Caught in the act
Climbing out the window, Kyle could hear the cursing and yelling of the owner of the house.
“You thief! You're going to pay for stealing from me! Mark my word! You're going to pay!”. Terrified over being caught, Kyle could only think of getting as far away from the house as possible. Running from the house, he looked back and could see the houses owner staring at him, waving him arms in an unusual way, but for some reason, not pursuing him. Running across the street, Kyle was sure he was going to get away. Getting to a hill across the street from his house, he knelt down, looking to see if anyone saw him running from the house.
Suddenly feeling an odd tingling feeling in his ears, he looked up to try to see what was going on. As he reached his left hand up to touch them, he could feel that his ears were now at the top of his head and were furry and pointy. Shocked at this, he was about to say
“What is going on?” when he felt his hands started to change. Standing on he’s knees, he watched as his hands changed shape. His fingers lengthened, and his thumb changed shape greatly, lining up with the rest of his fingers. Long nails grew at the tips of each finger, and his fingers became nimble and sensitive. His face started lengthening into a muzzle, terrified over what was happening, he yelled out in fear. His face quickly grew out into a muzzle. Whiskers grew from the side of it, and fur grew around his eyes. Feeling his face, he felt that fur was growing all over it. If he could have seen a mirror he would have seen that his face looked like a raccoons.
His chest began to feel incredibly itchy, and feeling the top of it, he could feel fur growing on it. Lifting up his shirt he saw that fur was growing all over his chest. Feeling warm with all the fur growth, he took his shirt off and stared down at his chest in astonishment. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. His feet began to feel strange so he kicked one of his shoes off, only to see that his foot was starting to look very much like a raccoons foot. Franticly, he sat down, and pulled the other shoe off, as his feet continued to change. Sitting there, trying to come to terms with what was happening to him, he suddenly heard the fabric of his shorts ripping and felt a tail started to push it’s way out. Suddenly feeling a wave of change, he started to feel very uncomfortable in a sitting position. Almost instinctively he stood on all fours as he watched a long tail rip through his shorts. His legs and hips began to change, ripping his shorts to shreds. Looking back at his tail in horror, he felt his bodies structure change shape and to his horror, become 4 footed. As he started to feel that the changed were finished, he quickly started to shrink, until he was the size of a normal raccoon.
Standing in bewilderment, the raccoon looked himself over, he tried to call for help, but his vocal cords had been changed and he was only able to make raccoon sounds. Running across the street towards his house, he pawed at the door feverishly. His mother opened the door, and quickly screamed and closed it. He could hear her say
“Ack! A wild animal is trying to get in!”. If only she knew that the raccoon standing at her door was in fact her son. Since he couldn't speak he had no way to tell her. Getting desperate he decided to run back to the other house, and to somehow beg the houses owner to change him back. Carefully walking across the street, he arrived at the mans house and began to paw at his front door. Opening the door, the man immediately knew who he was.
“Ah yes, the little thief. I see you’ve returned.” Kyle again tried to speak, but all that he could do was to make raccoon sounds. He was determined to communicate with him anyway and protested as best as he could.
“I’m sorry my friend, but I’ve given you a form more suited to a thief. I couldn't change you back even if I wanted to”. In total despair Kyle started whimpering. The man wasn't a cruel person, and had changed him this way, because he felt it was the right thing to do. Picking Kyle up, he cuddled him to try to comfort him, perhaps feeling that he went too far.
“I will however take responsibility for my actions. I will take very good care of you, soon you’ll come to enjoy your new form and won't miss being human” he said. Being petted seemed to calm Kyle down a bit. Taking Kyle into his kitchen, he gave him some food, which was a combination of various kinds of meats and vegetables. It tasted great, and as he ate and enjoyed the meal he found himself starting to relax more and starting to accept his fate.
Finishing his meal, Kyle went into the living room, seeing the man sitting on a couch. Instinctively jumping into the couch and curling up into a ball, he felt the man pet him.
“You see, this isn’t so bad is it?” enjoying the feeling of being curled up, and of being petted for the first time since his change Kyle felt happy.
Over the following days and weeks, Kyle came to enjoy his new form, and accepted his fate. Interacting with the outdoors and with other raccoons as a raccoon was actually a lot of fun. He realized that the man was right, he had come to love this form and no longer thought of changing back. Perhaps this was meant to happen, perhaps he was meant to steal form the man and lead him to change him. He realized being turned into a raccoon was a wonderful gift. The man had been right, it really was his true form. Curling up into a ball on his lap, he warbled the raccoon version of
“Thank you”. Gently petting his head, the man responded
“Your welcome”.