The Furry Family
A beam of sunlight poured though the windows of Timothy and Tabithas room. Sitting up in their soft and very comfortable bed, they both opened their eyes. Sitting up, he petted Tabithas head, enjoying the feel of her fur.
“I Tabitha smiled in response and scratched his belly. Enjoying the feeling, Timothy smiled. Turning towards Tabitha, he spoke gently into her ear;
“When this happened to us last month, I thought being like this would suck and that I’d want to be human again. But in a strange (perhaps disturbing) way it’s been fun.” Timothy said.
“Not to mention given us a whole new perspective on life. Who would have thought how liberating it could be enjoying the simpler pleasures of life?” Tabitha respond.
“I have to agree, this has certainly been an” pausing for a few seconds, he continued
“experience” he responded. Continuing, Tabitha asked him the question that had been on her mind for several days.
“So have you thought about what we discussed a few days ago?” she asked.
“As a matter of fact, I have. It sounds fun. But are you sure were ready for that?” Timothy asked.
“I think we are” Tabitha responded as she gently nuzzled up against his chest.
“Maybe your right”, Timothy said, putting his arms around her.
“But before we think about that, we have a busy day ahead of us.” He said.
“That’s right! This is going to be our first chance to chance someone. It sounds like fun”, she responded.
“Not just one person” Timothy responded. Tabitha got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom to ‘freshen up’,
“This is going to be one of our biggest ones yet, it’s going to be a lot of fun”, Tabitha said.
Lying in the large bed with his arms outstretched and his paws behind his head, Chris was completely relaxed. He had a large smile on his head and watched as Jennifer walked in front of the window and stretched. Looking outside, she opened the window inhaled the brisk morning air.
“I love the smell of morning air,” she said. As the breeze reached him, Chris sniffed the air. Happily smiling he said,
“I love it too, especially after such a great night”.
“Was it worth holding out for all this time for?” she asked.
“They say good thing comes to those who wait. Last night I found out just how true that saying is.” he responded as he smiled.
“We’ve got a big day ahead of us. It’s going to be a lot of fun,” Jennifer said.
“Yes, I heard. This is going to be a lot of fun”, Chris responded. Chris got out of the bed and walked over to her, massaging her shoulders.
“I hear this is the biggest operation yet,” he said. Turning to face him, she scritched the fur on his chest.
“This will be the first time we’ve changed this many people at once. Our little family is about grow considerably.” She said.
Josh, David and John sat around the kitchen table drinking coffee while discussing their plans for the day.
“That’s a lot of people to change at once. It’s going to be a challenge to integrate them all.” Josh said.
“Well, we have plenty of room in this new home, its going to be fun” David responded.
“That’s true, so who’s taking care of it this time?” Josh asked.
“Chris, Jennifer, Timothy and Tabitha. It will be Tim and Tabby’s first time since their change and Jennifer wanted to go with Chris, she seems very fond of him so she requested he come along with her” John said.
“How many people are they changing?” Josh asked.
“Each of them is going to change a single person for a total of 4 people.” John responded.
“Do you know who they’re changing or are they going to pick someone at random?” Josh asked.
“They have someone in mind. It’s someone that I used to know, they lived next door to me.” Josh responded.
“Cool” John responded.
The alarm clock next to the bed sounded, playing the radio loudly. After hitting the ‘snooze’ button, Tony slowly crawled out of bed. Putting on his glasses, he looked at the clock to confirm that it was indeed time to get up.
“8:30 already? The nights seem to get shorter and shorter every day”, he said. His wife got up and looked at the clock in annoyance.
“Tell me about it” she said. Resigning himself to getting up, Tony walked into the bathroom and started up the shower, while his wife walked down the stairs to start breakfast.
Their two sons, Tommy and Kyle had woken up a few minutes earlier and were getting dressed.
“Why do we have to get up so early today? It’s not a school day!” Tommy, who was in the second grade asked.
“I don’t know. But mom and dad said they wanted us to get up, even if all we do is play in the yard then watch some TV for the day” Kyle, who was in the 5th grade responded.
“Can we play some games on the computer?” Tommy asked.
“They said we can after playing outside for a few hours”, Kyle responded.
“Cool!” Tommy responded. The two of them had finished getting dressed, so they both headed downstairs to get breakfast.
When their mother handed them breakfast, both ate it so quickly that it was a wonder they could even taste it. Their mother looked at them in annoyance;
“You shouldn’t eat so fast! You’re going to make yourselves sick!” she protested.
“Awe mom, were fine”, Kyle responded with Tommy nodding his head in acknowledgment. As she sat down to eat her own breakfast, Tony came down stairs, having finished his shower.
“So what are we going to do today?” the kids asked.
“This morning I have some assignments I need to finish on the computer. When I’m done we can go see a movie then go out for supper.” he said.
“In the mean time, I’m going to work on the car, you guys go play outside so your father can have some peace and quiet” their mother said.
“Okay” the boys responded in unison. When they got up and ran towards and out the back door, Tony walked over and sat beside his wife.
“So what’s wrong with the car now?” he asked.
“Oh nothing serious. It just needs an oil change” she responded.
“These assignments will probably take me a few hours, but once their done, there out of the way,” Tony said.
“That’s good”, his wife responded.
Chris and Jennifer sat high up in a tree across the street from the house. Looking into the backyard, Jennifer saw the two boys.
“That’s the two were gonna change, this is going to be fun. It will be the first time we’ve changed a kid,” she said.
“I wonder how they’re going to react to it?” Chris asked.
“From what Josh has told me about them, they’re going to like it. I’m not sure about their parents though” Jennifer responded.
“Oh, I’m sure we can convince them if their not convinced right away”, Chris slyly responded. Climbing closer to Chris, Jennifer gently scratched him between the ears.
“Okay, this is how were going to do it”, she said as she began to tell him of her plan.
Timothy and Tabitha laid quietly on the roof of the house, having been listening to the family’s conversation.
“Which one do you want to change?” Timothy asked.
“I’ll take the husband” Tabitha responded.
“Okay. Any idea how you’re going to start his change?” Timothy asked.
“I’ll put the stuff in his coffee. I can’t wait for his reaction when he sees he’s growing fur” Tabitha snickered.
“How you going to change the wife?” she asked.
“Oh, I’ll think of something.” Timothy replied.
“Lets get to it then”, Tabitha said.
In their back yard, Tommy and Kyle swung back and forth on their swing set. Suddenly alerted by a sound coming from a tree close to it, they both stopped and stood up.
“What’s the strange sound?” Timothy asked. Kyle listened to the chittering like sound coming from the tree. Looking up, he saw something standing in the tree looking at them. Kyle pointed to the animal and Tommy looked up.
“A raccoon? I thought they only came out at night?” Tommy asked.
“So did I. I wonder what it wants?” Kyle asked. The raccoon slowly climbed down the tree, eventually reaching the ground where it stood on it’s hind legs and appeared to be begging for food. Tommy walked up to the animal and petted its furry little head.
“Tommy! You shouldn’t touch a wild animal!” Kyle said.
“He doesn’t seem to mind”, Tommy said as he petted his soft and warm fur. The little boy giggled.
“He’s so cute”. Noticing that the animal seemed to be looking at something, Kyle walked up to it. Kneeling down, he gently petted the animal’s head.
“What are you doing out during the day little guy? And what are you looking at?” he asked. The raccoon then lay on its back, indicating it wanted them to scratch his belly.
“I’ve never seen one this friendly, I hope he’s okay” Kyle said.
“He wants us to pet his belly” Tommy said.
“Then lets do it” Kyle suggested. The two boys rubbed the soft fur on his belly, he responded by making a sound not unlike a cat purring. Again, he seemed distracted and seemed to be watching something. A smile came over his face and he got up and ran back up the tree, chittering happily the entire way. Kyle looked towards Tommy and shrugged his shoulders.
“That was weird,” he said.
“Yep, so where were we?” Tommy asked. Quickly, the two boys ran back to their swing set, sat back down on their swings and resumed playing.
Sitting at his computer, Tony typed his report. Reaching the end another paragraph, he stretched and looked in his cup.
“Out of coffee already, looks like I’m going to need a lot of it today” he said to himself. Getting up, he walked into the kitchen to pour himself another cup. As he was pouring the cup, he heard something just outside of the kitchen.
“What was that?” he said to himself. Again, he heard the sound (which sounded like scratching). Following the source of the sound, he stopped, as it appeared to stop. Again he heard the sound, this time in the kitchen.
“What is going on?” he asked himself. Cautiously, he walked towards the kitchen. When he found nothing suspicious in the kitchen, he breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the coffee and headed back into the den to resume work on his project.
“Getting a bit jumpy in your old age Tony” he whispered to himself. When he sat back down at the computer, he took a sip of the coffee.
“Ah, much better” he said.
Sticking her head under the open hood of their car, Alice did her work. As she drained the existing oil from the engine, she heard a noise that almost sounded like laughter coming from the back of the car. Listening more closely, she heard the sound again.
“Who’s there?” she asked. Lifting her head out from under the hood, she walked around the car looking for the source of the sound. The sound then seemed to come from above her head. When she looked up, she saw nothing out of the ordinary.
“What the heck is going on?” she asked herself. Suddenly alerted by the sound of one of the car doors opening, she looked into the car and saw a raccoon sitting in the back seat looking at her and smiling. She banged on the window to try to scare it but it was to no avail. Finally, she grabbed the door handle and noticed that it seemed wet. She dismissed the feeling when she examined the handle and her hand and found nothing. When she opened the other back seat door, the raccoon looked at her then ran out the open door as fast as it’s furry legs could carry it.
“Where did it come from?” she asked. Satisfied that the animal was gone, she closed both doors and then resumed her work on the car.
Kyle was suddenly feeling very odd. Ever since he had gotten back on his swing, his body had been feeling itchy and warm. It wasn’t until Tommy looked at him and said
“Kyle!” that he found out why.
“What?” Kyle asked.
“Your chest! There’s fur on it!” Tommy said. Kyle looked at Tommy and nearly screamed.
“What’s wrong?” Tommy asked.
“Your face! It looks like that raccoons face!” Kyle observed. As Tommy felt his face, he gasped. He could feel that he had a muzzle complete with whiskers and a cold nose and that his entire face was fur covered. When he felt for his ears he felt nothing. Feeling around his head frantically for them, he finally located them at the top of his head! Feeling them in confusion, he wasn’t sure what do think. They were furry and shaped like raccoon ears, not human ears. As he looked at his bother to say something, he saw that his brother had removed his shirt and was feeling the pelt of brown fur that had grown on his chest.
“What’s going on?” Kyle asked.
“I don’t know” Tommy said. Kyle seemed to be shrinking. As he stood beside Tommy, he noticed that he was shorter then his younger brother! Before, Tommy’s head was level his shoulders, but now it was the other way around. As he was about to say something, fur began to grow down his neck and arms and he noticed a bulge forming in the back of Tommy’s pants. Feeling the pressure, Tommy reached back just in time to feel his pants rip as a tail pushed it’s way out. The tail was furry with several black rings on it.
“Were turning into raccoons!” he said in a very upset voice. Hugging his younger brother to comfort him, he realized that Tommy was starting to shrink as well and that he could feel fur starting to grow on his own chest.
“No matters what happens were gonna be okay bro don’t worry”, he said.
Tony had finally finished the report and was about to ‘spellcheck it’. When he had moved the mouse pointer to the ‘spellcheck’ button he suddenly felt odd warmth on his hands, which was followed by the strangest tingling he had ever felt. When he felt his right hand with his left hand he felt something he’d never expected to feel, fur! He looked at both hands and saw that each had a thin layer of dark black fur on top.
“What the hell is going on?” he said. His fingernails started to look strange. A closer examination showed that they were becoming black and longer, much like claws. Holding his hands in front of his face, he looked at them in shock.
“What heck is happening?” he said. His thumbs started to tingle severely and twitched. Right in front of his eyes, both of his thumbs reformed as his hands reformed slightly until his thumbs had become 5th fingers.
“No! This is impossible!” he said. Before he could finish that thought, fur started growing on and up his arms. It was dark brown with some gray mixed in. He petted the fur, noting how soft and warm it felt. Standing up to try to get help, he noticed that his clothes were smaller.
“Great so I’m shrinking as well?” he asked himself. His chest was starting to feel very itchy, and lifting his shirt up, he saw that the same dark brown fur was coming in on his chest. Fascinated, he walked over to the mirror, noticing that his clothes were getting looser by the second. As he reached the mirror, he saw that his face was getting furrier and starting to push out into a muzzle.
“It’s spreading!” he said.
Alice had finished changing the car oil. The job had gone surprisingly well. As she closed the hood and cleaned her hands off with a towel, her face started feeling funny. Using the sink she had installed in the garage to fully clean herself off, she dried her hands and felt her face to see what the problem was. What she felt scared the hell out of her. Her mouth and nose were gone, in their place she felt a muzzle with a cold small nose at the end of it and whiskers growing out the side of it. Feeling the rest of her face, she felt fur.
“What the heck is going on?” she asked herself. Feeling for her ears, she felt nothing.
“How can I still hear if I have no ears?” she asked herself. She got her answer when she located her ears new location and shape, at the top of her head. Her ears felt strange, they were rounded and furry and felt much more like an animals ears then human ears. Looking in the mirror, she gasped at what the saw. Her face didn’t look human at all and in fact looked like a raccoon face.
“What did it do to me?” she asked, referring to the raccoon she had seen earlier. She then realized that her legs were feeling warm and that her feet felt strange. Checking to make sure no one was looking; she took her jeans, shoes and socks off. What she found terrified her. Her legs were completely covered in a pelt of brown fur and her feet no longer looked human. They both had a thin coating of fur on top of them and each of her toes had a claw at the end of it.
“My feet look just like that raccoon feet! And the fur, he’s turning me into one? No! This is impossible! It can’t be happening!” she said. Both of her arms began to itch and looking at them, she saw the same brown fur beginning to grow on them.
“I have to stop this somehow!” she said.
Kyle’s entire body was covered in fur and he had since sprouted a furry ringed tail, not unlike Tommy’s. His height had decreased so much that his clothes no longer fit him at all. He had since stepped out of them and stood on top of the pile of clothes feeling his fur, his emotion a mix of fascination and horror. Tommy changes had progressed at a much faster rate, where Tommy had been standing minutes ago, a terrified young raccoon stood on pile of clothing, watching Kyle change. Kyle looked at the raccoon.
“Tommy?” he asked. The raccoon tried to speak but only chittering sounds came out of its mouth. As he felt his hips realigning himself and found himself being forced onto all fours, he looked at the raccoon again.
“Looks like were gonna be in the same boat soon bro” he said. He continued to shrink, until he was only a bit bigger then Tommy. Walking over to him, the raccoon tried to speak, but only chittering sounds came out. Tommy was shocked when he discovered that he could understand him. Chittering at his brother, the small raccoon confirmed that they could somehow still understand eachother.
“Common Tommy, we have to tell mom and dad about this” he said. Quickly the two of them ran towards the house.
Tony had finally shrunk so much that his clothes no longer fit him. Pulling his way out of them, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was only about twice the size of an adult raccoon. His entire body was covered in fur and his face had since pulled out into a muzzle. He felt a tingling at the base of his spine. Guessing what had happening he turned slightly, and watched as a bushy ringed tail grew from the base of his spine. His hips felt strange and his center of gravity suddenly pushed him forward onto all fours. Looking at himself in the mirror for the first time standing in a four footed position, he watched as the final changes were made to his body and he shrunk down to the size of a normal adult raccoon. The changes seem to stop and he tried to speak to say something, but only chittering sounds came out. As he turned around to run out of the den to get help, he heard the sound of the back screen door opening. Walking towards it to see who it was, he saw 2 young raccoons run towards him. His enhanced sense of smell allowed him to recognize them immediately.
“Tommy? Kyle?” he chittered. The 2 young raccoons looked at him in surprise.
“Dad?” they both asked in unison. All 3 were surprised when they could understand one another. The 3 of them looked eachother over, sniffing and petting eachother.
“If this is happened to us, then it must be happening to your mother as well! Common we have to find her!” Tony said. Quickly the 3 raccoons rushed towards the front door.
Alice ran out of the garage in an almost panic. Her fur growth had spread across her entire body and she had lost nearly 2/3 of her height. As she ran, she looked at her hands in disbelief. They didn’t look like human hands anymore and looked much more like raccoon paws. Her human hair had since fallen out, leaving her with only raccoon fur on her head. Stopping to assess her situation, she realized she was continuing to shrink. She still had her shirt on but at her height it covered her entire body. Seeing little point in keeping it on, she took it off and looked at her chest. Her breasts had since been absorbed into her chest, leaving only nipples behind. Below the nipples, 2 other pairs of nipples had grown in. As she examined them with one hand, she reached over and felt her new tail with another. Pulling it into her field of view, she looked at it in disbelief.
“I’m turning into an animal! This should be impossible and yet it happing!” she said. She heard sound coming from the front of the house and quickly walked towards it as she continued to shrink. Just in time to see 3 raccoons, 1 fully grown one and 2 young ones running towards her, she suddenly lost her balance as her hips shifted and changed, and ended up on all fours. Oddly enough, the position seemed much more comfortable. Just as the other raccoons reached her, her throat and tongue felt strange. She tried to speak in order to say something to them, but only raccoon sounds came out. Very confused as to how all of this could be possible, the four raccoons stood there, looking at eachother in fascination and confusion.
Tony, Alice, Kyle and Tommy had been standing staring at eachother for several minutes. They had since established that they could still understand eachother and had felt eachother fur. Kyle and Tommy were starting to enjoy their new forms and had started to play when the four of them saw 4 other raccoons approaching them. The four of them faced the other four as they arrived. One of the other raccoons approached the family.
“Hello, my name is Jennifer and this is Chris, Timothy and Tabitha. I’m sure you have a lot of questions. To answer your first, yes we did do this to you. And yes it is normal for you to be able to understand us. I’m sure you’re probably confused and scared right now. We all were when we were changed. You’ll find that life with us is good.” Jennifer said. Tony approached her and asked her a few questions.
“Why did you do this? Why us? Can it be reversed?” he asked. Jennifer put a comforting paw on his shoulder and smiled.
“Yes, if you wish to be human again, you can be. But please at least give life like this a try, you’ll find it’s very enjoyable, no bills to pay, no worrying about work or school. No worrying about grades or homework” she said, with the last comment causing Kyle and Tommy to smile and move their furry little arms in a
“yes!” motion. Jennifer continued,
“We chose you because a neighbor of yours that was also changed recommended you, feeling you would enjoy it” she said.
“Josh?” Alice asked.
“Yes, he too lives in our family and has come to greatly enjoy life as one of us, as we all have come to. I know being like this feels odd at first, but all we ask is that you give it some time, I think you’ll come to enjoy it.” Jennifer said. Kyle and Tommy walked over to Alice hugging her and saying
“please mom” repeatedly. Looking at Tony, Jennifer asked him what he thought.
“Well, it does seem a bit weird. But who knows maybe it will be fun, at least this way we wont have to worry about a lot of human things that cause nothing but stress.” he said. Thinking for a second and seeing her two sons practically begging her to give life like this a try, she smiled.
“Sure, why not.” She said. Jennifer hugged her.
“Excellent!” she said.
“Common, lets go home”, she said and the 8 raccoons walked back towards what was for four of them their new home.
It was dark out and Tabitha and Timothy were ready for bed.
“I’ve made my decision.” Timothy said.
“And?” Tabitha asked.
“After seeing Kyle and Tommy running around and playing like that, I’ve decided that I’m ready to take that extra step in our relationship” he said. Tabitha ran over to him and hugged him.
“That’s great, our babies are going to be so cute!” she said.
“Not to mention the fun were gonna have making them” Timothy said, with a sly grin on his face. Playfully, Tabitha smiled at him,
“That’s all you guys ever think about” she said. Tabitha got into bed and Timothy followed her and the two of them curled up into a little ball together.
In their new room, Tommy and Kyle played a bit more before getting into bed. Alice walked up to them and rubbed their furry bellies before saying good night.
“See? This is gonna be lots of fun” Tommy said to his mother.
“You know, I think your right”, Alice responded as she kissed her sons goodnight and walked out of their room. She walked into her new room where Tony lay in bed.
“This was certainly an interesting day,” he said.
“To say the least” she responded.
“Just thinking that tomorrow we don’t have to worry about work or paying the bills, just enjoying life and existing. It does have a nice ring to it” Tony said. Alice got into bed beside him and scritched his belly.
“Your right, I think I’m going to enjoy this.” Getting into bed, she lay on top of Tony, the warmth of his body and softness of his fur feeling great against her own. Smiling, Tony said
“in more ways then one”.