5 year sentence
Tanya was a troubled person. She had been in and out of jail 6 times in her 32 years of life each sentence being 6 months to a year. Each time she had been ‘busted’ for shoplifting. She wasn’t a bad person; she simply had a bad habit of stealing.
Unfortunately, her latest offense had been a major one. She had broken into the house of the wealthy CEO of large company. She didn’t know much about his company, she had heard that they worked on experimental toys or something but she hadn’t of cared. She had gotten wind that he had a vault in his basement with over a million dollars within it. She waited until it was late at night and had broken into his house. Unfortunately for her, his alarm had caught her and she found herself arrested before she could get down the driveway.
Her trial had proceeded quickly and ended with a guilty verdict on the charges of breaking and entering. Because she had not stolen anything, her sentence was lessened but she still was sentenced to five years in jail. As she was being taken away, the man whose house she broke into looked at her with a look of anger. He said words that sent a shiver down her spine.
“If you think 5 years is a long time, then your fooling yourself missy! I assure you that I will find a sentence much more worthy,” he had said.
Two months into her sentence, she still was unsure what those words had meant. She woke up as normal, ate breakfast, spent time in the yard and just as she went back to her cell, a guard approached her and handed her a small brown box.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“It’s a package for you. We aren’t sure of who sent it, but someone obviously wants you to have it” the guard said. Tanya was more then a bit suspicious, a box from an unknown source, what if it was from that man, and she still remembered his words.
“What’s in it?” she nervously asked.
“We don’t know, but don’t worry, we sent it through all of the scanners. It’s not a bomb and there doesn’t appear to be anything biohazardous in it.” The guard assured her. She was still suspicious, but her curiosity won out and she accepted the package and walked back into her cell, sitting down on the bed with the box on her legs. She felt it with her hands, examining every corner of it and held it up to her ear, she couldn’t hear anything. She then held it away from herself and shook it. She could hear something inside moving. She couldn’t take it anymore and placed the box back on her legs, uprighted it and removed the tape that held it closed and opened it.
Inside was what looked like a plush, she reached into the box and pulled the plush out, dropping the box onto the floor as she held the plush in her hands. Its fur was incredibly soft and made her fingers tingle. She could tell its species right away by it’s ringed tail and black mask, it was a raccoon. It was then that she noticed something had fallen out of the box. She reached down and picked it up with her right hand. It was a note. It read: a perfect form for a thief. This was confusing, sure raccoons had a mask and were known to raid garbage cans and take things, but lots of animals took things. She discarded the note and sat back down, holding the plush in her left hand while petting it with her right, wondering what the note meant.
As she petted it, she noticed something odd on its back. She examined it and saw what almost looked like a hole in the back of the plush. She further examined the area and noticed that it appeared to be a fold as if there were a pocket in its back. She pried at it with her index fingers and was able to get it open. Inside was a small interior with a brown metal sphere of some sort. She pulled the sphere out with her right hand and held it, placing the plush on the bed to her left.
“What the heck is this thing?” she asked as she used her thumb to roll the sphere around her left hand, it felt warm. Without warning, it began to glow a bright blue color and before she could react and throw it away, it vaporized in brilliant flash of light and energy that made her close her eyes. When she opened her eyes, it took her vision several seconds to recover from the flash. As it did, she saw something strange on her left hand. It felt warm, itchy and appeared to be sprouting brown fur!
“What the hell is this?” she loudly exclaimed, hoping someone would hear her. Her left arm began to tingle and she watched in terror as fur began to progressively spread up her arm. The growth started off as a few strands, which led to several strands, which led to a fuzz and eventually a thick brown pelt. In a matter of minutes, her entire left arm was covered in a thick pelt of brown fur. But what wasn’t the end of it, her left hand began to quiver as her fingernails turned black and became longer and sharper. A feeling not unlike the bones in her fingers turning to liquid encompassed the four fingers and thumb as a tingling feeling filled her skin under the fur. She could only watch as her fingers seemed to loose their shape, becoming more nimble and dexterous. The skin on the bottom of her hand became much more sensitive. As the bones in her hands solidified and her skin ceased tingling, her left hand was left changed and looking much more like a paw. She knew that she was in trouble, she had to get help!
“Guards!” was the single word she called out to summon the sentries. An itching unlike anything she had ever experienced overcame her left shoulder and quickly spread to the entire top portion of her torso, it was spreading! The skin on her right arm began to crawl and tingle as brown fur started to sprout and speed down her arm. In much the same fashion her left arm had developed its fur, her right arm was slowly covered by an ever-advancing growing wave of fur! In a trance like state, she observed as her right arm quickly became furry. Much as her left had had changed; her right hand sprouted a thin layer of dark brown fur and began to quiver. It was then that the heard the guards approaching and was broke from her trance.
“What is it?” they asked. With a horrified look on her face, she showed her animal like left arm and paw, furry right arm and quivering soon to be right paw. The guards looked on in shock and horror as one of them reached for a radio and called for medical indicating that they had an incoming patient. The guards swiftly opened the door to her cell as her right hand completed its metamorphoses and escorted her to the medical ward. She had hoped that this was where this would stop, she could learn to live with having fury arms and paws. Her paws seemed almost hand like, with the exception of having claws. Unfortunately, her hopes went unheeded. The skin on the rest of her torso began to crawl as they arrived at the medical ward. They took her into a room and instructed her to sit down on the medical table and that the doctor would be along shortly. She complied and the guards walked out of the room and closed the door.
The skin on her entire torso was now crawling and her internal organs and bones felt like they were turning to liquid. With a thrust, she ripped her jumpsuit off, desperate to see what was happening. Much to her horror, brown fur was sprouting all over her chest, sides and back. She felt nauseous as she felt her internal organs and bones shift and change to a new shape and configuration. As she itched the fur, she noticed something. Her bra felt loose and the world seemed to be getting bigger. No, it wasn’t the world that was getting bigger; it was she that was shrinking! She tried to call out, desperately hoping that someone would come to her aide but her voice seemed silenced as if a force were trying to prevent her getting help. She tried to get up off of the table, but the ground seemed to be getting further and further away. She could feel her torso getting rounder and plumper and could only watch as her breasts vanished and were replaced by three pairs of nipples!
As the skin on her legs began to crawl, she felt an odd tingling at the base her spine and a few seconds later, something pushing at her underwear. She didn’t have to look at it to see what it was, she knew that she was growing a tail! A suddenly shift in her center of gravity forced her to roll over on the table such that she was on all fours. The world was still getting bigger and her torso still felt liquescent.
As her legs began to get furry, she felt their bones becoming fluidic until they could no longer support her. Instinctively she rolled onto her side. The world was much bigger now, everything looked huge! She could feel the bones and organs in her torso solidifying and finally settling on a shape, size and configuration. Her torso was much rounder and plumper and furry. It showed little sign of ever being human. With her paws, she threw her bra off, it was far too big for her now and she would have little need for it anyway. As the skin on her face and neck began to crawl, she felt her hips changing shape and size as her legs reconfigured to a quadrupedal configuration.
A pressure built up around her nose and mouth and her ears felt strange. She felt her skull bones reshaping and even her brain seemed to reshape with them. How this was possible, she didn’t know. But all logic there was no way her brain could have survived the reshaping and positioning of her skull, yet it remained fully intact and functional. As her head’s alignment changed, her legs and hips seemed to solidify and she stood on all fours for the first time. Her head now faced forwards in this stance and as her skull solidified, her head was furry, her human hair having fallen out. She had a muzzle and her ears were at the top of her head and pointy, whatever was happening to her seemed complete.
She stood there terrified, her humanity was gone! She had to find a mirror, she had to see what she looked like, and she had to know what she was. As she looked around, her new sense of hearing altered her to someone approaching the room and her sense of smell told her that it was two humans. She turned to face the door as a doctor and the same man whose house she had broken into entered the room and closed the door. The man was carrying something, a mirror! He smiled at her and held the mirror at her level, allowing her to see the reflection. It was that of a raccoon, right down to the mask, ringed tailed and whiskers!
She felt her face with her paws, feeling not only the fur and muzzle under the paws but the muzzle being touched by the paws. This confirmed it, this was real, and she was an animal! She looked up at the man not knowing what to say. She tried to speak to plea with him but only a warbling like sounds emitted from her muzzle. Now she was even more terrified, without the ability to speak she couldn’t communicate! Her instincts were telling her to run, she had to get out of there! She began to feel panicked and looked around the room for a way out. The floor seemed too far away, she didn’t want to jump down! She saw the doctor reaching into his coat pocket for something and saw the man reach over to her to hold her down, as she felt his human hands holding onto her to restrain her, she yelled out for help. Unfortunately, with her human voice gone only the screams of a panicked raccoon escaped her muzzle. Before she could do anything, she felt something being injected into her. She felt her muscles going limp, her vision welt blurry and everything went dark as she passed out.
She awoke lying on a soft couch, beside a human. As her vision came back into focus she saw that it was the same man from the medical ward whose house she had robbed that had led to her sentencing. Her body was slowly coming back into her control and she sat up and looked up at him. She found herself sniffing the air and discovering a vast array of scents she had never smelled before, including the scent of a raccoon, one that was very close. It wasn’t long before she realized that the raccoon was she, what had happened had been real!
Again, she felt the desire to run and escape. Despite the fact that she was trapped within the body of an animal, she was still determined to find an escape, even if it meant life in the woods. The man could see her apprehension and lifted her up and put her on his lap.
“I’m glad to see your awake Tanya,” the man said. Tanya looked up at him and tried to say something but she could only make animal sounds. She was terrified and began to shiver. The man gently petted her to comfort her.
“You see Tanya, you took something from me. I don’t think spending 5 years in jail was going to do you or anyone any good. I decided on a more appropriate sentence, since you stole something from me, I have decided to steal something from you and make you give something back to me. As you can see, I’ve taken your humanity. As for what you’ll give back to me, I have decided to keep you as a pet, not only for me but also for my son. He has always wanted a pet raccoon and you are it. Instead of spending 5 years in jail you will spend 5 years as his pet. After the five years is up, as long as you behave and don’t try to escape, you will have the option to become your human self. Of course if you wish, you may stay in this form. My son understand who you are and he thinks that this is a good idea, sort of a ‘let the punishment fit the crime’ type of thing.”
Tanya didn’t know what to think of this, her humanity had been robbed but she did have to admit the irony of someone who had been in jail on multiple occasions for stealing having their humanity taken away from them and replaced with a form associated with thievery. When the mans son came in, she had to admit he looked like a nice cute kid. He asked if her could hold her and the man handed her over and he held her while scritching her behind the ears.
As she churred in delight at the feeling, she realized that maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.