The coon Shower
Sean, stepped into the shower. He was a college student, and was away at college. This semester had not have been much at all, it seemed like every night he had several hours of homework and studying to do. Combined with the fact that most of his classes this semester had little to do with his major, he really wished that all of his worries would just go away, and he wished for simpler times. As he began to shampoo his hair he felt somehow strange. He guessed that it was just the stress causing it, so he ignored it. His eyes started to feel strange and his vision got very blurry for a few seconds.
"What the heck's wrong with my eyes?". He said as he rubbed them. Rubbing them seemed to work, and his vision cleared up.
"That was weird. I must have gotten soap in them", he said. He continued to wash his hair, he was unaware of the growth that was forming above his buttocks. The growth quickly started to expand, growing longer, and became fury and bushy. Reddish brown fur covered it, which was followed by 6 black rings growing down it. Without even realizing he now had a tail, Sean swished it back and forth.
As he washed the shampoo out of his hair, fur started to grow on his face. Around his eyes, black fur grew, around the black, white fur grew. Reddish brown fur grew down his nose. His face started to push into a muzzle as he started to wash his body. His teeth glowed, and became much sharper. His nose became small and black as his muzzle finished forming. Whiskers grew from the side of the muzzle and his nose started to twitch. Large round ears grew on the top of his, becoming furry as his human ears were absorbed into his head. Somehow, he didn't notice that his head was now a raccoon head. As he continued to wash his body, reddish brown fur started to sprout all over it, spreading down his chest, back, arms and legs. He felt itchy as the fur was growing in. He scratched where it was growing and dropped the soap and wash cloth and soap when he saw the fur.
"What's going on?" he said as he felt the quickly thickening fur.
He was able to wash the remaining soap off of his body. As he reached for the facet to turn the water off, everything seemed to get taller. It didn't take him long to realize it wasn't the room that was growing, but he that was shrinking.
"I'm shrinking!" he said, noticing that his voice sounded considerable higher pitched then normal. He looked at his hands, the skin on the bottom of them looked darker then normal and his finger nails had grown into small claws. His feet looked similar, but instead of 5 toes, he only had 4, each with a small claw at the end. His feet had changed shape such that 4 toes were normal. He continued to shrink, stopping at 133 centimeters (about 4 feet 4 inches). Turning the water off, he examined himself. Physically he was a very young humanoid raccoon, judging by his height and the sound of his voice, he estimated he was around 5 years old. As he was about to step out of the shower, the entire room glowed brightly for a few seconds, and he felt a bit dizzy. The feeling faded.
The shower stall looked different somehow, but seemed familiar. Sean felt differently mentally, but he couldn't place exactly how. Somehow, being a young humanoid raccoon seemed normal, as if he had always been this way. He heard his mothers voice, asking him if he was done. Being at home seemed normal, it was strange, he could still remember his human life but it was like it was a dream and being a raccoon was normal. He could still remember the lessons from school and lessons in life he had learned growing up, but from his point of view it was all a dream and he had always been a humanoid raccoon. His wish had been granted, his worries were all eliminated. It was a bit strange for him, but The fact that he could experience being a kid again but with all the knowledge of schooling, and of lessons learned in life, meant things would be a better this time.
Getting out of the shower, his mother was waiting with a great big fluffy towel. She looked just looked like she did when she was younger, but she was a humanoid raccoon just like him. As she dried him off, he looked forward to this newfound youth and life.