Something to care about
“Geeze Billy, your watching the care bears again? It so sappy and annoying! I can’t believe you like that junk!” George didn’t like his 5-year-old brother TV show preferences; he felt that at 13 years old he was ‘above’ TV shows like the care bears. It bothered him that his brother watched shows like that, and he always teased him about. Billy really enjoyed watching the care bears in particular, he thought the characters were cute and enjoyed the
“lessons in life” the shows and movies taught him. George’s parents had on multiple occasions told George to get of his parents back, reminding him that he had at one point been that age and had liked care bears among other children’s shows. Looking at George clearly upset by what felt like George’s 800th complaint about the shows that he liked Billy told him to leave him alone and reminded him about how he used to like ‘this show’. Laughing mockingly George walked out of the room as Billy continued to watch. As the episode finished, Billy said,
“I wish he would be nicer to me and would like this again”. It still being early in the day, Billy decided to watch one of the care bear movies. His wish still in mind, he placed the tape in the deck and hit play.
Something strange happened. Where previews would normally be shown before the movie, the screen flickered and went black. A tear forming in his eye, Billy thought that George had done something to the tape. Just as he stood up to tell his parents a single phrase appeared on the screen;
“Your wish is granted”, which faded into blackness after 10 seconds. The movie then returned to normal.
“That was weird”, Billy said as he sat back down and started to watch.
Upstairs George was playing PC games when he thought he heard the sound of someone laughing. Turning around, no one was there. Again he heard the sound of child like laughter, this time another voice was saying,
“Wish granted” over and over, a third one started saying
“you’ll like care bears now!” and began to giggle. Covering his ears and thinking he was going insane or something, George stood up and shook his head. Taking his hands off his ears, the voices had stopped.
“What the heck is going on?” he said to himself. At first he thought that maybe he was just letting his brother ‘get to him’. Sitting back down at his computer he resumed playing games.
Billy laughed and giggled as he watched the movie. This has been his 10th time watching it, but it never got ‘old’ and he loved it every time though. He began to sing along with a song that the characters were singing. When Bright Heart appeared on the screen, he looked towards him and winked.
“That’s never happened before” Billy thought to himself, but continued to watch the movie, having no idea what it meant.
At the same time, in his room, George suddenly noticed an odd glowing. Looking into the mirror he saw that it was his clothes!
“What the hell?” he exclaimed loudly as glow became brighter and brighter, almost lighting up the room. As he reached towards them to throw them off they suddenly began to change shape. Watching them change in the mirror, George didn’t know what to think. The glow spread across his hands and his feet and began to dim. As the glow stopped, George saw that his clothes had been changed. He know had on, that looked like a child’s jumpsuit. It was blue, and the stomach was white with a picture of Bright Heart. He could recognize the character right away.
“Billy did this somehow, I don’t know how but he did this!” he said, rather perturbed about his clothes being changed like that. Reaching for the back he found a zipper and managed to get out of the outfit and threw it to the floor. Standing there naked may have felt embarrassing, but it was better then wearing that! Without warning, the outfit began to glow and disappeared, re-appearing on him! Now he was getting mad, trying to open the door to go downstairs and demand Billy tell him how he was making this happen, he found the door was stuck shut. Trying not to panic he knocked on it, hoping someone would hear it, but it was to no avail. Trying once more to remove the outfit, only for it to again re-appear on it he gave up and sat back down on his chair in front of the computer and resumed playing his game.
Billy continued to watch the movie; the adventure was well under way. Bright heart again walked onto the screen, turned towards Billy and said
“it’s going great so far, lets do some more”, winked at him and resumed his normal actions for the movie. Now scratching his head in confusion Billy paused it then took it out of the tape deck to make sure it was indeed the right movie. It was, so he put it back in and resumed it.
“I wonder what he meant by lets do some more?” he thought. George’s clothes were still a child’s bedtime jumpsuit with a picture of Bright Heart on them. Having spent the last 15 minutes dressed like that; it had ceased to bother him, as he was concentrating on his game. Again the clothes started to glow, again getting brighter. Looking at them in the mirror he said
“Finally! They must be going back to normal!” getting up he stood there and watched them glow and change shape. To his annoyance and surprise they didn’t change back to normal. They changed into a yellow vest, a yellow baseball cap, and a pair of tennis shoes. The glowing stopping, George stood there in disbelief. The clothing he had on now didn’t cover anything; to say being dressed like that was embarrassing for him would have been an understatement. Again he tried to take them over, throwing the vest and cap to the floor and kicking the shoes off. Just like before they ‘teleported’ back onto him. Getting a bit more desperate, he picked out some other clothes and placed them on over the vest, but they just disappeared and reappeared on this bed, nicely folded. As fast as he could, for a third time he threw the vest, cap and shoes to the floor, this time getting dressed into something else as fast as he could. Again his clothes vanished and re-appeared; nicely folded on his bed, and the vest, cap and shoes re-appeared on him. Sounding genuinely distressed he said,
“What the heck is going on?” As he completed the sentence, he saw purple hairs begin to sprout on his arms and legs.
The movie was about halfway through and the adventure well underway. Billy could have sworn that each time Bright Heart was on the screen that he seemed to be winking at him. It really didn’t bother him; Bright Heart was his favorite character. Once again as Bright Heart walked onto the screen, he looked towards the ‘camera’ then said
“He’s coming along nicely, soon you’ll be able to play with me all day!” then walked off screen.
“Okay this is getting weird. Maybe it’s just my imagination”
Up in his room, George couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Purple hair (fur?) was now growing all over his arms and legs, and they seemed to be getting a bit chubby. His hands were changing as well. Flesh was growing between his fingers, it was almost as if they were filling in completely and becoming much rounder. He noticed that the fur growing on the underside of his hands was a fair bit lighter. He also seemed to be shrinking; his clothes were shrinking with him so it was hard to tell for sure. White fur appeared to be starting to grow on his chest, with purple fur growing around the sides of it and on his back. It was coming in slowly. Around his eyes and extending from them to the side of and down his face, dark purple fur began to grow. He reached his hands (paws?) up to touch it when he saw that they no longer looked anything like a humans. He still had a thumb, but didn’t appear to have any fingers. It still seemed he could grasp things though, but all the fur on his hands made it a bit difficult. At first he thought his clothes were to blame for these changes, so he threw them off, but just as before they re-appeared on him. Feeling a tingling feeling in his ears, he saw them moving up his head towards the top of his head and getting furry. His nose started to change and seemed to be expanding and getting much rounder.
The movie was about 2/3 of the way through and the story was getting close to being finished. Bright Heart was finally acting normal in the movie so Billy guessed that what he had seen before was just his overactive imagination. He was still a bit confused as to what
“your wish is granted,” meant, what wish was it talking about? Then he remembered his words
“I wish he would be nicer to me and would like this again”. Could this have had something to do with it? Or did he simply just wanting that so badly have made himself see things like that? His thoughts were interrupted when Bright Heart, again turned to the
“camera” and told him that ‘he’ was almost done.
“He? He who? George?” Billy thought.
“Maybe my wish is coming true, maybe their going to make him like this again!” he thought as he continued to watch the movie. It seemed as if once the movie was done his wish would be fully granted he couldn’t wait to see the results.
Up in his room, George, who was quickly becoming something, that was definitely not George, had now shrunk to nearly half his height. His body was fully covered in purple fur, as was his head. His nose and mouth had grown out to form a slight muzzle, and in place of nostrils he had a little Purple Heart at the end of it. His ears were now pointed and at the top of his head, fully furred. At first he had felt scared about these changes, and was mad at his brother as he blamed him for them. But the more he changed, the happier he seemed to feel. It was if he knew he should feel mad, but wasn’t capable of it anymore. Feeling a pulling sensation in his rear he saw a tail forming. Something on his chest caught his eye, the fur in the middle of it was white, but now there appeared to be some kind of symbol forming in the middle of it. As it continued to form, what it was became clear, it was heart and at the bottom of it was a light bulb, whose bulb was shaped like a heart.
“I look just like on of those care bears,” he said to himself. Somehow this wasn’t bothering him anymore. It was almost as if he enjoyed what was happening to him. His tail continued to grow, eventually growing to about as long as his body and pointing up. It was covered in purple fur, and had 3 dark purple rings on it. One was near the end, one was in the middle and the last was close to the base.
Downstairs the movie was coming to an end and Billy was almost jumping up and down in anticipation of his wish coming true.
In his room, the shape of George’s body changed slightly, his torso became much plumper. He shrunk a bit more, until he was only about 2ft tall. The changes appeared to be complete and he looked just like a real life version of bright heart.
“I should be very angry about this, yet I just can’t help but be happy and want to play” he said to himself. Suddenly his door opened by itself. The first thing he found himself wanting to do, was to go see Billy and tell him he was sorry for being so mean to him. Running down to the basement, Billy gave him one look and said
“Bright Heart” and ran over to him, giving him a big hug. Normally George didn’t like this sort of thing, but now he found himself loving it. The fact that he was still only wearing a vest, shoes and baseball cap now felt normal to him and didn’t feel underdressed at all.
Telling Billy that he was really George, he said he was sorry for all the mean things he said about the shows that Billy watched, and sat down on the couch with him and asked him if they could watch some more. Suddenly he was finding watching Care bears very appealing. Sitting down together on the couch, Billy started up a second movie and they watched it together, loving every minute of it.