The facility
Brian was a very curious kid, so curious that on more then one occasion he had gotten himself into a heap of trouble. A typical 8-year-old kid, he loved exploring, but had few fears, and more often then not his curiosity and desire to explore would override his common sense. It was the middle of summer vacation and like most kids, Brian had nothing to do. He had heard that there was an abandoned clinic about a 30 minute bike ride away, so having nothing else do to, he decide to see if he could explore it.
Getting to the clinic, he saw that it was all boarded up, and there were 'no trespassing' signs all over it. Looking around for an entrance, Brian saw a raccoon run into the building though a small opening near the ground. Getting on his hands and knees, he saw the hole and figured that he could probably fit through it. It was a very tight squeeze, and for a few seconds he thought he was stuck but he managed to get in. The hole lead to what looked like a waiting room, there were still chairs there, and everything was covered in dust. He couldn’t explain how or why, but there were several lights on, although several of them flickered on and off. The raccoon caught his eye as it ran down a hallway. Looking around the waiting room, Brian saw stacks of old magazines, some of them dated back more then 30 years. The room smelled of disinfectant and dust. Walking down the hallway where the raccoon had gone, he saw it standing at the end of it. As he walked down the dimly lit hallway, he passed by a room that said 'x-ray machine' it had a radiation symbol beside it. Opening the door, he walked in. The machine was still there, but he didn’t want to hurt himself so he decided to stay away from it, for now. Walking back down the hallway, he found another room. This room was filled with shelves that were each filled with vials, it was hard to see that their labels said with the dust and poor light level. As he left the room, he again saw the raccoon walking down the hallway. Trying to get its attention, he said
“hey”. Startled, it ran down the hallway and into a room. As he approached the room, he saw that something inside of it that looked like it was glowing. Following the raccoon, he ended up in a chamber with odd objects on the walls. The raccoon looked just as curious as he did. As he tried to say something to it, the door slammed shut behind him. And the objects on the wall began to hum and glow.
“What’s going on?” Brain said to the raccoon who just as scared as he was. It started pawing at the door, but to no avail. The entire chamber started to glow green and the sounds of machines humming and powering up and activating flooded it. Strange feelings and thought flooded Brains body and mind.
“What’s happening to me?” he said as he looked at his hands, which seemed to be sprouting fur. As he looked at the raccoon, it also appeared to be in distress, and seemed to be getting bigger. Grabbing his abdomen in pain, he collapsed to the ground, while it was hard to tell with the pain and light and noise, fur seemed to be growing on his arms, fur that looked just like the fur on the raccoon. The raccoon continued to grow, taking on a humanoid shape. The pain decreased in intensity, and Brian was able to stand on his knees, looked at his arms, he saw that they were now covered in fur. His face felt funny, almost as if something was pulling on it. Feeling a sudden sharp pain above his rear end, he heard a ripping sound, he looked back to see a furry ringed tailed growing out just above his rear end. As he reached his hands up to feel his face, he saw that they barley looked human anymore, they almost looked like the raccoons paws.
“This is impossible,” he said to himself, but he knew that given what he was seeing it definitely was possible. Looking to the raccoon, it almost was as big as he was, and its shape was much more human looking. It was still covered in fur and it’s face still looked like a raccoons. Brian’s chest started to itch like mad. Taking his shirt off, he saw why. Fur was quickly growing all over it, fur that quickly grew into a pelt. Looking at his legs was easier because he was wearing shorts, and he could see that they too had become covered in a pelt of fur. The pain and itching subsided and the objects on the wall cooled down and the lights and noise subsided.
Standing up, Brian walked over to the raccoon and helped him up. The raccoon was now fully humanoid and about his size, he imaged he looked a lot like how it looked. Taken almost aback, it looked at him.
“Who, who are you, what happened to me?” he said.
“You can talk and speak English? Cool!” Brian responded.
“I don’t know why I can talk or how I can suddenly speak human. What happened to my body, and to yours?” The door to the chamber suddenly opened. Brian and the raccoon walked out. Standing by the door to the room that the chamber was in, an older looking man approached them.
“I believe I can answer all of your questions,” he said.
“That chamber was an experiment. I wanted to see if I could combine human and animal DNA to create a humanoid animal, you two are proof that I could.” Looking to Brian he said
“You inherited raccoon DNA and physical features” and looking to the raccoon he said,
“You inherited human DNA and features”.
“But how are we supposed to live like this? What is he going to do?” Billy asked, referring to the former raccoon.
“I’d say you now have a twin brother. I will provide him with proper clothes. Physically he is your age. Oh and, don’t worry your lifespan will be the normal human lifespan. Think of the advantages of having that fur, in winter you could walk around dressed like that and be comfortable. And your enhanced sense of taste and smell will allow you to enjoy meals in ways you never thought were possible” The scientist said. As the scientist picked out clothes for the raccoon, Brian turned to him asked
“maybe this wont be so bad, you can sleep in a warm bed instead of a tree, and drink clean water and eat clean food. We can bro’s together!” The raccoon was still a bit shaken by what had happened, but responded
“it sounds interesting, what should I be called? Um my name? I think that’s the proper word?”
“Let’s see, how about Roy? I have a friend named Roy, and he’d love you!” Brian responded.
“Roy. Yes that sounds okay. So where do we live?” the raccoon said, hesitating for a few seconds before saying
“I’ll show ya”. Putting on the clothes that the scientist had provided for him Brian and his new brother Roy walked out of the clinic. The scientist showed them a secret entrance so they wouldn’t have to crawl in though the hole again. Saying their good-byes, Brian and Roy walked outside. The sun and air felt great for Brian, and now that he had an incredible sense of smell he was able to enjoy the outdoors in ways that he hadn’t of thought possible. He didn’t want to risk him and Roy getting hurt, so they walked his bike home.
“I wonder how my, I mean our parents are going to react to us?” Brian said. Grinning, Roy said
“Oh, lets just say, it will be a very hairy situation.” Both laughing out loud, they walked towards home, and their newfound lives.