent replacement of you is already in place”.

“Replacement of me”? She thought. Again he continued.

“The details of that plan are also not important for you to know. Don’t worry though, we won’t be harming you. You have done us a great service. In fact we will be letting you go shortly, in a manor of speaking. We will allow you to keep your memories, we felt it would be cruel to take them away. Again thank you for your help”.

The mirror again returned. Was what anything this guy said true? Is anyone of this even real? Her thoughts were interrupted by the smell of gas leaking into her room. Again everything went blurry and within seconds she was unconscious.

She awoke in yet another new location, she was in what appeared to be a desert of some kind. There was no sign of the man who had talked to her or of his helicopter. Her head still slightly spinning she stood up and looked around. Wherever she was, it was barren. Hearing a sound behind he she turned around to see a pair of kangaroo’s sniffing her. Guessing that she was somewhere in the outback, her situation hit her. She was a kangaroo, and she was in the outback and she had no way to tell anyone of what had happened to her.

Realizing that there was little else she could do, she made greeting noises towards the other 2 kangaroo’s who returned the favor, and together they hopped towards the horizon.