A furry picnic
Josh lay on his stomach while Jennifer scritched his back where it was itchy.
“Ah, that’s much better and it feels great, thanks Jen”, he said. Holding a bag of peanuts, Chris walked into the room.
“Hey that looks like fun!” he said. Jennifer giggled before saying,
“You’ll have to wait your turn”. Chris walked over to her, nuzzling up against her and scritching her between the ears. Jennifer smiled, and purred, enjoying the feeling.
“That feels great.” She said as she continued to scritch Josh’s back.
“If you lay on your stomach on a bed and Josh lays on the floor beside the bed, you can scratch his back while I scratch yours, It’ll be fun”, Chris suggested.
“Sounds good. I’m getting the idea your interested in more then scratching my back though.” Jennifer said, not in a strict tone but in a curious tone. Chris stammered a bit, and then composed himself.
“Looks like you caught me”, he said in a rather meek tone. Josh stood up to face Chris and Jennifer looked at him, curious about what he wanted.
“Well, I’m listening. So what do you want?” she said, slowly approaching Chris and folding her arms around him in a rather seductive manor and tone. Chris gasped, realizing what Jennifer was thinking, although not offended by the idea; he wasn’t sure he was ready for a relationship and certainly not ready for ‘that’ at this point. It had been 5 months since his change and although he had adjusted to it very well, he wasn’t quite ready to take that step.
“No not that, although I have to admit it’s certainly not an offensive idea” Chris said, if not for the fur on his face, Jennifer would have seen him blushing.
“Then what?” she asked, almost disappointed.
“Well it’s been four months since you guys changed anyone, in fact I’m the last one that you changed. I want to change someone, I think it’d be fun if Josh and I could change one or two people together”, Chris said.
“Well, I’ll have to ask John, David and Connie and Sonya but I think they’ll say yes” Jennifer responded.
“Thanks Jen” Chris responded as he hugged Jennifer warmly.
Timothy carefully loaded the glasses and cans of coke into the basket. This was going to be his first picnic with his girlfriend and he wanted it to go flawlessly. The plan was for the two of them to drive up to a remote location in a nearby forest where they’d have lunch then go for a walk together before heading home for the evening.
The glasses and cans of coke were the last thing he needed to pack and he was finally done so he closed up the basket, put on his shoes and coat and with the basket in hand headed out the door.
His girlfriend, Tabitha only lived 2 blocks away. Normally he would have been able to walk to her house, but today he drove over so they wouldn’t have to walk back to his house to get to his car. After some 15 minutes, he arrived at her house. She knew he had a date planned but she had no idea he wanted to go on a picnic. As he walked up to her door and rang the bell, he smiled confidently, knowing that she was going to love the idea of a picnic.
He pressed the button for the doorbell and the bell rang making the traditional
“ding dong” sound. He heard a flurry of activity as Tabitha ran down the stairs, having still been getting ready for their date.
“Hey Tim, your early, I still need a few minutes”, she said as she opened the door. It was then that she saw the basket.
“What’s with the basket?” she asked. Holding the basket up, Timothy smiled.
“I was thinking we could go on a picnic. I know a great place in the woods. It’s nice a remote and private.” He said with a devious smile on his face. Blushing slightly, Tabitha smiled back,
“lets not think about that, at least not yet. After all, we’re not animals”, she said.
“I know, but still it will be a nice place to go to get away from everyone, so we can at least have some quiet time alone”, Timothy responded.
“Sure, why not. Come In while I get all the way ready, I just need a few more minutes” she said.
“Okay” Timothy responded, walking into the house.
A few minutes she came back down, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, and with her hair combed back into a ponytail. Timothy smiled and asked her is she was ready to go.
“Yes, so you said this place in secluded eh?” She asked.
“Yep, not a person around for miles” Timothy responded.
“Cool, lets go then”, Tabitha responded. The two of them walked out of the house, Tabitha locked it up, and they walked to the car got in and they were on their way.
Chris and Josh played happily high up in the tree just outside of the meeting room. Josh chittered as Chris chased him through the branches. As he was just about to catch up to him, Jennifer approached him. Chris slowed down and walked over to her, Josh seeing what was going on, also approached her. Jennifer smiled.
“Good news?” Chris asked.
“Very good, they have agreed to let you and Josh change someone or perhaps even 2 people. If you go in, they give you the material to do it and instruct you in how to use it.” Jennifer said. Chris hugged her tight and thanked her.
“Your welcome, have fun”, she said.
Chris and Josh walked into the meeting room, where John, Dave, Connie and Sonya were waiting.
“Thanks guys for giving me this chance”, Chris said.
“Your welcome, we are always looking to add to our family. Okay here’s what you do”. The raccoon walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a small vial with a clear liquid in it.
“This is very powerful stuff. It can be ingested, injected, absorbed through the skin or even inhaled. This is why we have to keep it under such controls. We've found the best way to do it is to put a few drops in their drinks. As you can see it has no coloration. It also has no taste or smell, they will never know it’s in there, at least not until they start sprouting fur.” He said, smiling after his last comment. Chris walked over to him and picked up the small vial.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be very careful with this” he said.
“This is going to be fun!” Josh said.
“Are their any guidelines for who we change?” Chris asked.
“None, however we usually change friends. Having someone familiar to them in the group usually it makes it easier for them to adjust to the change”, Josh said.
“I know having you here definitely made it easier for me”, Chris said to Josh.
“And having you here has made this so much more fun, it’s always better to have a friends to enjoy it with”, Josh responded.
“Good luck guys, we look forward to whomever you decide to add to our ever growing family”, John said. Chris and Josh waved as they walked out of the room.
Slowly, the 2 raccoons climbed down the tree and walked along the ground, walking towards a group of trees so they could get a good lookout for people.
“I love the spring time, the air always smells so nice” Chris said.
“Me too” Josh responded. The two of them walked for nearly 30 minutes before they came upon a tree that overlooked a picnic table.
“Hey maybe someone will decide to have a picnic here”, Josh said.
“Maybe, common lets go up that tree and wait to see” Chris responded.
Timothy had been driving through the woods for what felt like a long time. Tabitha was getting a bit impatient.
“Are we there yet?” she asked.
“Good timing, it’s just around this corner”, he responded. After he rounded the corner, he slowed the car down, eventually brining it to a stop.
“Over there”, he said, pointing towards a group to Picnic tables with several tree’s overlooking them.
“It’s beautiful” she responded as she got out of the car. Timothy got out with the picnic basket in hand and together they walked over to the table.
“I wasn’t sure what you’d want to drink, so I just brought a couple of cans of coke. I brought some glasses for them so we can drink out of the glasses instead of the cans” Timothy said.
“Coke is fine, and the glasses was a good idea.” They walked over to the group of picnic tables. No one else was there, so they would have the area to themselves. As Tabitha sat down, Timothy emptied the basket, taking out the glasses, cans of coke, 4 sandwiches (two chicken salad and two egg salad) and Caesar salad along with paper plates for the sandwiches and bowls for the salads.
As Timothy set everything up, Tabitha smiled at the selection.
“How did you know I love chicken and egg salad?” she asked. Timothy winked and in a sly tone responded,
“I have my resources”.
“Resources eh?” she responded as she began to eat one of the chicken salad sandwiches.
“I’ll have to make sure to thank those resources”, she said. Timothy sat down, pouring the coke into the glasses before he started to eat one of the sandwiches.
Quietly, Chris and Josh climbed the tree overlooking the picnic tables.
“I think we’ve found what were looking for”, Josh said, trying to stifle his almost devious laughter. As he got a closer look he smiled even wider.
“Cool, a male and a female, I wonder if they’re out on a date or something. It should be interesting seeing their reaction once their changed”, he said. Chris climbed over to Josh and nearly jumped when he saw the two humans.
“I know them. That’s Tim and Tabitha.” Chris said.
“How do you know them?” Josh asked.
“He’s the brother of one of my former co-workers, I met him a few times. Not sure how he’s going to react to us changing him.” Chris said.
“Well, with his girlfriend with it for it, I think he’ll adjust pretty quickly” Josh commented.
“Lets see, these drinks of theirs would be a good way to do this. I have an idea,” Chris said.
“I’m listening” Josh responded.
Timothy finished his egg salad sandwich and was about to start on his chicken salad one as Tabitha finished off hers and took a sip from her glass. Just then they heard a strange noise coming from the direction of the car.
“What was that?” Tabitha asked.
“It sounded like it came from the car”, Timothy responded. They both looked towards the car and saw what looked like a raccoon standing there, making a lot of noise.
“What does it want?” Tabitha asked.
“It seems to be trying to get our attention”, Timothy responded.
“What if it’s hurt or something?” Tabitha asked.
“We’d better go and see” Timothy suggested. The two of them got up, leaving their food and drink and walked towards the animal. When it saw them, it chittered happily doing what looked like a dance.
“I don’t think it’s injured”, Timothy responded.
“I wonder what it wants? Food?” Tabitha asked.
“I don’t think we have anything it could eat”, Timothy said. The raccoon seemed to start to look at something before almost appearing to smile before walking away, chittering happily. Timothy and Tabitha shrugged their shoulders before walking back towards their picnic table.
“That was weird,” Timothy said.
“Very” Tabitha responded. The two of them say down and resumed eating their meal.
Timothy was thirsty so he picked up his glass and drank the rest of the coke, which was in it; nearly an entire can worth. As he spooned some of the salad into the salad bowl he felt a bit dizzy for several seconds. The feeling past and he guessed that it was just his imagination. As he poured the salad dressing onto the salad and began to eat it, the area around his eyes began to feel incredibly itchy and warm. He reached up to scratch the area and gasped in horror when he felt what felt a lot like fur. As he felt the fur, it seemed to be spreading across the rest of his face.
“What’s going on?” he asked out loud. Tabitha then noticed what was happening to him.
“Tim! Your face! It has fur! And it’s spreading!” she said, the shock and near panic in her voice evident.
“What does it look like?” Timothy asked.
“Well, it’s black around your eyes, and there’s some white around the black and a line of brown down your nose”, Tabitha responded.
“Like a raccoon”, Timothy responded.
“What do you mean by ‘like a raccoon’?” Tabitha asked.
“That raccoon, it must have caused this somehow”, Timothy, responded. The fur on his face continued to spread, and his mouth and nose were starting to hurt. They felt as if something was pulling on them, holding his right hand over them he felt something expanding and pushing against his hand.
“What going on?” Timothy said.
“Tim! Your face, your growing a muzzle!” Tabitha said. Already, Timothy muzzle was well developed, right down to the small black nose at the end and the whiskers sticking out of the side of it. His ears started to ache and he felt a stinging feeling on top of his head.
“ Timothy winced in pain, standing up and standing on his knees on the ground. He felt his ears tingle and it felt as if something was pushing them into his head.
“My ears!” he said. Tabitha watch in horror as Timothy’s human ears were absorbed into his head and new ears, ear canals and all grew on top of his head.
“Tim! You have raccoon ears!” Tabitha said in horror. Timothy reached up and felt the ears, they were furry and it felt strange to touch them. As he touched them his human hair felt strange and it started falling out in clumps as it was replaced by thick brown fur. Timothy gasped was he saw the hair in his hands.
“My hair!” he said. His face felt warm and the warmth was starting to spread down his neck and onto his chest and arms.
“Your face looks like a raccoon face, it looks cute.” Tabitha said. As Timothy watched brown fur growing on his arms and felt it growing on his chest he could only look at her as if to say
“are you insane?” Timothy was noticing that his clothes were feeling rather loose, he stood up and noticed that he was now shorter then Tabitha. Before he was quite a bit taller then her.
“I’m shrinking!” he said.
“Tim, take off your shirt, I want to see what’s happening to your chest.” She said. Timothy was beyond the point of embarrassment, the changes his body was undergoing too priority, so he complied and removed his shirt. Tabitha gasped at what she was saw. His entire chest was covered in a pelt of brown fur, and the fur on his arms had nearly fully completed his growth. Tabitha petted the fur and Timothy smiled, realizing he was enjoying the feeling. Seeing his enjoyment, Tabitha told him to
“snap out of it Tim!” Timothy’s pants were starting to feel incredibly loose and finally gave way, falling down his legs to reveal that his legs were now covered in quickly growing brown fur. Tabitha could see something pegging near the back of Timothy’s underwear.
“Tim, take your underwear off, I think your growing a tail and I want to see!” see said.
“Tabitha, don’t you think your getting a but personal?” Timothy asked.
“Well, if becoming an animal, your going to have to get used to me seeing you like that anyway”, Tabitha said.
“Okay”, Timothy said. As he reached down to pull down his underwear, he noticed his hands, if you could still call them that. His thumbs were gone, having since aligned with the rest of his fingers, and sharp claws had grown on the tip of each finger. After removing his underwear, Timothy turned around so Tabitha could see what was going on. She gasped as she saw what was only a stub; quickly grow into a long bushy ringed tail.
Tabitha felt the tail, much to Timothy embarrassment. As she felt it, she became aware of a pushing feeling in the back of her pants. She stood up quickly and felt the area.
“Tim, I think I’m growing a tail as well,” she said. Feeling she had nothing to lose, she took her jeans off. Sure enough, under her underwear, a tail was quickly pushing its way out. Timothy was continuing to shrink, having shrunk to nearly half Tabithas size. Tabitha gasped as brown fur started to grow down her legs and up her torso. Timothy tried to stand up, but his hips weren’t co-operating. His center of gravity was starting to shift and he found himself being forced onto all fours. His neck re-aligned, allowing him to look forward when standing on all fours and he continued to shrink. Tabitha’s tail had fully grown; ripping her underwear apart as it pushed it’s way out. The fur growing on her legs continued to thicken and soon her entire legs were covered in a pelt of brown fur. She could only stare at her stomach in fascination and horror as fur grew up it. It felt both itchy and warm. Suddenly hearing an odd chittering sound beside her, she looked down to see a raccoon standing on top of timothy’s clothes, examining itself in confusion. Looking at the animal, she realized it was Timothy.
“Tim? Is that you?” she asked. The raccoon nodded its yes and chittered in acknowledgment. Having been momentarily distracted by Tim, she re-directed her attention to the fur growth. The fur had since spread all the way up her back, sides and chest and was quickly growing into a thick pelt. Feeling very warm, she removed her shirt. As the fur started growing down her arms, she noticed that her bra felt loose.
“Oh come on, not those, why do they have to shrink?” she asked her self. Petting her chest as the fur grew further down her arms she noticed that appeared to be a few pairs of nipples growing down her chest. Her breasts were getting smaller so she removed her bra.
“I guess I won’t be needing this anymore” she sighed. As the fur growth reached her hands, her thumbs started to reform and claws started to grow from the tip of each finger. Dark fur grew on top of each hand and she held her hands out in front of her face, watching them become paws.
Timothy started to paw against her legs as she began to shrink and fur began to grow on her face. Her throat started to feel strange, as did her tongue. She tried to say something to Timothy, but only chittering sounds came out. Black fur grew around her eyes as brown fur grew elsewhere on her face. Her human ears were absorbed into her head as new ear canals grew on top of her head and raccoon ears grew around them. Her hips felt strange and she quickly found herself being forced onto all fours as she shrunk to an extent that she was slightly smaller then Timothy. The humans Timothy and Tabitha were gone, in their place two very confused raccoons stood, trying to come to terms with what had happened to them.
Having watched Tabitha and Timothy change from the trees, Chris and Josh smiled.
“That was really cool!” Josh said.
“I can see why you guys have changed people. Watching it is fascinating. So what happens next?” Chris asked.
“Now we go and tell them who we are and why we did this to them. Their probably going to be a bit upset, we’ve found a belly rub usually calms them down, if not that then the news that they don’t have to worry about homework or getting a job and will never have to worry about paying bills usually helps”, Josh said.
“Alright then, lets do it”, Chris said.
Timothy stood there, staring at Tabitha. Finally moving, he walked over to her and sniffed her. He realized that his sense of them had been improved considerably. He could smell everything from the toothpaste on her breath from when she had brushed her teeth to the shampoo she had used to wash her hair before their date. Her new fur had an odd scent to it, not really a bad smell, not necessarily a good smell, but it didn’t offend him. He found himself reaching out to her, gently touching her furry belly. She chittered, not in protest but in shock at how nice it felt.
“Tabitha I can understand you!” he chittered.
“And I can understand you!” she chittered back. Gently, she sniffed him and rubbed the fur on his back, a move that he responded to with a happy chitter. Timothy could feel new instincts emerging; some scared him while others excited him. He gently moved towards her, licking her muzzle. Playfully she pushed him back.
“What’d wrong?” he asked.
“Tim, just because we’ve become animals in body doesn’t mean we should start acting like animals”, Tabitha said. Embarrassed, Timothy backs away slightly.
“Sorry Tabby, I didn’t mean to, all these new instincts, it’s hard to control them,” he said.
“It’s okay, but I think we should wait before we just give up on being human again. It’d be very embarrassing to lose control like this and such,” she said.
“Your right.” He said, covering himself.
“Why did whoever it was do this to us anyway? I didn’t want this and I certainly didn’t ask for this? What gives them the right?” she asked. Timothy felt a sense of anger. She was right, what gave whom or whatever had caused this the right to turn them into animals with any consent. He had thought of the idea of becoming an animal before but it wasn’t like it was something he was planning on actually going through. He had nothing against raccoons, but really had never thought of becoming one. He quickly found himself getting angry.
“Your right! What gives them the right? Nothing! I’m going to make the people that did this to us pay!” he said. Suddenly from behind them, 2 other raccoons, a gray and reddish brown one approached them.
Tim angrily turned around and jumped towards them.
“Did you two do this to us?” he asked, his anger more then evident.
“Yes, but let us explain!” Josh said. Tim grabbed the fur on Chris’ chest and eye-to-eye with him demanded an explanation. Tabitha quickly ran up to Tim and put her right paw on his shoulder.
“Tim, calm down and let them explain” she said. Timothy let Chris’ fur go and backed up slightly, folding his arms and frowning.
“Explain quickly,” he said.
“You see, we used to be human, just like you. In fact, Chris here knows you.” Josh said.
“I used to work with your brother”, Chris said.
“Wait a minute, Chris? My brother’s co-worker who disappeared 4 months ago right before the costume party? This is what happened to you?” Timothy asked.
“Yes, Josh and his friends did this to me. I was scared at first, just as your angry. But once I spend time with the group and realized I don’t have to worry about what I’m going to wear anymore or about bills or anything like that, I calmed down” Chris responded.
“If that doesn’t help, then there is one thing”, Josh said. Slowly, he walked up to Timothy and gently massaged his furry belly. Timothy couldn’t help but laugh, it did feel nice, but he had to admit, he’d rather it was Tabitha doing this.
“Okay okay, maybe this isn’t such a bad thing, but you could have asked. I wouldn’t necessarily have said no” Timothy said, starting to calm down.
“You’re right and I’m sorry. We can make you human again, but would you be willing to at least give this life a try for a little while? Life is good like this, and you have Tabitha to keep you company” Chris said. Timothy considered the situation for a minute before Tabitha walked up to him.
“He’s got a point Tim, we wont have to worry about homework anymore or about grades or how were going to have to pay for college.” She said.
“Or about getting a job”, Josh said slyly.
“Well I guess I could give this a try for a while, but you have to agree to change us back if we want to go back to being human”, Timothy said. Chris smiled and walked up to Tim and offered his right paw, to which Timothy responded by shaking it.
“So where do you guys live? You mentioned a group?” Timothy asked.
“Yes, there are several others, right this way” Chris responded.
“Lead the way” Tim said.
Happily the 4 of them walked back towards the group, Chris wasn’t sure if Tim was going to accept this change fully. But with a Tabitha to keep him company, he knew that it would make the transition. Chris was confident that these 2 new members of their little family were going to decide to stay. As he heard Tim joyfully chittering towards Tabitha, he smiled.
“Perhaps this will work out after all”, he thought.