A furry trip
John and Mary had been going out since High School. They both went to the same college. They had both graduated a month before, and had decided to go on a camping trip together. John had planned on proposing to Mary while on the trip.
There were campgrounds that he knew of that were well out away from the nearest town. He had planed on using a tent and a few supplies, but wanted this to be a mostly roughing it type of trip. Both John and Mary were nature lovers, so it wasn’t difficult for him to get her to agree to the trip. It had been several years since either of them had been camping, and this was the first time they were going to really have time alone and have real privacy.
Getting packed and ready, John drove over to Mary’s house at 8am that morning. She got in his car and they were underway. His plan was that, on their second day there, we could cook her up a really great breakfast, then they’d go for a long hike and then he’d propose to her. The trip took most of the day, they spend most of the second half of the way driving though wooded areas on a two lane road, but the time they got to where they had to go, they were on a dirt road. The campground was a small camp area, and they area they set up camp in was well away from any other campers.
It was just starting to get dark and was a bit early to for them to go to sleep, so they decided to set up a campfire and to roast some marshmallows. It had been years since both of them had done so and it brought back a lot of memories. After roasting some marshmallows and talking for a while, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Watching the area they heard the rustling from, they saw a pair of raccoon’s walk out and walk practically up to them to beg for food. John had packed some peanuts with him, so he decided to give them some. They both loved them, and before long they had eaten the entire bag of peanuts, and started to beg for more. When John said to them
“Sorry guys, were all out” they almost seemed to say
“awe!” and walked back off into the woods.
It was dark by then and was pretty late so John and Mary decided to call it a night and to go to sleep. They first made sure the campfire was out, then opened up the tent, went inside, got into the sleeping bags, and laid back to go to sleep. As they laid down in their sleeping bags in the tent, they could hear more rustling and could hear movement. Too tired to worry about the two raccoons breaking into the tent, they both fell sleep.
Hearing that the two humans had fallen asleep, the two raccoons felt confident that they would now be able to have ‘the run of’ the campsite. Walking around it, they sniffed everything from the tent to the car looking for food. Seeing that the food was locked securely in the car, they at first decided to leave and search out the other campsites until they got an interesting idea. They could tell that John and Mary both liked each other and were nature lovers, they could tell that they liked raccoons in particular. Walking towards the tent, they managed to open it, and saw that the two humans were sleeping soundly. Looking at each other, they grinned mistevously and began to walk around the two humans, making odd chirping noises. After some 5 minutes of doing this, they looked at the two of then. They saw fur starting to grow on their faces and knew that their work was done. Walking out of the tent, they closed it and walked towards the closest tree and climbed in wait for the surprise john and Mary would have waiting for them.
John and Mary were sleeping very soundly, they had no idea that fur was growing on their faces. On their faces, grayish brown fur grew on the top of John’s head, around his eyes; black fur started to grow in. Under his clothes, grayish brown fur was growing in all over his body. Similar changes were happening to Mary, around her eyes, a well-defined mask of black fur had already grown in, and her face was starting to pull out into a muzzle. John’s hands started to grow fur on the top of them, and his fingers began to grow longer and more nimble, a small claw started to form on the tip of each of his fingers. Mary’s face finished growing into a muzzle, and whiskers grew out from the sides of her muzzle, close to her nose. Her nose started to twitch, and her ears moved to the top of her head, becoming pointy and furry. John’s face quickly changed as Mary’s had, and soon both of their heads looked just like raccoon heads, even their teeth had changed and looked like a raccoon teeth. Fur continued to grow on both of their bodies and soon furry tails with rings grew from their tailbones and ripped through the bottom of their pajamas. The two of them started making chirping sounds, as if they could sense what was going on, despite being asleep. As their fur growth finished, they both had a full pelt of fur on them. They both started to shrink and their bodies changed shape to become much more suited for walking on all fours. Crawling to the tops of their sleeping bags, they both curled up into little balls, and started to shrink to a size normal for a raccoon.
The next day arrived, and the sun rose. The birds were chirping and the air felt warm. Waking up, John looked around, his little raccoon nose twitching, when he saw the raccoon laying in a little ball beside him, he almost panicked until he realized that something very strange was going on. Sniffing the air, he could smell things much stronger then he ever should have been able to as a human should, even the sounds seemed much louder and focused. Sitting down, he realized that he was much smaller. He looked at his hands and realized what had happened to him. Trying to shake the raccoon that Mary has become, whom he could now recognize by scent, he tried to speak, but all that came over were the sounds he associated with raccoons. Waking up, Mary took one look and John and jumped back, it didn’t take her long to realize she too was much smaller and was making raccoon noises. Looking herself over she realized what was going on. The two raccoons smelled and touched each other, purring, as they knew who the other raccoon was. Managing to grab the zipper, John opened the door to the tent. As they walked out of the tent, they both smelled the morning air. It smelled incredible, the air and sun felt amazing against their fur. They could hear the sounds of a pair of raccoons standing above them, who almost seemed to be laughing. Climbing down the tree the two raccoons stood across from the raccoons that John and Mary now were. John and Mary didn’t know for sure, but it seemed that their sense of awareness was much stronger then before, and they knew right away that somehow, someway those two had done this to them.
John couldn’t bring himself to be angry with them, he looked at Mary and she really did make a very beautiful raccoon, Mary felt the same way; John made a very handsome raccoon. Sensing their satisfaction the 2 raccoons made a sound that John and Mary somehow understood meant the equivalent of
“your welcome” and ran off.
Now standing there starting at each other, John and Mary pondered what to do next. John and Mary had chosen not to be physically intimate in their relationship, they wanted to wait until marriage. Getting a rather devious idea in his mind, John realized that they didn’t have to worry about waiting anymore, raccoons don’t exactly get married. Seeing that Mary could sense what he was thinking he half expected Mary to get offended and run off, but instead she started to make happy sounds, which he could tell meant
“You want me, come and get me!” in a playful tone. Running off, at a not so fast pace she bolted up a tree and he gave chase chirping away happily the entire time.
4 months later Mary and John sat in their den, cuddling their 4 kits. For the first time ever in their lives they felt truly at home. There were times men they though about back home, and wondered if anyone had any idea what really happened to them, but for them what they had in life had been a wonderful gift. They were together and were raising a family, maybe not in the way they had planned, but in a way that they wouldn’t trade for anything.