Procyon Coffee
It was a cold November day, cold enough that it was snowing lightly. Jennifer was getting off of work for the day. She worked downtown in an office in a tall building, like many of the other tens of thousands of people that she saw in one way or another every day. She felt very cold, and was shivering as she walked to the bus stop.
As she rounded a corner, something caught her eye. There was a vendor stand that she had never seen before. It was offering hot drinks. She felt very cold and was desperate for something to warm her up, so she walked over to the vendor and asked him what he had. He looked at her and smiled, informing her of all the various drinks he had. Nothing seemed to appeal to her and semi frustrated she said
"I want something that will keep me nice and warm for a long time". The man felt his chin, as if thinking then after a minute, motioned to her, and reached into a container on the stand, pulling out a small cylinder.
"This is a very special kind of coffee, it’s called Procyon coffee. It’s guaranteed to keep you very warm for a very long time to come" he said. Jennifer was a bit skeptical, she loved coffee but found it difficult to understand how a simple cup of coffee could keep her warm for ‘a long time to come’.
She was willing to try almost anything, so she asked him
"how much". He smiled saying
"50 cents for a cup, since it’s a new product". She gladly paid him and took the cup after he poured it. Thanking the man, she walked off, sipping the coffee.
After walking a couple of blocks, she had finished almost all of the coffee. She was feeling very warm indeed. She was also feeling oddly itchy. Whatever was in the coffee, it was making her feel very warm and she was no longer cold at all. Finishing off the cup, she threw it into a garbage can and continued to make her way to the bus stop.
As she waited for the bus, her chest and legs were feeling very itchy and very warm. She was wondering what was going on and if it was the coffee that was causing this. She did still feel warm, so it would seem that the coffee was keeping its promise. During the bus ride home, the itching was warmth was getting worse, and had spread to her arms. To top it all off, something was pushing at the back of her underwear and her clothes seemed oddly loose. By the time the bus had arrived at her stop, several other passengers were looking at her strange. Her face had started to feel itchy and warm and she was afraid to feel it, fearing what she would find. As she walked up to her front door, her pants fell down, it was then that she realized just how much she had been shrinking.
But that wasn't all. She realized just why her legs felt so itchy and warm. They were covered in a thick pelt of brown fur. Her shirt covered most of her body now. She quickly got inside of her house to see what was going on. Running to a mirror, she looked at her face and she nearly jumped when she saw it. Her face was furry, and her ears were on top of her head and were completely differently shaped the normal. She felt the fur on her face, she quickly recognized the coloration of the fur. Around her eyes it was black, and around the black was a layer of white, it was brown elsewhere. It was then that she remembered the name of the coffee ‘Procyon coffee’. The name had sounded familiar and she remembered where she had heard of it. Procyon is the genus of the raccoon.
The impact of that statement and the fact she was shrinking and growing fur quickly ‘hit her’, and she quickly stripped off her remaining clothes. What she saw what she looked at her body shocked her, her breasts were gone, replaced by a series of nipples going down her chest. Her entire body was covered in a pelt of brown fur. She had a tail that was long and bushy. The fur coloring on it gave it away. It was brown with several black rings on it.
"I'm turning into a raccoon!" she said, noticing how much higher pitched her voice was. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, fascinated by what she was seeing. She realized that she was still shrinking. Her hips and legs started feeling very strange, and she found herself being forced onto ‘all fours’. As she stared at herself, fascinated with her reflection, she quickly shrunk until she was no bigger then a normal raccoon. She tried to speak, but only made animal noises. She stood there, starting at herself in the mirror, looking at the female raccoon that was looking back at her.
Beaming herself, she realized her dilemma.
"So now what am I supposed to do?" she thought to herself. She walked around her house trying to figure out what to do. It was then that she heard the noise from her window. She ran over to the window to see a male raccoon flanked by two females. He chittered towards her. She managed to get her door open and walked out to him. She was surprised that she could understand him. She chittered to him, telling him her name. He walked over to her and hugged her saying
"Hi my name is John, I used to be human as well, but being this way is so much more fun". She wasn't sure what to do. Something about the other 3 seemed very inviting. She smiled, and returned the hug, before following the 3 other raccoons as they motioned for her to follow them. As she followed them, she realized that the vendor was telling her the truth, she was very warm, and these three would keep her warm for a very long time to come.