The packages
Tim had large collection of Plushies, he was a fan of them and had over 100 of them. One day he was looking through a magazine and came across and interesting looking plushy. It was a large humanoid raccoon, the size of a 10 year old. It even had clothes. The quantities were very limited. He was immediately drawn to it, but he feared that with the limited quantities he would be too late. Acting as quickly as he could, he called the company that had been advertising them.
He was elated when they still had plenty of the plush's left. They were expensive, $100 each, but he loved plush's, so decided that it was worth the cost and bought 2, which was the maximum a person was allowed to buy. They told him that it would take 6-8 weeks for delivery, that seemed like a long time, but they told him that they were swamped by orders. He accepted this and awaited the delivery.
***3 months had passed and Tim was starting to think that the plush's would never arrive. He had called the company several different times to ask what the delay was, but the number has been disconnected. He had started to think that he had been 'taken' and was ready to accept it when his doorbell rang. Opening the door, he saw a man standing there with 2 large boxes.
"Hi", Tim said.
"Delivery for a Tim Rebotco". Tim signed for the delivery and brought both boxes into his house, he was surprised by how light they were. The boxes were nearly as big as he was, he had expected them to be heavy. He opened the boxes and saw that they were full of padding. Managing to get through the padding, he pulled both plush's out of their boxes. They were the right size, about the size of a 10 year old. They were very cute, he had to admit that. Their fur looked real, and even felt real. He read the information about them that came with them. It said that they were made from genuine fake raccoon fur. "There's an interesting contradiction of terms" he said to himself, feeling the plush's fur.
As he felt their fur, his hands started to tingle. He noticed that they looked different. Something was growing on top of them. A close examination, revealed that it was black fur! His finger nails started to grow into what looked like claws. The skin on the bottom of his hands became much more sensitive then normal, and darkened in color.
"What's in the name of?" he said to himself. He looked at the two plush's and they seemed to have moved on their own!
"This is crazy! What's going on?" he said. He arms started to become very itchy. Examining them, he saw that brown fur that was quickly becoming very thick was growing on them! Looking at the plush's he again noticed that they seemed be moving, but was again distracted by what was happening to him. His torso started to itch like mad, he took his shirt off to see what was going on and saw that the same brown fur that had grown on his arms (fur that was now getting so thick it was like a pelt) was starting to grow on his torso. He itched his torso like mad, somehow hopping to slow down the fur growth but it didn't help. In a desperate measure to try to curb the growth, he ran into the bathroom, and grabbed a hair shaver he had, and tried shaving it off. It helped at first, the fur came off, falling to the floor. His efforts were untimely in vein. The fur started growing at an exponential rate, far faster then the shaver could remove it. Eventually he gave up. As the fur on his torso completed it's growth, it had become a thick pelt. Fur started to grow down his legs. His legs itched like mad as it grew. Scratching helped a bit, but ultimately he was at the mercy of it. He became aware of a painful pulling sensation at the bottom of his spine, from this and the itching on his legs, he removed his jeans and underwear just in time to see a furry tail grow from the base of his spine. The tail grew long, and was brown with several black rings on it. Looking at the plush's, he saw that his tail looked just like theirs.
"A raccoon, I'm, turning into a raccoon!", he said to no one in particular.
The fur growth proceeded down to his feet. Shorter fur grew on top of them, and claws grew from his toe nails. Pads grew on the bottom of each foot. The fur on his neck proceeded up his neck and onto his face. His human ears were absorbed into his head, and new furry, rounded raccoon ears grew on top of his head. Fur grew all over his face, growing in black around his eyes, in a classical raccoon mask, and white around his nose and mouth, which were starting to grow out into a muzzle. He started to shrink, and as he talked he noticed his voice sounded higher pitched then normal. The 2 raccoon plush's were definitely moving now, instead of plush's, they now looked like humanoid raccoons, and they were watching him shrink, smiling, as if they couldn't wait for his final form. His face finished becoming a muzzle, but he still continued to shrink. He voice now sounded like it had when he was ten. He continued to shrink until he was slightly smaller then the two formerly plushy humanoid raccoons. Holding his arms out in front of them, then examining his body, he asked them
"am I done?" and was shocked by the sound of his voice, he sounded just like he had when he was 8 years old.
The two raccoons ran over to him and gave him a very warm group hug, saying
"hi brother". Tim wasn't sure what to think. When they finished hugging him, he walked over to the mirror and looked at himself. He had to admit he was incredibly cute, but not sickeningly so, he was cute enough to enjoy immensely but to still be taken seriously. The two raccoons, which looked about 10 years old, walked over to him, and handed him his clothes, which had apparently changed while he had looked at himself in the mirror. They were now a perfect fit for him and even had a little tail hole.
"Common bro, you can't walk around naked like that" they said, giggling. Tim put his the clothes on and smiled at his appearance with them.
"So what happens now" he asked them.
"We play of course!" they both said in unison. Running outside, the 3 raccoons giggled and warbled happily.