Wake up to my new life
The circumstances of our lives are something we tend to think of as stable; that everything will still be there when we wake up tomorrow. We might wake up with a cold or flu; arrive at work to a surprise performance review or at school to an exam, our general lives circumstances generally stay the same.
My name is Chris and I used to think that my life was stable. By most measures, I was an average guy; 28 years old, average height, didn’t really excel in anything; had a decent relationship with my friends. I was grateful for one thing I had: a beautiful 32 year old girlfriend that also a mentor.
I was the last person you’d ever expect something extraordinary to happen to. While my life was pretty dull, it was stable. I always counted on being able to go to bed one night and wake up the next day with my life still being more or less the same. That was until what happened to me one June morning.
Opening my eyes, I immediately knew something was wrong. The ceiling I was looking at was not the white stucco with a fan of my room but wooden and lacking a fan.
My first thought was that I was dreaming. It didn’t take me long to realize that the room wasn’t the only thing that wasn’t right; Something about my body just wasn’t right. I felt warm and thought I was running a fever; I soon found out that wasn’t the case.
Looking down at the bed, I saw a black sheet covering my body up to my neck, my arms over it. At least I thought they were my arms. Both of them were covered in a pelt of gray fur with black mixed in. When I looked at my hands, I noticed they were covered with black fur and each of my fingers were tipped with little black claws.
Okay, I thought, I’ve got fur; I can shave that off though it might take effort. I quickly realized that if my arms and hands were fur covered then there was a good chance the rest of my body was.
I prepared myself for the strange sight I was likely to be greeted with and threw the blanket off. What I saw shocked me far more then I expected it would. The rest of my body was indeed covered in much the same pelt. The fur however, suddenly took a back seat to the fact that sitting atop my chest were a pair of furry breasts! It took a few seconds before I gathered up enough courage to touch them. They were soft, warm and felt pleasant to touch and to be touched.
Okay, I’ve got fur and I’ve got breasts, I can shave the fur and I can wear loose clothing; no one will know. The thought offered to me that if my chest was female then the rest of me likely was. In an almost panic, I quickly reached my right paw down to my groin. Any hope of finding something familiar was dashed when the parts I felt were undeniable female.
Sitting up, I felt something warm brush against my legs. I had a pretty good idea of what it was, and looking down to see a long, bushy tail with four rings and a black tip confirmed it. Okay, I’ve got fur, I’m a she and I have a tail; not exactly what I expected to wake up to. I can shave the fur and wear lose clothing to hide the fact I’m now a girl but the tail is a whole different matter.
Feeling something brushing against my shoulders, I suspected it was hair. Grabbing a small amount of it, I brought it around to see beautiful silky black hair. As I released the hair, I had a feeling my face had changed to. Feeling around, I felt a short muzzle; it was very strange touching it and knowing it was mine. Touching the rest of my head, I soon learned my ears were rounded and at the top of head, poking out from my hair.
I was a female humanoid raccoon, the tail gave it away. My first thought was the virus had done this to me; five years ago the world had been struck with a odd malady. We didn’t know were it came from or why it did what it did but what we did know were its effects. A third of the human population were transformed into humanoid animals; Felines were common as were wolves and foxes. Mustelids were very common as were raccoons, and other carnivores. There were some instances of rodents and marsupials but carnivores were the most common. The strangest part was how all males infected became female; there were no male humanoid animals or anthros as they were often called.
I remembered when my friend Ben (a river otter) was infected. It was six months after I got my first real job. Ben was still looking when he contracted it. Over a period of two days, she slowly grew fur, a tail and then developed breasts and found his manhood becoming well, a womanhood. She seemed more upset over losing her gender then over becoming an animal person. I really didn’t blame her; for a 23 year old guy, becoming female would be rough.
About a month after she had changed, her family decided it was time for her to accept being female and wanted her to start wearing dresses and skirts, something she didn’t want to do. They also wanted her to start dating guys, a concept she found offensive and disgusting. When they told her that ‘no daughter of theirs was going to date other girls and dress like a guy’ it was too much for her.
I had found a house by then and invited her to come live with me. She was a bit nervous, I had been spending a lot of time with her to make her feel more comfortable. Normally, she would have jumped at the chance, but was worried it’d be awkward now that she was a female. I already had Sarah and I would never expect Ben to start dating me or anything like that. She was still my friend and I wanted her to know that for sure.
She agreed and a week later had moved in with me. She ended up going by the name BJ, based on her first two initials as she felt the Ben wouldn’t work for a female otter. I guess I was lucky in that respect, I could still be called Chris by changing my full name to Christine if necessary. I wondered how BJ would react to seeing me like this.
I slowly climbed out of the bed and looked around the room. The walls were wooden and there was a window to the right of the bed. The shades were drawn but the light from the sun still shone through brightly. The bed was queen sized, large enough to fit two people. To the left of the bed was a door and in front of me, a door leading into a hallway. I recognized the room now, it was the master bedroom in Sarah’s parents cabin up north. I didn’t remember us going there.
I heard something behind the door to the left and slowly walked over. Water was running and I was pretty sure I heard singing. It was Sarah’s beautiful voice and I could tell she was taking a shower. I felt a little relieved that she was here with me; whatever had happened to me, I know she could help me through it.
I wanted to explore this new body but the last thing I wanted was to get ‘caught’. There would be plenty of time to explore this new form after I found out what was going on.
At the moment, I was technically naked; though the fur was warm enough, my ‘parts’ were still exposed. Unless I put something on, I’d never be able to stop staring at myself. Looking to the right of the other door, I saw a dresser with a mirror.
Walking over to it, I look at my reflection. Looking back at me was the most gorgeous female humanoid raccoon I had ever seen, mask and all; It took a few seconds to register that this raccoon was me. I slowly ran my hands down my belly; the fur was soft and felt incredible to be touched; I wondered how I would ever take myself seriously like this.
Worrying about that would have to wait; I needed to find something to wear. Opened the dresser drawers, I found various shirts and pants of Sarah’s as well as my clothes. I knew my pants would never fit but one of my shirts might. Trying to ignore the fact I’d be naked from waist down, I picked out a black tee-shirt, the color seeming fitting for my fur. Putting it on, I found it to fit reasonably well, although it was a bit big; it seemed I had lost some height. The fabric of the shirt felt strange against my breasts and looking down and seeing a tented shirt was certainly a different view. Looking at my reflection, I found the black shirt looked good and covered enough of my groin area to give me some degree of decency.
Wondering if Sarah and I were alone, I decided to take a walk through the rest of the cabin to find out. I walked out of the room and into a hallway with three doors; two on the right and one of the left. The one on the left was to an office type room with a laptop on a desk and set of books and the ones on the right were to a bedroom and bathroom.
I was very nervous of being seen like this and slowly walked down the beige carpeted floor. A quick check of all three rooms confirmed they were empty. I was a bit relieved that we were alone; I couldn’t imagine I’d be able to explain being like this to my family.
Carefully walking into the living room; I saw the TV, two couches and fireplace to the left. To my right was the kitchen with the front door in front of me. There was no one there.
Hearing the shower turning off and the full body dryer running, I knew that Sarah would be out of the bathroom soon and was hopeful she could provide answers to the many questions I had.
Running back into the master bedroom, I stood in front of the bed. The full body dryer ran for another ten minutes; with Sarah’s fur I knew it would take time to completely dry off so, I was content to wait.
By then the sun was beaming through the window onto my back. It felt very warm and relaxing; I took my shirt off, putting on the bed to my left. With my shirt off, the sun hit the fur on my back; it felt amazing. I closed my eyes, quietly humming to myself.
I must have been doing it for a good five minutes before I felt a warm hand touch my right shoulder. The gentle touch awoke me from my trance and I opened my eyes to see Sarah wearing nothing but her gorgeous fur. I looked up at her, the gentle cream fur on her chest and inner thighs, the dark gray fur with black spots on the rest of her body, her beautiful blue eyes and long flowing white hair with her little rounded ears perking up near the sides of it. Her tail swished behind her, it’s four large spots with darker gray in the middle and tufted cream underside producing a gentle breeze. I felt a tingling between my legs as I looked at her.
"I see you’re up," she said, her sweet voice comforting me and nullifying any embarrassment of her seeing her like this.
"Sarah," I started, hearing my new voice for the first time. It’s soft and higher pitch would take time to get used to. I continued, "what’s going on, what happened to me? How did we get here? The last thing I remember is going to bed Friday night. We had two weeks off and were trying to figure out what to do."
She gently knelt down so our faces were level with one another and put her other hand on my free shoulder. Her touch felt so nice and soothing, so peaceful. I may have been female but my feelings for her were just as strong as ever.
"Chris … that was three days ago. Let me start from there. To answer your first question, it was the virus that caused this. I’ll explain that later," she said, her voice very sympathetic. So it was the virus that did this to me. But how and why after so long? I decided to let her continue. "It started Saturday morning. I got a call from my parents to tell me that we could use their cabin for a week if we wanted to. We were both happy as we could have some time alone together in a nice secluded area. What you didn’t tell me was that you were feeling achy and warm. You later told me your jaw felt strange and your nipples were sore and you were itchy. Anyway, we ate breakfast and headed off to the cabin. By the time we got there, I noticed you needed a shave and it looked like the hair on your arms was longer. I didn’t say anything as you didn’t seemed bothered. We watched TV and talked before going for a walk. I noticed your scratching your chest as we walked and you took of your shirt complaining of feeling hot. It was then I noticed your normally sparse red chest hair was a fair bit thicker and gray. Your nipples also seemed longer and more protruding. The hair on your arms was loner and gray. We immediately went back to the cabin. I suggested going home but you wanted to stay, you were afraid it was the virus again and didn’t want to risk infecting anyone else."
I didn’t remember this but it seemed to fit with something I would do. Looking down at my chest, I was still a bit shocked by the strange view. "I guess that was these forming. But why can’t I remember this?" I asked, pointing out my breasts.
"It’s the virus, it seems to affect memory while it does its work. You should regain the memories within a few days." She answered.
"Please continue, what happened next?"
Sarah continued, "Well, we got back here and you were feeling very tired and itchy. I got you to lie down while I looked up information on the virus. It turns out that of the 2/3 of the population spared, about 25% actually got the virus but it stayed dormant. It’s been reactivating in these people since about two years ago. I went back to see you and found you delirious, I noticed that the growth of fur was already getting thicker and your jaw was longer. I could see a mask forming around your eyes and already had a good idea of what you were becoming. I noticed you were running a fever, so I gave you something to help it. Shortly after, you went to sleep and slept for 18 hours. When you awoke yesterday, most of your fur had already grown in. You had a short muzzle and ears as they are now. Your human hair was still there but it was getting longer and turning black. You had a pair of small breasts and your manhood, well, it was getting shorter. When I noticed your hips getting wider, I knew you were going to be female."
"How did I react?"
"You were shocked to say the least. But I assured you that I would help you through this and no matter what, I would never leave you. I still stand by that; I don’t care what you look like on the outside, in fact you really are quite beautiful, and darned cute."
I blushed at that, being a female was going to be hard enough to get used to, being a cute one would take even longer.
"Thanks, but what will this do to our relationship? Do you really want to live with a girl?" I asked.
She gently took my hands and held them in front of me, smiling as she looked at me.
"Chris, I still love you just as much as ever. It doesn’t matter if you’re now a Christine now. Sure this will take time to get used to but I will never leave you over this. I still remember how nice you were to me when I contracted the virus. My friends were afraid of me, but you stood by me. I’ll never forget that," she said, gently hugging me. Her warm and soft fur feeling incredible against my own.
"Thanks. So what happened next?" I ask as she released the hug.
"Well, you were starting to grow a tail, but didn’t want anyone else to know this was happening to you. You were feeling better, in fact you very hungry, so we ate. You ate quite a bit actually. Over the course of that day, your tail got longer as did your hair. Your breasts got well, bigger and your manhood shrunk. You weren’t happy about that. I managed to keep you calm through. Later that evening you were very tried, so we went to bed together. By then your changes were mostly complete, except for your muzzle and tail. I assured you, we would get through this and we went to bed. Now, he were are."
"If I wasn’t living it myself, I’m not sure I’d believe it. So, what am I supposed to do now? How can I take myself seriously like this? I don’t know anything about being female. What am I supposed to wear? Am I supposed to get a bra now? And what about my pants? What about the fur? How do I avoid fleas and other problems?"
"Don’t worry Chris, I’ll help you with being female and with learning about your grooming. I’m sure we can get some clothes for you from the store in town twenty minutes away."
"Okay, but later, I’m not I’m ready to face the world looking like this yet."
She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
"I understand. So, are you hungry?" she asked.
"Yeah, actually, I’m very hungry. I can still eat human food right?"
"Yes, I checked, you’ll be fine eating normal food. But first, I need to get dressed. Do you want to wear anything? I’d understand if you want to explore your new body and go natural for a few days."
While the idea of running around naked had a certain appeal, I wasn’t quite used enough to this body for that. I needed time to accept that this really was my body and that I really was a female and wanted to keep the female parts clothed for the time being. Telling Sarah, I asked her if she had any pants I could wear.
"Don’t worry, I know you’re a bit shorter then me, but I’m sure some of my pants will fit you and your tail. We can always roll the pant legs up if necessary."
I nodded and we both stood up. It seemed that I had indeed lost some height with this change. Sarah was normally pretty tall; a little over six feet. I used to be about 5’7 and my eyes were level with a little under her shoulders. Now I was level with her breasts, not that I minded. I didn’t want to stare though and looked up at her.
"I feel so tiny," I said.
"Don’t worry you’ll get used to it, just like I got used to gaining six inches of height when I changed. It actually kind of suits your new form. Anyway, let’s get something to wear."
She walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a gray shirt. She stepped into the jeans, buttoning the strap that went around her tail. She then picked out a bra and strapped it on before getting dressed in the gray shirt.
I put the black shirt on in front of the dresser.
"I don’t think I’m ready for a bra yet. Before I wear something like that, I’m going to need to get used to being female," I said.
"No problem, now let’s get you some pants. I think the black denim jeans would look best with your fur color," she said as she opened the lowest right hand drawer and pulled out a pair. After I slipped into them, she strapped the strap around my tail. Although my tail was a bit big for them, her larger size compensated enough that the strap fit. The waist was a little lose but a belt took care of that.
Once I had them on, we saw that the legs were a few inches too long. This wasn’t a problem as she was able to fold them up tightly enough that they wouldn’t come lose. With that I was dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I actually didn’t look all that bad, or more so the raccoon morph looking at me from the mirror didn’t look at that bad. I still wasn’t quite able to think of her as me.
"I think you look great. Come on, let’s get some breakfast," she said. I nodded and we walked out of the room and into the hall leading to the kitchen.
She made the breakfast while I watched from the kitchen table. My enhanced sense of smell became very apparent while she cooked the bacon, eggs and toast. The food smelled incredible! She told me that my sense of smell, hearing and taste would be about three times stronger then a humans, as a raccoon, my sense of touch would be about four times stronger. The only downside was that I couldn’t see distances as well. If I wanted to drive like this, I would have to wear glasses but otherwise, it wasn’t really a problem.
When the food was cooked, she dished it up on a nice large plate, four slices of bacon, a fried egg and a piece of toast with peanut butter and strawberry jam for me with coffee and orange juice to drink.
"Thank you," I said as I took the plate and inhaled the aroma of the food. "But you really shouldn’t have gone to such trouble for me."
"It wasn’t any trouble and besides, I want to make things as easy as possible for you do deal with this. I don’t want you to have to do any work or anything that could be stressful," she replied as she sat down with her own plate of food.
I smiled at her and picked up a piece of bacon, taking a bite off of it. A veritable orgasm of flavor exploded in my mouth and I was quickly taken aback. It was almost like experiencing eating the foods for the first time in my life all over again.
"Wow!" I explained, breathing deeply "to think I thought bacon tasted good before!"
"Pretty exciting isn’t it?" she asked as she looked up at me. "It’ll take some time getting used to. Just wait until you hear the sound of the forest or feel silk with those paws of yours. It’s going to be like a whole new world right in your very own backyard that you never knew existed."
"Actually it is pretty cool, although having fur is going to take some getting used to."
"Well, the fur isn’t so bad, it keeps you very warm on a cold night. Sure you’ll need to spend a lot longer in the shower, but being able to go outside in the snow wearing short sleeves and a tee-shirt makes it worth it."
"Sounds pretty cool, " I replied as I ate some more bacon, again savoring the incredible intense taste.
The rest of breakfast was equally tasty, especially the eggs. I wasn’t sure why but I found the eggs incredible. I had liked eggs before but now I loved them. I remembered hearing about how raccoons were known to eat bird eggs, so I gathered I had inherited this trait from my animal half. After washing the dishes, we both went into the living room, relaxing on the sofa, me on the right side, Sarah on the left. We were going to watch TV but I needed to talk, and she seemed perfectly willing. I was feeling a bit tired, so she allowed me to lay back on her lap. I felt a bit awkward doing this, but she insisted that it was okay.
"Well, I’m sure you’ve got a lot of questions about being an anthro and even more about being female. If there is anything you’d like to know, then feel free to ask. Don’t worry if the question seems embarrassing, stupid or gross. These parts are new to you, so what’s normal everyday for me will all be new to you."
"Okay," I answered, thinking of what I was going to ask. "I guess my first question is, what do we do when it gets really hot out? I don’t see too many raccoons out during the day. Will I need to stay indoors?"
"Well, you’ll probably be like me. I stay indoors if it gets too hot because with my fur it would simply be too uncomfortable. In the summer, it might get a little too hot for you outside during the day so you’ll probably find yourself being out more in the evenings. You’ll do fine in air conditioned buildings, so you can still work."
"Okay, what about my grooming? How often do I need to take a shower and brush my fur?"
"Well, showering can take a long time with fur but fortunately, unless you get really dirty, you shouldn’t have to do it a lot anymore. It’s good to give your fur a good daily brushing, being brushed actually feels pretty neat. I can help you with that."
"Okay, that sounds a little weird but I guess I’ll get used to it," I replied. My next question was probably the hardest to ask of all of them. Know that I was a female, I was going to need to know how my body was going to work. I didn’t want any surprises. "My next question is a little embarrassing but I guess I need to ask it. Well, now that I’m female, there are well, female things I’m going to have to deal with. What do I need to know so I don’t have any surprises?"
"Don’t worry, it’s not that bad. One interesting thing about female anthros is that, we end up with a breeding cycle of the animal and not of a human. The down side to that is that, we cannot have a baby with a human. To put simply, you’ll have the breeding cycle of a female raccoon and should only have to worry about going into heat once a year. Although, there are cases of some morphs that normally have it only once a year having it two or three times. If that is the case for you, then don’t worry, there are ways to relieve it. As for the breasts, don’t worry, you’ll get used to having them."
I felt a bit better knowing that, although I was a bit worried of how going into heat might make me act. Fortunately, if it only happened once a year I likely wouldn’t have to worry about it. I was curious how having such a breeding cycle would affect my mind. I had a feeling that when I wasn’t in heat that my interest in sex would be minimal to none, perhaps that would allow me to think much clearer.
"Thanks for answering my questions. I guess the one question now is when we should tell my family this has happened. I mean, I can barley even believe it myself. I’m not sure if I should be panicking, crying, happy or curious. I’m actually a little of all of them. I’m curious as to what my life will be like as a female and am interested in how simple every day life will feel like as one. I’m also scared, not knowing how others will react to me now. I wonder how BJ will react to seeing me like this? We’re really good friends and she was always close to me after she changed. I have a feeling knowing I’m in the same boat as her now will probably make our friendship ever stronger but I also worry she’ll be afraid of me for some reason. Then there’s us. Even though we still live apart, I certainly wasn’t opposed to us one day getting married and having kids, even if we adopted. Sure we can still adopt, but now that were both female …"
Sarah put her hands on my shoulders at this point and gently massaged them. I could tell she wanted to respond to that questions directly, so I let her.
"Chris, there are millions of men out there that were married when the virus originally hit. Considering all men inflicted with it became females, there were a lot of married couples facing this dilemma. Many were still able to retain their marriage. While it made things awkward, they didn’t let it destroy their bond with each other. I see no reason we should be any different. Yes, this might put a crimp in plans for our relationship to be physical, but well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it. As for BJ, I’m sure she’ll love you’ll like this. I’m sure your friendship will we even stronger now that you two have a common situation."
It was true that many married couples hit with the virus remained married. However, now facing the situation myself was very different then hearing about it. I thought about it and decided to tell BJ first. Perhaps she could come up and visit us, I’m sure she could offer me pointers.
I told Sarah that I wanted to tell BJ first, and wanted to invite her to come up here if she could. She nodded and I got up and stood in front of her.
"I’ll give her a call; hopefully she’ll be able to come up and see me," I said before looking down at my body. I folded my arms under my breasts. It was hard not to stare down at my chest and was equally difficult to believe that those two mounds on my chest and that fur on my arms really was mine. It was a very interesting situation. A body part that many guys obsessed over and now I had a pair of my own. I expected to be scolded for staring, yet since these were mine, for now at least I was okay, I mean, it’s my body and I can look at it. But, somehow I still felt guilty doing it, as if these weren’t really mine. I guess that was to be expected.
"You okay?" Sarah asked.
"Yes, I guess so," I reapplied. "it’s just hard to believe these," I continued, pointing to the breasts, "really are mine. I mean, well you know how guys tend to be fascinated with these things. Now I’ve got a pair of my own and I’m still not sure whether to be excited, horrified, scared or turned on. I remember BJ had trouble taking herself seriously after the change and wore a lot of loose clothing because she didn’t want it too obvious she was female. In time, she got used to it and was more comfortable with it. I’m sure I will too but for now, I’m not sure if I’m living every guys dream or nightmare."
Sarah smiled and stood up.
"I understand how you feel. My uncle also went through the same thing and he became a ferret. For a while it was very tough for him. In all honesty, especially given our situation, I mean, isolated, alone together, it doesn’t surprise me that you’re confused and unsure whether to cry or rip all of your clothes off."
"Well, for now, I think I’ll take the confused option. I’m not ready to start feeling myself up. I just got this body this morning and I’m not quite comfortable with it enough to have fun with it."
"I understand," Sarah said, kissing me on the cheek. "Well, go call BJ, I’m sure she can offer you guidance that I cannot, as she’s been in your situation."
I smiled and walked away, walking into the office room. Sitting down beside the telephone, I threaded my tail through the hole in the chair. I pondered just how I was going to break this to BJ, not to mention my family. Even in a world where a third and possibly now much more of the population has been changed into animal people, calling your friend and saying your now a female raccoon person isn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world. Perhaps the fact that I had several friends that were animal people helped. I got along with them really well, when some of their friends stopped seeing them out of fear, I had stayed by their side. Perhaps my comfort with them was why I wasn’t freaking out now that I was one. I picked up the phones receiver and took a deep breath. Somehow it felt as if the next few minutes were going to determine the quality of my life. I dialed BJ’s number and waited as it rang, hoping she would be home.
"Hello?" came a voice on the other side of the receiver three rings later.
"BJ, is that you?" I asked.
"Yes, who is this?"
"It’s Chris," I answered, pausing for a few seconds. "I have something … interesting to tell you."
"Chris? How can that be you, this is a woman’s voice … oh …. I, that really is you?"
"Yes, I caught the virus and well, it did this to me."
I explained how there were cases of it re-surfacing in some people five years after and that it apparently had resurfaced in me. I told her how I had become a female raccoon and about how I work up this morning in the cabin not knowing what had happened to me. She still wasn’t convinced and asked if I could send her an e-mail with an attached picture of myself as I now was. I couldn’t really blame her for her suspicion; if I were in her shoes, I’d probably want some proof too.
"I can send you an e-mail but how will you know it’s me and not some random raccoon lady?" I asked.
"That’s a good question. Okay, how about this, if you were are Chris then answer this question," she replied. I had a feeling he was going to ask me something only we would know. Being good friends, we shared secrets with each other we kept from even out families. "When we were in the tenth grade, I had a crush on a girl that I only told you about…", he paused for a few seconds and I continued.
"Her name was Susie Charleston; she had blonde hair, green eyes and always wore a light blue shirt and blue jeans. You were in her class in math that year and sat two desks behind her. I suspected you told me about her because you wanted me to approach her for you. You and her ended up taking the same course in college, but you were still too nervous to approach her. So, Sarah and I managed to introduce you two. You two went to a movie and had dinner together and really hit it off. You both ended up getting the virus, and by a really neat coincidence, both became river otters. Since you were suddenly both female, it was hard for you to know what to do. You continued to date, but you’ve kept the details of your relationship private," I answered.
BJ paused for nearly a minute. I could tell she was still there as I could hear her breathing.
"My God, it really is you …" she paused again before continuing "so, are you cute?" she mischievously asked.
"Well as a matter of fact, yes I am cute. I was wondering if you had the time to come up here and well, give me some pointers on dealing with this. Sarah’s been great but even she suggested I invite you as you could offer insight on dealing with suddenly being female."
"I think I should be able to. I’ve actually got the next month free. My old job ended on Friday, I would have told you but I didn’t want you to worry about me. Don’t worry, I’ve got another job lined up to start in a month. I’d be happy to come up there too be there for you. Don’t worry, Sarah and I will help you get through this. I mean, you were so nice to us after the change, it’s time I returned the favor."
I thanked her before giving her the directions to the cabin. I was looking forward to seeing her; I wondered what she would think of me as I am now. I know she liked raccoons, I remembered he once helped care for a pair of baby ones. I’m sure seeing his best friend as a humanoid one would be quite the experience. We said our good-byes and she told me that she’d be there in a few hours.
I walked back out of the room and into living room where Sarah was waiting.
"So, is she able to come up?"
"Yep, she’ll be in a few hours. I wonder what she’ll think of me?"
"Oh, I wouldn’t worry, you really are quite cute like that, I’m sure she’ll love you."
"Thanks," I replied, blushing. "I guess I just have to remember it’s okay for me to be cute now."
She lay back on the couch with me laying against her. Put her paws on my belly, she turned on the TV. For the next few hours we watched sitcoms to pass the time until BJ arrived.
Sarah turned off the TV when we heard a knocking on the door a few hours later. We both got up, Sarah walked over to the door to let BJ in and me waiting in the living room. I was very nervous; it was life BJ would be meeting me for the first time again. I watched as BJ entered carrying a suitcase. Her shoulder long golden blonde hair was tied in a cute ponytail and her long powerful tail stood proudly behind her. She was wearing a light gray tee shirt and black shorts. Turning to her right, she stared at me for several seconds in amazement before walking over to me.
"That really is you isn’t it?" I shyly nodded, "you’re so cute!" BJ said, finally hugging me tight. Her warmth was always something I enjoyed, but now it was incredible that we both had fur. "Well, don’t you worry; we’re gonna get you through this," she said, her being this close to me, I could easily smell her sweet musky odor; even stronger now with my enhanced sense of smell.
As she let go, I was starting to feel hungry again and noticed from the clock on the wall that it was almost noon.
"Well, let’s get you unpacked then we can get something for lunch."
BJ nodded and walked back to her suitcase. Sarah showed her to the guest bedroom while I sat back down on the couch. I felt much better knowing my two best friends were here to help me though this. I soon realized that there was something I had to do, I had to go to the bathroom. This was going to feel strange, I had never peed as a female before. It seemed almost bothersome to ask Sarah about something so basic, so I decided to let them unpack and talk while I went.
I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. Walking over to the toilet, I opened the lid and was about to pull the seat up out of habit. I quickly shook my head realizing the mistake I was making. I carefully undid my pants and slid them down to my ankles before sitting down on the seat. Staring down at my crotch, I still found the view very strange Getting back to the task at hand, I relieved myself. Fortunately, it went without problems. Once I was done, I got up, flushed the toilet and pulled the pants back on before washing my hands and leaving the bathroom. Walking into the guest room, I saw that BJ was pretty much settled in.
"Everything go okay in there?" Sarah asked. It seemed to be an unusual question at for her to ask but considering I had just gone to the bathroom as a female for the first time, it was understandable she’d be concerned.
"Yeah, it went fine. Felt pretty weird sitting down to pee."
"You’ll get used to it. Think of it this way, you’ll be getting to do everything for the first time again. When you have a shower or bath or go for a walk or swim, you’ll be experiencing it for the first time as a female and as an animal person. Think of how neat it’ll be to re-experiencing everything in life for the first time again, well, it makes it a lot less scary," BJ said.
"Thanks, that does make things more interesting. I do wonder what showering and swimming will feel like now," I said. I knew that raccoons were good swimmers. I had always been nervous around water other then a bath or shower, but now the thought of swimming was appealing.
"Well, I like showering but I’m not keen on immersing myself in water. If you two go swimming, I think I’ll stay on the shore, besides, I didn’t bring a swimsuit," Sarah said.
"I don’t want to leave you out of anything. I want to spend time with both of you, I don’t want anyone excluded from anything," I said, not wanting her to be left out.
"Thanks, I appreciate that Chris," Sarah answered, "but, I don’t want you to censor yourself just for me. This is a vacation. I know you need time not only to adjust to your new body but to see what it can do. I could probably tolerate the water to go for a swim, but BJ would make a much better swimming partner being an otter and all. I can always read a book or something if you two want to go for a swim. Don’t feel as if you need to be with me all day every day."
"Thanks. Maybe later this evening we can go for a swim then?" I asked of BJ.
"Sure, sound like fun," she replied.
BJ had fully unpacked, so we all walked back to the living room. Sarah cooked up macaroni and cheese for lunch. I felt guilty about her doing all of the chores but she was insistent that it was okay and wanted me to have time to get used to my new body and didn’t want me overexerting myself in any way.
When it was ready, we all sat down around the kitchen table Sarah to my left and BJ in front of me. For much of the meal, BJ couldn’t keep her eyes off of me; although, it was more a fascinated with my appearance then a leering type stare. Again, I found myself amazed at the taste of the food, I had always enjoyed macaroni and cheese in its various forms but now it was incredible and as if my entire mouth were coming to life. As we ate, I found I was starting to remember the events of the weekend. Sarah noticed I was distracted.
"What’s wrong?" she asked.
"I think I’m starting to remember," I answered. Indeed I was, the events were starting to come to light. It was not unlike trying to remember a dream. At first, I remembered only a few things while the rest was a blur. "I remember us stopping at the grocery store on the way to stock up on food. That was when I felt a little strange but didn’t want to say anything. I remember when the fur starting growing how you looked up information the virus via your laptop to figure out what was going on. The rest is still a blur unfortunately."
"Well, don’t worry, it’ll come to you eventually," she replied.
"The same thing happened to me when I got it," BJ added. "From my memory, one morning I woke up covered in fur and well, you can imagine my suspire when I discovered a couple of new additions to my body," she added, pointing to her breasts.
"Yes, it was kind of a shock to put it mildly," I said, looking down at my chest. "When I first saw them, it was a bit hard to believe that really was my chest. It’s still actually a bit hard to believe. Looking down and seeing a tented shirt will take time to accept that this really is the way it should be now".
"Don’t worry, you’ll get used to them," BJ added.
I nodded, confident that in time that indeed I would and went back to eating. When we were done, we put our dishes into the dish washer and all sat down in the living room to plan what to do next.
I wanted to go outside and see what it felt like to be outside in my new form. While it was probably too warm for a walk, I still wanted to be out there. BJ and Sarah agreed and we all stepped outside, I walked onto the lawn and lay down on a lawn chair. The air was incredibly fresh and the sun beamed down on my fur from behind me. I took a deep breath, taking in the scents of the woods as I listened to the sounds. It was a stimulating experience, as if the forest had truly come alive. BJ and Sarah stood behind the lawn chair and look down at me.
"So, how is it?" Sarah asked.
"it’s incredible, to put it mildly," I answered, again taking another deep breath. "The forest seems so alive now." I found myself getting a little excited, again feeling a tingling from my new female parts. I wasn’t sure what it meant and was a bit too embarrassed to ask. Somehow, being this way didn’t feel so bad at that moment. "I think I could stand laying here for a little while," I added, brining my hands behind my head and relaxing against them.
"All right, we’ll be in the living room then. If you need anything then just ask. Try not to stay outside too long, you don’t want to overheat yourself," Sarah added.
I nodded and they both walked away and back into the cabin. Being alone, I looked around and was feeling a bit frisky. I slowly removed my shirt and the jeans, putting them on the ground beside me. Looking down at myself, I still found the view strange. I felt a bit guilty abut getting to see a naked female whenever I wanted, it still not quite registering that those parts were mine and it was okay for me to look.
My curiosity was driving me crazy and I finally gathered enough courage to reach out and gently stroke my right breast with my right hand. It felt nice enough I reached out and stroked the other breast with my other. It felt almost wrong, and for a short while I honestly expected to be scolded. I stopped touching them and ran the claw on my right index finger down my belly, stopping just short of my nether regions. It was a curious and pleasant feeling. I wasn’t quite ready to touch myself there yet, so I skipped that area and moved to my tail.
Holding it in my left hand, I gently stroked it with my right. I smiled at how strange yet nice this felt as well. As with the other parts, actually having a tail, was still a very foreign concept to me. This was a part I saw on anthros and on animals. I had often wondered what having a tail felt like, now that I was finding out and I didn’t want to deny myself any aspect of it.
After petting it for several minutes, I let go and tried to see if I could move it. It took me a several seconds to find the right muscles but I was able to get it to twitch right before my eyes.
With that, I started running my hands down my legs. The fur on them was very soft and warm from the sun, feeling wonderful to touch and be touched. I was finally starting to see why Sarah was so eager for me to massage her fur. I couldn’t help but close my eyes and picture her running her soft paws down my back and legs. The thought excited me and I again felt the tingling between my legs. I immediately opened my eyes, feeling rather embarrassed.
I quickly looked around, relieved to that no one had seen me. Worried if I lay there for much longer that I would lose control, I quickly got dressed.
For the next few minutes I simply lay there with my arms behind my head staring down at my body, or more specifically the tented part of my chest. I gently touched my new ears, finding them yet soft and warm. Feeling around my face, I felt my muzzle, opening it so I could feel my new sharp teeth. Having such animalistic parts was both strange and at the same time a bit exciting.
Folding both arms under my breasts, I simply stared down at them, again finding myself feeling frisky, wanting to touch them again.
"Come on Chris, stay in control! There’ll be plenty of time later. If you do something like this now, you’ll end up regretting," I said to myself out loud. At that point, talking to myself seemed far less an offence then feeling myself up.
I was facing a rather serious problem; this was my body now and my own curiosity was making me want to know what it felt like to touch and be touched. I was starting to miss my normal male body. At least I could look at myself without getting flushed. I knew that in time the hormones would settle down that I would get used to this but for now, I wasn’t sure what to do.
A nagging part of me wanted to rip all of these clothes off and run into the woods and be with my raccoon brethren. I had to brush those thoughts aside, I was still as human as I was raccoon and I couldn’t allow myself to lose control to my instincts or hormones. It seemed that being alone was not a good idea, I needed someone to talk to, someone that had dealt with suddenly being female and half animal, I had to talk to BJ. Getting up, I walked back into the Cabin. BJ and Sarah were sitting on the couch talking to each other.
"Hey Chris, are you okay, you look a bit upset," Sarah asked.
"I almost lost control of myself out there, it was actually kind of embarrassing," I answered.
"What happened?" Sarah asked.
"Well, I was feeling a bit warm, so I took my clothes off and I started, touching my …," I answered, looking down at my chest, I felt very embarrassed. "Well, I rubbed them a bit, I had to stop as I was worried I was going too far. It’s annoying; every time I look down at myself, I find myself getting excited at seeing these female parts on my body and I find myself wanting to, well explore. It feels like it would be wrong to do so, and I’m not sure I trust myself being alone," I responded.
Sarah and BJ both got up and walked over to me, Sarah placed comforting hands on my shoulders as BJ looked on.
"It’s okay Chris, we’ll help you through this," she said as she hugged me.
"I can help you with the getting used to being a girl. Once you get used to it, it’s actually kind of fun. Tell you what, how about we go for a swim? That way we can talk and play at the same time," BJ answered.
"But, I don’t have a bathing suit I can wear and I don’t want to leave Sarah behind," I replied.
"It’s okay Chris, I can stay here and read or watch TV.. Spend a few hours with BJ, I’m sure she can offer you advice I can’t. Like I said, you don’t need to spend every moment with me. Go ahead, spend some time with your friend, go for a swim."
I thanked and hugged her before turning to BJ.
"What am I going to do without a bathing suit?" I asked, really, already knowing the answer.
"Who says you need to wear a bathing suit? I don’t when I swim, and I know raccoons are good swimmers, so you’ll be fine," BJ said.
"I guess so," I answered.
"That’s the spirit!" BJ answered, Smiling.
There was a nice lake about a ten minute walk away from the cabin, so that was where we went. There was no one else in the lake, and it was a nice decent size. It was surrounded by trees and a pleasant breeze blew across it.
"This is so embarrassing, I mean, I look down at my chest and well, I find myself almost losing control," I said.
"Don’t worry Chris, you’ll get used to it. I went through the same thing when I changed. I know it’s difficult, but as a word of advice, holding yourself back isn’t going to help you. I’m not saying totally lose control but allow yourself to slowly explore your new body. Don’t be afraid of it, your new parts can actually be a lot of fun," BJ said. As she started to take off her shirt. I started fidgeting a bit when she did that.
"What’s wrong?" she asked.
"Well, I’ve never seen you without any clothes on," I said, stuttering somewhat. I was too embarrassed to admit to her that I not only found her beautiful but attractive.
"Well, first time for everything. We’re both girls now, so it’s okay. I guess I never showed you my new self before as well, you were still a guy and I was afraid that exposing you to that might damage our friendship," she said.
"Yeah, I can see how if I suddenly found myself attracted to you that it would be awkward. To be truthful, when you first changed, I wasn’t sure if it was okay to feel attracted to you or not. I mean, sure you were female but you were still my friend, it was awkward. I didn’t say anything as I didn’t want to upset you, I knew what you were going through was already hard enough."
"Well, that was part of the reason I made sure to keep my clothes on around you. I didn’t want to damage our friendship by even suggesting the idea of us becoming more then just friends. I was worried if I did anything to attract you that I would be being very cruel to you. I’m sure having your best friend suddenly being a female otter you found beautiful must have been very hard for you," BJ answered.
"It was, believe me. I guess the question is, are you going to be able to take me seriously now that I’m a female raccoon that is apparently cute?"
"It’ll take time for me to get used to but don’t worry, I can take you seriously. In fact now that we have something in common, I feel closer to you. We’re kind of like sisters now. Of course at times I miss being male, but I’ve accepted the way I am now, and well, I like being this way," BJ answered.
"Thanks," I said, smiling at her.
BJ nodded and proceeded to take her shirt the rest of the way off. I was fully able to see her beige chest and the light brown fur on the rest of her torso. I stared at her belly and slowly looked up her chest, finally making eye contact with her breasts. They were soft and looked cute sitting there upon her chest. I didn’t want to stare, so I quickly looked at her head. She then removed her pants, putting them beside her discarded shirt. I looked her up and down. Standing there unclothed, she looked so natural and beautiful. I had no idea how gorgeous she truly was. It seemed a shame that such beauty had to be covered with clothing.
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare," I said, looking at the ground. "It’s just kind of hard not to, I mean, you’re gorgeous."
She walked over to me and looked me in the eyes. Even though I had known her as an otter morph for five years, seeing her like this was like meeting a whole new side of her.
"Thanks for such kind words. The truth is, I’ve kind of wanted to show you this side of me for a long time. When I’m like this I feel more open, like I can embrace my otter half. So, want to go for a swim?" she asked.
"I’d be happy to," I answered before stepped back. "I guess it’s my turn. I’m nowhere near as beautiful as you are though," I said as I slowly and somewhat nervously slipped my shirt off. Dropping it to the ground, I looked at BJ in the eyes before reaching down, undoing and stepping out of my pants. There I stood, wearing nothing more then my fur. It felt so strange having BJ see me like this, as I’m sure it was equally odd for her see as a female raccoon. Looking me up and down, she smiled.
"You’re adorable and beautiful. Never let anyone tell you any different. I know this may sound a little strange but you make a great female raccoon. Don’t be afraid of that body, embrace it as your own, take good care of it and it will reward you well," she said.
"Thanks, I will. I suppose we could stand here for hours paying each other compliments."
"Indeed we could," BJ chuckled. "Come on, lets go for a swim. It’ll help you to cool down and you’ll love the feel of the water against your body."
I nodded and followed as she walked into the water. The water felt strange but also pleasant against my fur. Once we were chest deep, the water touched my breasts and I had to stop for a second. Hearing me stop, BJ turned around.
"How is it so far?" She asked.
"Weird but kind of nice. Swimming without clothes feels a bit naughty. The water touching my breasts is just a weird," I answered.
"Just wait until you feel it flowing against them," BJ answered. She smiled and took my right hand with hers. "Don’t worry, just stay close and you’ll love this."
We walked a bit further out until we were neck deep. Slowly, we raised ourselves above the water and floated on our backs. I felt so strangely free at that moment, not wearing any clothes and simply floating there, enjoying the feeling of the water against my fur, I felt almost at peace. I closed my eyes as I heard BJ swim up to my right.
"Enjoying yourself?" she asked.
The sound of her voice was soothing and knowing she was as unclothed as I was had me feeling excited again. I could feel the tingling between my legs and with the water touching that area, I felt little jolts of pleasure.
"This feels wonderful, thank you for letting me experience this," I said.
"No problem," she answered, gently touching belly. "Want to try diving? Don’t worry, I’m right here in case you get into trouble," she asked.
"Okay," I answered as I stood up and treaded water beside her.
"Follow me," she said, diving under the water. I smiled, and dove under after her.
I followed just behind her, touching her tail to ask if it was okay for me to hold it. I was never a good swimmer and wanted something to hold onto for security. She looked back and nodded her head at me. I nodded to thank her and held onto her tail with both hands. She swam deeply at a diagonal, getting closer and closer to the floor of the lake. It was very dark and near impossible to see anything.
It wasn’t long before I needed air so I tapped on her tail and pointed up. She nodded and like a furry torpedo, swam up towards the surface. Once she surfaced, I let go of her tail and surfaced beside her. We were both belly deep as we treated water.
Taking deep breaths, I looked at her. Water glistened off of her fur and her hair clung to her shoulders. I could see that mine did too. I felt exhilarated, truly alive.
"That was incredible," I said, running my paws down the parts of my chest that were above water. "Thanks for showing me that."
"You’re welcome. When you’re ready, we can go again."
I nodded and once I was, we did just that.
For the next few hours, we swam and played, simply enjoying being alive.
Eventually we were getting hungry, so we both walked to the shore. My fur was soaking wet and felt heavy. It slowly dripped off of me as I walked up the shore.
"We better be getting back, I don’t want Sarah to worry and I definitely don’t want her to be alone for too long," I said.
"No problem, I’m getting hungry too, it’s probably getting close to supper time," BJ said.
We picked up our clothes and walked back to the cabin. We were still pretty wet when we got back, so decided to dry off in the sun. BJ took the clothes to put on the line to wait for us while we dried off. I walked up to the door while BJ relaxed on the lawn chair. Opening the door, I peered inside.
"We’re back," I said. Sarah walked out of the office room several seconds later. "Hey Chris, so how was it?"
"It was … incredible. I felt so alive. I need to stay outside for a while to dry off."
"No problem, I can cook dinner on the barbecue. I’m glad to see you seem to be feeling better," she said, giggling somewhat. "I have to admit, you do make a cute female raccoon morph."
"Thanks. You know, I like cooking, you don’t need to do all the cooking, I am feeling a bit better now."
"Thank you for the offer, but I love cooking, so it isn’t a problem. Don’t worry, I’ll let you do some of it soon, let’s just take it easy for the first few days okay?" She asked.
"Okay," I answered. "I’ll be on the lawn chair next to BJ if you need me," she nodded and I closed the door and walked over to the chair, laying down on it beside BJ. Laying down was incredibly relaxing, it seemed I had tired myself out. A good meal and break would fix that up. "Sarah’s going to cook supper on the barbecue," I told BJ.
"That’s great. So Chris, now that you’ve spent a little while like this, what do you think about it? Must have been quite a shock waking up like this. Do you remember anything more from the past few days?" BJ asked.
"Actually, yes, it’s starting to get clearer. It’s like when you first wake up from a dream and can still remember most of it. Except instead of fading and getting foggier, it’s coming into focus. I’ll tell you, it was quite a shock waking up this morning like this, not knowing how I got like this or how I got here. Now that I’m starting to remember the past few days, I was scared when I saw the fur grow. When I saw breasts forming, well, I wasn’t sure whether to be freaked out, turned on or fascinated," I answered.
"I can imagine. I’ll tell you, it sure as heck was a surprise when you called me to say you had become a female raccoon," she said, moving to her left side to look at me. "It’s not every day you get a call from your best friend saying he’s now a she and an animal person. I know this may sound weird, but I’m glad your like this now. I meant it when I said your like a sister to me now. We have something in common and it’s neat that we can share this together."
"Well," I said, looking at her. "Thanks for your support. You and Sarah have been so nice to me. If it wasn’t for you guys, I’d probably be freaked out and huddled in a corner right now. I just wonder how my parents and the rest of my family are going to react to this. I hope they can accept I’m now their daughter."
"It was tough for my parents but in time they accepted it. I’m sure it’ll be same for yours. Don’t except them to be cool with it right away, it’ll take time."
"I won’t, I know it’ll be tough for them. I’ll make sure to give them time to accept it," I replied.
A few seconds later, Sarah walked out of the house. She was carrying a pair of steaks for us and a nice piece of fish for BJ.
"I hope you two are hungry, as I’ve got plenty of meat for us all," she said.
My stomach was rumbling, so the answer to that questions was a definite yes. I lay on my stomach to let the fur on my back dry, the feel of my breasts touching the chair yet another new feeling. Looking towards Sarah, I saw her putting the meat onto the BBQ after lighting it. Already the meat smelled amazing and I couldn’t wait to eat it.
"That fur of yours is going to take a while to get dressed, why don’t I get you a towel?" Sarah asked.
"What about the meat, who’s going to watch it?" I asked.
"Don’t worry, I will," BJ answered, getting up and walking over to the BBQ, taking the stuff from Sarah to turn and poke it. "I love to cook, and the heat from the fire will help dry me off."
I watched as Sarah walked back into the cabin while BJ attended to the food.
"So," I started, "when did you first learn to swim like that? What was it like to feel the water against your fur for the first time?"
"Well," she started, licking her chops and petting her belly with her free hand. "It was incredible to put it mildly. At first I was a bit embarrassed by how good it felt. In time, I learned that it was okay to enjoy it. I am half otter after all, and otters love the water, so it seems logical for me to as well."
Sarah came out a minute later carrying a huge white towel. She walked over to me, asking me to sit up. I did so and she draped it around me, rubbing it against me to dry me off. Now there was an interesting feeling, sort of like drying my hair as a human but with the hair covering my body.
Having her touching me was so nice, her touch was warm and inviting. Simply being close to her was pleasurable. As she dried off my chest, I wondered what it would be like to sleep with her in this form. Last night I was still in the process of changing and was achy and feeling ill overall. It was impossible to feel any romantic feelings that state. Now however, I was fully changed and starting to feel more comfortable with my new body and I really wondered.
I felt that tingling again as closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling of her drying me off. When she stopped, I opened them and looked at her. She was walking towards the clothes line to hang up the now soaking wet towel. My fur was mostly dry and another ten to twenty minutes in the sun would have me completely dry. I got up and walked over to her, touching her on the shoulders as she hung up the towel.
"Sorry, I got a little excited there, I apologize if I offended you," I said, hoping she wasn’t too angry with me.
"I admit, it was a bit awkward, but I understand that this is something that’s going to happen. I can’t blame you for enjoying me touching you, even just a simple touch on the shoulders."
"The last thing I want is to lose control and disgust or offend you. I don’t want to damage our relationship. I know it’s probably awkward enough as it is for you now. If you want, I can sleep on the couch tonight, I don’t want you to feel awkward by having to sleep with a female," I said.
With the towel hung up, she turned around to face me.
"No, I don’t want you doing that. This is going to take time for me to get used to but I know you need my companionship now. I wasn’t lying when I said that I think you look adorable like this. I just need some time before I’m ready to think about how the more physical aspect of our relationship will be now."
I understood what she was talking about. I certainly didn’t expect her to start finding the same gender attractive and pounce on me as soon as we got into bed together. I did still seem to be attracted to women and I really didn’t want to start dating men so, in a way I was facing a similar dilemma.
"It’s okay, really. I don’t expect you to jump my bones or anything like that. I mean, there is a big difference between thinking someone cute and/or pretty and finding them attractive to the point of arousal. Although, I admit that I still find you incredibly attractive," I answered.
She hugged me, the feel of her body soft and warm against mine. I put my arms around her to embraced her. When she released, she gave me a light kiss on the cheek.
"You’re so understanding and just so cute. I could never leave you alone. Don’t worry, when I’m ready, I’ll show you things about the female body, that well, it’ll be worth the wait. I just need some time to adjust to this okay?" she asked.
"No problem, I can always talk to BJ about how she handled this issue after she changed," I responded.
"We can both talk to her after supper," Sarah answered.
The entire time, BJ had been cooking the meat. She was apparently so lost in it the aroma of it that she didn’t hear anything we said or choose to ignore us to give us privacy.
I walked over to her, standing behind her to her left. The smell from the cooking meat was incredible and made my stomach growl. The heat from the fire was also very pleasant and soothing.
"How it coming along? Man that smells nice," I said.
"Just wait until you sink your teeth into it," BJ responded.
"I can’t wait. Say, after supper, there’s something Sarah and I need to talk to you about."
"What is it?" she asked.
"It’s kind of personal, but important," I answered.
"No problem," she answered.
I thanked her before walking back into the cabin. Sarah was in the kitchen getting plates and utensils ready for the meal. She asked me to get out the blue tablecloth to put over the picnic table so we could eat outside. I nodded and she motioned towards where it was. I knelt down and opened the cupboard beside the sink to get it. As I picked it out, I told her that I had mentioned to BJ about us needing to talk but didn’t say what it was about. When I stood up, she nodded, saying that she looked forward to BJ’s opinions on the subject. I carried the tablecloth outside and over to the picnic table. BJ was still cooking the meat and put the utensils down when she saw me.
"Here, I’ll help you with that," she said.
I nodded and carried it over to the table, unraveling it. BJ helped me to position it properly over the table as Sarah walked out with the navy blue plates and silver utensils.
"I’ve got a pot of coffee brewing but also have juice or pop if you’d prefer," she said.
"I’ll have apple juice if you have any," BJ answered.
"Coffee for me," I answered.
"A raccoon on caffeine, now that I have to see," BJ joked.
"Black with one sugar right?" Sarah asked, giggling at BJ’s joke.
I nodded and Sarah set up the dishes before going back into the cabin. By this point my fur was pretty much dried so I walked over to the clothes line, picked up the shirt and jeans and got dressed, breathing a sigh of relief; while it was a bit amusing to walk around nude, I couldn’t take myself very seriously doing so.
As I lay back on the lawn chair, Sarah finished setting the table and BJ finished cooking the meat, getting dressed when she was done. With the meat cooked, she put it on a big plate and brought it over to the table. Sarah and I sat beside each other with BJ across from us. BJ used a fork to put a piece of steak on my plate and on Sarah’s before putting the fish on her plate.
She immediately dug into the fish as I cut a couple of pieces off of the steak. I always enjoyed steak but this was my first time tasting it in my new form. Nervously biting into it, I was greeted with incredible flavor so strong that it almost overwhelmed me. Swallowing it, I grinned widely.
"Wow! That was incredible!" I happily said.
"Just wait until you try crayfish," BJ said, winking.
Well, I knew raccoons liked crayfish; I had never tried them myself and wondered what food they enjoyed would taste like to me now.
The rest of the meal went well and thirty minutes later we had just finished putting the dishes away and were sitting in the living room. I was laying back against Sarah’s lap again while BJ lay on the couch opposite to us. It was time for us to ask he those questions and we weren’t quite sure how to get started.
"You know," BJ started "you two sure do make a cute couple. I mean, you already were but now you’re absolutely adorable." Her statement broke the ice, giving us the opportunity we needed.
"BJ, there’s something we need to ask you. It’s a bit personal and I’m not sure we have the right to ask it." Sarah started.
"What is it?"
"Well, as you know Chris and I are quite close and have been for some time. With what’s happened we’re facing a bit of a dilemma. The last thing we want is for our relationship to end because of this but now that we’re both females, can we really still have a relationship, especially a physical one? How did you handle this issue with Susie? I know you’ve wanted to keep it private from Chris and I’m sorry if asking this is out of line but we’re not sure what the best course of action is," Sarah answered.
"Well guys, I guess I might as well tell you. Just keep it under your hats as if my parents ever found it they’d probably go nuts," BJ replied.
"If there’s something you want to keep secret then it’s safe with us, don’t worry," Sarah said.
"Yes, don’t worry BJ, I can keep a secret," I said.
"All right Chris but I don’t want you thinking I’m weird for this. But, I guess if you’re asking what I think you’re asking, then maybe you won’t be so shocked after all," BJ said, standing up, stretching and pacing the room a bit before sitting back down. I could tell what she was going to say was difficult for her. "You know how after I first changed that my parents wanted me to wear dresses and other girl stuff like that?" I nodded and she continued "well, it’s not that they were militant about it or anything. They just wanted me to accept that I was now a girl and felt it would be easier if I started acting like one. When I first tried on a dress, I felt so awkward and a little perverse. I may have had female parts but I felt so wrong wearing girls clothes. I wanted to go back to shorts and a tee-shirt, but they seemed insistent. What I didn’t want to tell them was that I was still attracted to women. My parents had suggested I start dating guys and even suggested you; in fact after we moved in together they were under the impression we were a couple."
"Didn’t they know about Sarah and I?"
"No, they didn’t realize that I was moving out because their insisting on me wearing girls clothes was driving me nuts. Since you were so nice to me, I was a bit torn. Now that I was a female, I could technically date you and such but it would have felt wrong for two reasons. The first being that you were already dating Sarah; the second that I just wasn’t attracted to men, and suddenly being ‘with’ my bud would have felt very wrong."
"I understand, and like I said earlier, it was weird. It was also unfair that your parents suddenly wanted you to wear dresses and such; I mean you were a grown man, well woman and it’s not like all woman wear dresses," I said. BJ nodded. "So, what did you and Sussie end up doing?" I asked.
"Well, at first she was pretty down about being an animal person. It helped a lot that it happened to me as well, and we became the same species. Well, as you know, I was still getting used to be female," she said.
"I remember that there were times you couldn’t stop staring down at your chest. Of course I really couldn’t blame you," I said, looking a bit embarrassed.
"Nothing to be ashamed of Chris, it was true. I wasn’t sure if I should have been horrified, scared, turned on or just plain curious about my new assets," she answered.
"So, what did you an Sussie end up doing?" Sarah asked.
"Well, I knew Sussie would teach me about being female and we could discover being otters together, so I suggested that we stay friends. At first we were just friends, for the first six months actually. Well, after that, I was starting to realize something, I was still attracted to her and women in general. Every time she’d let me see her nude, I would get flushed. See, she let me see her that way because she wanted me to get used to seeing other females bodies. At first she didn’t realize that I was still attracted to women," she said.
"When did she find out?" I asked.
"It was about seven months after I changed. This is really embarrassing but I guess I should get it out."
"What happened?"
"Well, remember that night I came home from swimming rather embarrassed and didn’t seem to want to talk about it?"
I nodded.
"You see, what happened was Sussie and I were swimming and the whole time I was feeling well, turned on. I didn’t realize it at the time but it was a heat cycle coming on," she started fidgeting at this point and scratched behind her right ear. "Well, after the swim, we were in the shower getting cleaned up. We were alone and…," she really started fidgeting at this point. "Well, this is actually very embarrassing but I started staring at her body as she lathered her fur with soap, and well before I knew it I well…" it was so embarrassing for her that we could she her blushing through the fur.
"It’s okay, you don’t need to describe it. So how did Sussie react?" I asked.
"At that point it became pretty obvious to her I still found her attractive and she almost panicked. We pretty quickly finished showering. She told me that she needed time to think about it. That was when I came home," she asked.
"If I remember correctly, she called back a few days later. I do remember you being bummed but not wanting to talk about," I said.
"Yes, and she said that she was sorry for not asking me about that right away. I apologized for not admitting it to her right from the get go and she accepted my apology, knowing that it would have been very hard for me to admit to something like that out of fear of losing her. We agreed that while we couldn’t exactly get hot and heavy that she was willing to help me relieve a heat cycle if it hit. We do sleep together at times because we still very much enjoy each other’s company and well, it’s warm and very pleasant."
"I’m glad things worked out for the better," Sarah said.
"So, basically, you guys need to work out a plan that you both feel comfortable with and do what you feel is right. Just remember though, my family doesn’t realize were a couple, they think we’re just friends." BJ said.
"No problem BJ. Thanks for the advice. It’s something Sarah and I will have to talk over," I said.
"Glad to help," BJ said, smiling.
"So, how about we watch something on TV before it cools down enough to go for a walk?" Sarah asked.
"Sounds good," I answered. BJ nodded her head.
We watched TV until eight o clock. By then it was starting to get darker and had cooled down. I was starting to get tired from my early awakening but wanted to go for a walk as it was too early to get to bed. There was a nice trail by the cabin that lead through the woods that would take a couple of hours to walk, so we decided to walk on that.
Once we got into the trail and started walking, we began talking.
"So, Chris, what do you think of being a female raccoon anthro? I know it’s been less then a day for you to experience it, but what do you think of it so far?" BJ asked.
I looked down at my body, the view was still new to me. After spending 28 years as a male, being female would likely take along time to grow used to. I still wasn’t quite ready to start feeling I could enjoy it, no, that would have felt wrong, as if I were someone betraying who I really was. I would need time before I could truly consider myself a female instead of male in the body of one. BJ was waiting for an answer, so I quickly thought of one.
"Well, it’s kind of weird. I mean, even now, hearing my voice, it’s still hard to believe this is really my voice. Looking down at my chest, it’s hard to believe that these," I said, touching my shirt over my breasts, "are really my breasts. Heck, even saying ‘my breasts’ is really weird. The fur is so warm and soft but will take time as well to get used to it, as will being half animal. It’s pretty weird knowing I’m not really human anymore or even a guy, it’s like I’m a different person yet I’m not. I’m not sure what to think. You know, it’s sort of like, the person I was is gone yet he’s not and me as I am now is just him with some modifications. Needless to say, it’s all kind of surreal. Most of today, I’ve been too into the sensations of this new body and my senses to really think about it but now that I am; I’m a little freaked out to put it mildly," I said.
"Just remember Chris that we’re here for you. If you need a shoulder to cry on, advice or just someone who’s been through this then we’re here for you," Sarah said.
"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it," I said.
"It’s nothing really. I mean after I changed, you were so nice to me. You took me in when my family was driving me nuts with wanting me to wear girls clothes and all," BJ said.
"And you were so cool to me. I was worried you’d be afraid of me. I mean suddenly here I was, this king sized kitty cat with fur, a tail and everything. Yet, you were just as nice to me as ever," Sarah said.
"Well, I didn’t want you guys feeling segregated. You were still my friends. Anyway, I like leopards and otters, so it was kind of neat having you guys like this. Just because you were animal people, it didn’t change who you were or the fact that you’re my friends," I said.
"Just like you being one now doesn’t change who you are. One thing I’ve learned from this is the old saying of ‘it’s what’s inside that counts’ rings very true. The person you are inside is what really matters," Sarah said, BJ nodding.
"Thanks guys; believe me, this does help. I guess thinking of myself a raccoon, especially a female one is just going to take some getting used to," I said.
We were pretty quiet for nearly the next hour of the walk. I felt something a bit strange when I could hear some raccoons chittering. I stooped in my tracks and started listening to the sounds, they were almost mesmerizing.
"Chris, you okay?" Sarah asked.
"Hmmm?" I asked, only semi paying attention.
I stood there listening to the sounds, and found myself making similar ones. Feeling something touching my right shoulder brought me out of my trance like state. It was Sarah touching my shoulder right her right hand.
"Sorry, I kind of zoned out for a minute," I said.
"It was those raccoons," she said, the sound of them still in the distance but getting quieter. "you are just as much one of them now as you are human. That’s something else that we can help you with. You see, the instincts can be quite powerful and sometimes confusion can result when hearing or being around normal animals of your morph. Snow leopards aren’t exactly native to this continent, but I still feel a bit of a connection with other felines, so it can be tough for me not to rub up to housecats like they enjoy doing. Over the past years I’ve learned to control it though."
"I guess that explains why you have five cats," I said, not being to stop myself form chuckling, "sorry, I don’t mean to be disrespectful or anything," I said.
"Apology accepted, I know you don’t mean any offence," Sarah said.
"You should see me with ferrets. They’re almost like my cousins now," BJ giggled.
We all had a good laugh and continued on our way. The rest of the walk was a very enjoyable experience. The sound and smells of the forest were incredible. About ninety minutes into it, we came across a nice lake with a pair of otters swimming it. BJ was very happy to see them and immediately stripped before running in and swimming with them. She invited us to join, but I was too tried to go swimming and Sarah was content to stay on the shore with me.
By this point it was dark, the area was lit up by a near full moon. We both sat down on the shore watching BJ swimming around.
"She’s obviously having a great time. Although I do kind of worry; if I see raccoons in the backyard at home, will I lose control? Those ones I heard earlier almost had me in a trance, it was weird, it was like I felt as much one of them as a human," I said.
Sarah smiled and put her left hand over my right shoulder, drawing me closer.
"Well, in a way, you are, just like I’m just as much a snow leopard as I am a human and BJ is as much a river otter as a human. It’s something that will take you time to get used to. When I first changed, I refused to think of myself as anything but human. In time however, I came to embrace my animal side. Once I did that, the instincts didn’t so seem problematic," she said.
"Yeah, I do remember how BJ started swimming a lot since changing and how she ate a lot more fish when she never liked it before. I guess in time I’ll get used to it, for now it’s just hard to think of myself as half animal, it’s actually kind of scary. I’m not sure if I should be scared, fascinated or happy. In a lot ways, I do wish that I could go back to being my normal human self," I said.
"I know Chris, I know. When this happened to me, for months I was hoping I’d wake up one morning to find myself human again. I was terrified of a lot of things; the instincts, the animal features and how it could change my lifestyle, not to mention what society would think of me and how being this way could change my relationships with friends, family and co-workers. Wanting to go back to being human is perfectly understandable; it would be a lot easier that way. I won’t deny that the next several weeks or even months might be difficult for you. This is going to be a major change in your life, just like it was for me and BJ. But, no matter what happens, we’ll be there for you. We’ve already been through this, so we know what it’s like and can offer you wisdom about it. In a way, you’re lucky; when this change hit us, this wasn’t something anyone else had gone through before, so no one really knew the best way to deal with it. In many ways we had to ‘wing it’. For you, now that people have had five years to get used to the idea of anthros, the adjustment period won’t be so long," she said.
I always respected Sarah’s wisdom. I was scared about how my family and co-workers would react to me being like this but knowing she and BJ were there for me made things a lot easier to deal with.
For the next thirty minutes we watched BJ swim and play with the otters. By then it was getting pretty dark. BJ could see this and swam back in our direction, eventually walking onto the shore dripping wet with water.
"Sorry about that guys, I just can’t resist swimming with otters. I don’t get the chance to do it a lot so I’ll take any I get," she said.
"It’s okay, I understand," I said.
I carried her clothes the rest of the way home. When he got home, it was dark enough that only the moon provided any light. The sky was beautiful with stars as far as the eye could see. It was a view that you could only get outside of the. I wanted to stay out and star gaze but it was getting too late and I was really tired.
Sarah could see I was tried, so she told me to go inside and to get ready for bed while she got BJ some towels to dry the rest of the way off. I wasn’t sure what I was going to wear to bed. I didn’t have a nightgown or anything like that and my pajama bottoms really would fit me.
She suggested that I not wear anything or wear just a top. Considering she normally wore nothing, I decided to do the same. I walked into the cabin and into the master bedroom. Stretching, I yawned for several seconds. Taking off my shirt and pants, I put them in the hamper in the bathroom before walking over to the bathroom full body mirror to look at myself.
I realized that I was slightly chubbier looking then I was as a human. I attributed that more to my raccoon side then anything. I didn’t look fat or anything, it actually suited me. The black mask around my eyes looked really neat, as if it belonged there. My hair now black and much longer suited me and worked well with my fur color. Then there was my chest. My breasts didn’t look as if they were a female part on a male chest; they really did look like they fit with the shape of my body. Knowing that reflection really was me was still a little unsettling. Swimming today without clothes had felt nice, as had the sun against my fur. Somehow though, it still didn’t feel completely real. Even after experiencing all of those sensations today with this body, it still felt sort of like it wasn’t ‘for keeps’ . At this point, I don’t think it had really ‘hit me’ that I really was a female anthro raccoon. It was like one of those things that you imagine could happen to you and when it does, at first you’re not really reacting in any way that you think you would. It usually takes time before it ‘hits’ that its really happened and that’s when you start to react more to it. I figured that the same would happen to me sooner or later. Until that point, I would take it one day at time. For now, I was tried and needed to get some sleep.
Walking into the bedroom, I pulled the sheets down before climbing into the bed on the right side. I put my arms up behind my head and lay there with the covers up to my belly. Being in such a comfortable bed was very relaxing to put it mildly. I looked down at my body again; no matter how many times I looked at myself, I still couldn’t quite get used to the site of breasts on my chest.
About ten minutes later, Sarah walked into the room and closed the door.
"So, was BJ able to get dried off?" I asked.
"She’s drying off now, she’s going to watch a bit of TV before going to bed. Don’t worry, she promised to keep the volume low," Sarah answered.
"Okay," I said as Sarah walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth.
"So, when are you going to tell your family about this? I think it’d be more then just a bit strange for them if a female raccoon came home in your place," Sarah asked as she started to brush.
"I’m going to call them tomorrow. Not sure how I’m going to break it to them. I’ll probably have to send a few pictures of myself as I am now," I said, again looking at myself. "I think the harder part is going to be telling them I’m now their daughter rather then I’m now part raccoon."
Sarah finished a couple of minutes later and walked out of the room. She quickly removed her clothes and stood there nude before me. As she untied her hair and I watched it flow freely, the thought of laying here with her now that we both had fur was very appealing. Even though I was a female and knew it’d be a bit weird for her, just having her with me made up for it. She gently climbed in to my left and turned onto her side. I look at her body, again feeling that tingling sensation.
"What’s wrong?" Sarah asked.
"Well, I want to well, touch you and I want you to touch me, but I’m almost afraid to like this. I’m worried that it’ll feel wrong," I said.
"Hey," she gently said, gently running her right index across my cheek. "Remember what we said earlier? I know it’s you in there, and that’s what matters. That fact you’re a she now is going to take time to get used to but I know that’s still you. It’ll take time before I’m ready do try something intimate but by no means be afraid to touch me. If you’d like me to touch your fur or something like that, then just ask; it’s okay," she said.
"Well," I started, lowering the covers a bit, fully exposing my belly. "I wouldn’t mind a belly or back rub."
Sarah smiled and moved a bit closer to me. Reaching over her right hand, she gently petted my belly. Her touch was warm and inviting. She asked me to lay back and relax. I did so, putting my hands behind my head and closing my eyes. She lowered the covers and started massaging my right leg. Man did it ever feel nice, I couldn’t help but hum to myself contentedly. She then moved to my other leg, gently massaging up and down it. She asked me to turn onto my stomach and I happily did, using my arms to support my head on the pillow. She moved a bit closer and began gently running her hands through the fur on my back. It was like getting an incredible massage. She slowly massaged lower and lower before reaching my tail. Holding the base of it with her left hand, she gently stroked it with her right.
"These feels incredible, now I know why cats are always trying to get people to pet them,"
"Yes, it is something that feels great. Now let’s get some sleep, it’s been a long day," Sarah said.
I turned back over as she moved back to her side. Turning onto my left side as she turned onto her left.
"Don’t worry Chris; you’re going to be just fine. Our relationship will continue, no matter what you look like on the outside or what form your body is in, I still love you," Sarah gently said.
I smiled before kissing her on the cheek and pulling up the covers. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep in less then a minute.