Strange new form
The small cylindrical ship slowly orbited the earth in preparation for her mission. Its single occupant, Commander Steven Jones sat in the cockpit ready to break orbit. The White Falcon was a new Earth vessel equipped with experimental engines capable of exceeding light speed, something no other Earth vessel could do. Once thought to be scientifically impossible, new advanced in propulsion technology as well as scientific theory was about to make the impossible, very possible.
After he performed one final systems check, Commander Jones radioed ground control.
“This is Jones to base, all system are go. I am ready to proceed” he informed the control center.
“Ground control to Jones, permission is granted, Good luck.” ground control confirmed.
With that, he disengaged the autopilot and broke orbit. Setting a course out Earth’s solar system, he first engaged the sublight engines. He was thankful for the inertial inhibitor; it allowed ships to accelerate to extremely fast speeds without slamming their occupants into the bulkheads.
“Jones to base, confirmed .4c velocity holding, I am ready to bring the superlight engines online with permission.” Jones radioed.
“Permission granted, we will monitor you for as long as we can. Take her through the standard test procedure” ground control responded.
Jones acknowledged and entered the sequence to engage the superlight engines. From each of the sides of the White Falcon, a compartment nearly as long as the White Falcon opened and a small cylindrical device emerged, taking a position close to the White Falcon. The sides of them began to glow with brilliant luminescence as they activated.
The cockpit began to shake slightly as the White Falcon's velocity crept up towards 1c.
“All systems are fully functional, at this rate of acceleration, I will reach light speed in 10 seconds!” Jones announced. By now, his distance from the Earth was creating a lag in transmission time and he would have to wait increasingly long for a response.
Ten seconds later, the speed indicator reached light speed. Jones was elated to see that everything appeared to be working perfectly. As the indicator passed the threshold and indicated 1.1c he cheered and again radioed base.
“We’ve done it, speed is now 1.1c!” he proudly announced.
Because transmissions only went at the speed of light, he would have to slow to sublight speeds in order to receive any. The test only called for spending a minute at superlight speeds to test the engine, and with the test being a success, he prepared to disengage the superlight drive.
As he reached for the controls, the sensors registered an odd reading ahead of him. He didn’t want to take any risks and prepared to disengage the engines. As he reached for the controls, something very extraordinary occurred. The White Falcon suddenly accelerated, straining the inertial inhibitor and causing the cockpit to quake violently. Whatever he was nearing was pulling him in like a magnet and there didn’t seem to be any way he could break free. Alarms started blaring loudly and he held on for dear life.
At the speeds he was reaching, he quickly made contact with the strange readings quickly. Before him, a brilliant blue light appeared out of nowhere and a field of light and energy unlike anything he had ever seen surrounded the White Falcon. He felt a bit dizzy and looked at the White Falcon's velocity indicator and saw that his velocity was off the scale!
Seemingly helpless, all he could do was pray for the best as the White Falcon was guided though an unseen force through the vortex like anomaly.
After what felt like an eternity but in fact were only about 30 seconds, the light and energy faded and the White Falcon’s velocity returned to sublight speeds. He seemed to have been thrown far enough away from the anomaly to escape its gravity well.
Concerned over the status of the White Falcon, he attempted to utilize the verbal interface to get a damage report.
“Computer, request damage report” he said. The computer didn’t respond. According to the few readings that were still operational, the trip through the anomaly had damaged the main computer and he would need to land to repair it!
Looking at the sensor readings that were still operational, he discovered something fascinating. He wasn’t in Earth’s solar system; he appeared to have been deposited in another. He could tell that he was in a system with a star similar to Earth’s sun and appeared to be within range of a planet that supported life as he knew it. Fortunately for him, his logging device still functioning, so he decided to log his thoughts in the event that he was unable to return to Earth.
“Commander’s log, I don’t for sure what has happened. While testing the superlight engine, I ran into what I can only describe as an anomaly. It accelerated the White Falcon to incredible speeds and deposited me in another star system. Whatever it was, it sent me within range of an Earth like planet. Unfortunately, I have suffered some damage and must put down.” He entered into the log.
As he finished the log, he set a course for the planet and engaged the sublight engines. With its close proximity, he would reach it in a matter of minutes. As he approached the planet, he took as many sensor readings as possible. He detected two moons orbiting the planet; both were similar to the Earth’s moon. Deciding that it would be safer to land there (lest he pick up bacteria from the Earth like planet) he altered course to land on the closest moon and readied the landing struts.
Back at the command center, everyone was gathered as they viewed the recordings from the White Falcon. The White Falcon’s sensor array was programmed to simultaneously transmit its recordings to Earth as well as display them for Commander Jones. The last readings they had were from just before it had entered the anomaly.
“The readings show what looks like a massive gravity well and energy that we cannot identify. The White Falcons velocity increased exponentially before it vanished.” One of the scientists reported.
“Is it possible that the White Falcon survived whatever it was and is still intact?” Commander Jennings, the flight commander inquired.
“We have no way of knowing. However, if these readings are accurate then the White Falcon could be light years away by now.” The scientist reported.
As the White Falcon approached the moon, Commander Jones grabbed the controls and initiated the landing procedure. The White Falcon slowed to a few hundred kilometers per hour. He scanned the surface for an appropriate landing location and located one close to his current orbit. With the co-ordinates set, he began descending to the surface.
Fortunately for him, the moon’s lack of an atmosphere and low gravity made landing far safer then on the Earth like planet it orbited. The landing was still difficult, but with a little luck he managed to bring the White Falcon to a halt and safely landed. Checking that everything was all right, he donned his space suit and headed out of the cockpit, down the hall and towards the airlock. While the White Falcon was functional, he wanted to make sure its engines and hull were intact before attempting another trip through the anomaly.
When the airlock completed its depressurization sequence, he exited the White Falcon and began scanning it section by section for any damage. Fortunately for him, his scanning devices were among the systems still operational. Slowly walking around the White Falcon, he scanned every square centimeter of it. The device reported that while there was some stress on the hull, it was still intact and would be able to survive another trip through the anomaly. The only significant damage seemed to be that the main computer’s central processor had been overloaded by the energy in the anomaly. This was why it was offline. Fortunately, the parts that were damaged were replaceable and he had several backups in storage.
This was damage he would be able to repair inside the White Falcon, so he went through the airlock. After the re-pressurization sequence completed, the sensors in the airlock ran a scan to make sure he hadn’t picked up microbes or bacteria while on the moons surface. Despite the main compute being ‘down’ the scan was fortunately able to complete as such a critical system had several backups.
Once the system gave him the green light to go back into the White Falcon and remove his space suit, he did so. That being completed, he headed into storage to retrieve the backup parts for the computer and made his way to the core. The lower gravity of the moon allowed him to lift the fairly heavy parts with ease. Although the White Falcon had artificial gravity, he had elected to deactivate it upon landing.
Repairs to the main computer took a few hours but he successfully completed them and re-booted the computer. He was elated to find all systems returning to normal and the computers voice interface activating.
“Running self diagnostic.” The computer said. “Diagnostic indicates that files in active memory have sustained damage. Shall I restore those files from the backups?” the computer inquired.
“Yes, restore the files.” Jones instructed.
“Restoring files now.” The computer said, pausing several seconds as it restored the files. “File restoration complete. All systems are now fully operational, good afternoon commander, how are you doing?” it inquired a minute later.
“I’m fine” Jones responded.
“Logs indicate that you left the White Falcon to scan for damage” the computer stated.
“Yes, I wanted to make sure everything is intact” Jones responded.
“Please report to the medical bay for a full bioscan” the computer requested.
“I assure you I’m fine.” Jones protested.
The computer repeated its request, obviously not accepting his answer. Deciding that it would be easier to have the scan done rather then fight with the computer, Jones acknowledged. Shutting everything in the computer core, he left the area and walked down to the medical bay.
The computer ordered him to disrobe and lay back on one of the biobeds. He complied and the computer lowered a small scanner, which scanned him from head to toe. The computer analyzed the readings for a minute before displaying them on the monitor above the bed.
It showed two pictures, on the left were his readings and on the right were what his readings were supposed to be (or more so what the computer thought they were supposed to be).
Jones looked at the display on the right in horror. They display was not his image but that of a raccoon, right down to the DNA!
“My scans indicate that your readings are far off from what they should be. Repairs must be initiated immediately!” the computer said in its monotone voice.
“Computer, run a self diagnostic, your image of how I should look is wrong!” Jones Protested. The computer did so, but the image on the right remained that of a raccoon!
“We must begin repairs immediately Commander. You must be sedated to ease the process.” The computer informed him.
“No, wait!” Jones yelled, but it was too late. The computer restrained him as a mechanical arm swiveled down and injected him with a sedative. Within seconds, he lost consciousness.
When he awoke, he was in his quarters. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed. Unfortunately, he had more pressing issues to deal with. His hands and feet ached, he felt warm and itchy and there was something between his legs. He also had a slight headache and when he got out of bed and stood up, he noticed that he had lost nearly a foot in height!
When he walked over to his mirror, he saw what was wrong. His entire body was covered in a pelt of gray-brown fur, his feet and hands looked like paws and he had a furry ringed tail! He began to tremble with the realization of what was happening to him. The scientist in him was fascinated by these changes and wanted to see them through. However the rest of him was seized by a near blinding panic! This was something he'd expect to happen in a nightmare or book, not in real life. If it weren’t for his training in dealing with stressful situations, he probably would have started hyperventilating and screaming from shock. Beads of sweat started pouring down his face as he realized how much trouble he was in and thought of what to do next.
Looking out the window in his quarters, he saw that the White Falcon was still on the moon. He thought about getting dressed, but with his new smaller size none of his clothes would fit. Just as well, his newly acquired fur seemed to keep him warm enough. Knowing his time was short he barreled out of his quarters running as fast as his new legs would carry him. Unfortunately, before he could enter the cockpit, the computer bleeped.
“Commander, I am glad to see you are awake. As you can see, your treatment is progressing well.” It said.
“Progressing well, I’m a freak! I have to get back to Earth!” Jones protested.
“Unfortunately, I cannot permit that Commander. We must continue your treatment. Please report to the medical bay immediately.” The computer ordered.
“I refuse, I cannot allow you to take this any further!” Jones yelled.
“The alterations to your physiology must be repaired, until then the ships controls will not respond.” the computer said.
Jones was not about to simply accept this, he decided that he was going to have to override the computer from the core. Unfortunately, the computer had other ideas. As he made his way to the core, the computer sealed him off and filled the room with a knockout gas.
He again awoke but this time in the medical bay. He was strapped to a biobed and the computer was finishing scans on him. His body didn't feel right. The feel of the table against his back, the sounds in the room and even his emotions seemed wrong. Strange thoughts were dancing through his head, thoughts far more primitive than any civilized humans. He tried to speak and even his voice had betrayed him, coming out as a series of warbles. The computer released the restraints that held him down and he managed to climb off of the biobed. Walking on two legs was uncomfortable but he managed as best as he could and walked over to a mirror at the far side of the room.
There was little sign of his humanity left. His torso used to be slender but was now robust. He still had fur but it was now far denser. The paws his hands and feet had become now had claws in place of fingernails. The most shocking change was his face. It was furry, complete with a mask around his eyes. He also had a muzzle tipped with a small wet black nose. His ears were at the top of his head, rounded and furry. His short black hair was gone, replaced with fur. He was now much shorter then his original height of nearly two meters. Having lost so much of his height while he slept, he was frightened. Waking up so tiny startled and frightened him His body was no longer his yet it was. The strange thoughts in his mind were much more powerful and it took every bit of his willpower to resist them. It was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate and he was starting to lose hope. The desire to panic became increasingly powerful with each passing second, as did his anger over what the computer had done to him. As he examined his body, he looked around the room and sniffed and listened to the sounds. Struggling to speak, he managed to get out a few words.
“Computer, you have to reverse this before it’s too late!” he demanded.
“I’m sorry commander but I must repair your physiology to match what my records show as established parameters.” The computer responded.
“How is this possible, where are you storing all the extra mass? It can’t just disappear!” Jones cried.
“And disappear it hasn’t!” the computer said in a tone that was almost condescending.
Beside the mirror, a panel opened, revealing a massive tube filled with a gelatinous mass of red goo that bubbled and quivered.
“All unused mass is stored within that vessel” the computer informed him. Looking toward the exit of the room, he quickly began running towards it. Unfortunately, as he reached the door, the computer locked it.
“I’m sorry Commander but I must complete the final phase of your treatment, please climb back onto the biobed” the computer ordered.
“No, I will not! You cannot do this, you have no right!” Jones protested.
“I’m sorry sir but I must do this for your own safety. Your health is my top priority and I must restore your health to its original parameters. Please lay on the biobed” the computer said.
Terrified enough as it was, the thought of this process completing itself made his stomach turn. This was going to end now and he didn't give a damn about what the computer thought. With a burst of energy, he grabbed a chair and wheeled it to the door. He anticipated the computers next move; quickly he climbed onto the chair and ripped off the small panel adjacent to the door. With a spurt of strength, he slammed down the override switch, forcing the door open. Running into the corridor, he made a beeline for the cockpit doors and forced them open in the same manor. As he entered the cockpit, he cursed. In his current stature, operating the controls would be very difficult. But his determination to retain what little of his humanity was left only fueled his creativity. He knew that he could stand on the chair or even on the console itself. Victory seemed to be at hand.
He knew the computer had locked down the cockpit controls, so he knelt down and pried open the control panel. He remembered that if he pulled the right one, he could disengage the lock out and pilot the White Falcon out of there!
After searching for a few minutes, he found the right control and yanked it out. As the lock out on the controls was released another series of alarms sounded. Grunting he crawled back on to the chair. He had to reach, but was able to initiate the start up sequence.
The White Falcon’s thrusters started up and it slowly rose above the moon's surface. When it reached a sufficient height he activated the sublight engines to take the Falcon up to escape velocity. He set course for the anomaly, praying it be still there.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he was certain that he was going to escape without the computer changing him any further. Before he could retreat from the room, the door slammed shut and the controls froze up as the autopilot activated.
“I’m sorry Commander but I cannot allow you to do this. Your treatment must be completed.” The computer said. Before Jones could react, A hissing sound filled the air and his body suddenly felt sluggish. Everything went blurry, as his head seemed to spin. Despite a valiant effort to remain conscious, he soon passed out.
Even as the door opened and the medical bays automated bot carefully lifted Jones onto its bed to carry him to the medical bay, the White Falcon began to shake as it again approached the anomaly. The computer took over the controls and halted the White Falcon’s approach, taking her far enough away so that she wouldn’t be affected by it.
Jones awoke in the medical bay lying on some sort of large pillow on the floor. He didn't feel like himself, to put it mildly. His body felt surreal, as if it wasn’t really his. Yet he was definitely conscious and this was definitely real. He stood and found himself standing on all fours, he was shocked. He was tried to stand on two feet but his body had seemingly betrayed him. Even more disturbing was the fact that this stance felt natural, comfortable even. The computer had dimmed the lights to allow him to see better in what it considered his proper form. Carefully, he walked over to the mirror and would have gasped in horror had he still been able to speak. His reflection was that of a raccoon, no sign of his humanity remained. At first he had to remind himself that he was gazing into a mirror and not at a picture. In a way, his reflection enraged him, it was difficult to deny what he now was when it was staring back at him. He wanted to smash the mirror in anger but decided it would be wise to keep his emotions in check, lest he lose himself to instinct.
He felt the White Falcon beginning to shake and tried to ask the computer what was going on. Unfortunately, only a warbling like sound escaped form his lips. Oddly enough, the computer seemed to understand his request.
“Good evening Commander. Your treatment is complete. The auto pilot is active and I have set a course back for the anomaly, we will arrive at it in 30 seconds.” The computer said. The intensity of the shaking gradually increased as the White Falcon neared the anomaly. Jones ran towards the door and it opened for him, allowing him access to the hall. Once in the hall, he quickly ran into the cockpit and climbed into the chair and looked out the cockpit window. He arrived just in time for the brilliant light and energy of the anomaly to surround the White Falcon and accelerate it to an incredible velocity.
As with the first trip through the anomaly, it lasted about 30 seconds. This time, the computer has anticipated the effects of it and had take measures to protect it from the affects.
It seemed to have worked as when the White Falcon exited the anomaly and slowed to .4c, the computer was still online. With this body it was even harder to use the controls then before. Fortunately, Jones was able to complete a scan and determined that he was at preciously the same location that he had been when he had first encounter the effects of the anomaly.
To his elation, there was two Earth vessels waiting for him, presumably ships that had been sent out to search for him. The autopilot brought the White Falcon to a halt in front of the vessels as they hailed him. Pressing the button to receive the hail, Jones waited for them to speak first.
“Commander Jones are you there?” a voice urgently asked, it was the voice of Commander Jennings! Jones immediately responded, but he temporarily forgot that he couldn’t speak and only an elated sounding trill emanated from his mouth.
“Commander, is that you? Please repeat!” Jennings urgently requested. Jones tried to speak but only the same animalistic vocalization emitted from his lips.
“Commander, if you can hear us, please standby, we are going to dock with you,” Jennings said as she terminated the conversation. Jones wasn’t sure how he was going to explain this to them, he could speak, at least not in any human language. He pondered what he was going to do for several minutes until he felt a jolt as Jennings ship docked. The jolt was quickly followed by the sound of the airlocks activating. He knew he was running short on time. A suddenly burst of fear nearly overcame him. The instinct to panic became very strong. His human mind and thoughts became foggy as the animal in him begged him to run and hide. As he heard the footsteps and clanging metal of his ship being boarded, the instinct to run grew to overpowering levels. He quickly climbed to the floor and ran out of the cockpit. He could see the humans at the other end of the corridor and recognized one of them as Jennings when she called out to him. But, he was too filled with fear to respond to her.
As fast as his legs could carry him, and panting like crazy, he bolted for his quarters where he ran onto his bed and his under the covers. He seemed trapped, the humans were going to find him, hiding here was only delaying the inevitable. As he heard the human’s approach and open the door to his quarters, he found himself shivering in fear.
A second later, the door opened the Jennings walked in.
“Commander Jones are you in here?” she asked. Stopping for a few seconds, she continued. “Commander, Steven, I know your scared, I know that whatever has happened to you is probably overwhelming and you don’t know who to trust. But, you need to come out of there so we can help you. We won’t hurt you, I promise that.” She softly said.
Somehow, the soft and soothing sound of Jennings voice calmed Jones down. Something about the familiarity of it allowed him to focus and control his instincts. His thoughts came back into focus and the urge to panic calmed down. Slowly, he crawled out from under the covers and looked at Jennings. Seeing the furry animal looking at her, she looked at him with an expression of awe and fascination. Sitting beside him, she petted the terrified animal.
“Oh my god, it really is you isn’t it?” she asked in a hushed tone. Jones nodded his little head. “You look so cute!” she cheerfully added.
Jones glared at her with a look of annoyance. The last thing he wanted to be called at this point was cute. Seeing his annoyance, she apologized.
Twenty minutes later, Jones was sitting on a biobed on Jennings ship. While not equipped with a superlight engine, her ship was much larger then his ship and had a moderately sized crew. The ship’s doctor had examined him while their engineers examined the ship to find an explanation for what had happened.
Jennings walked up to and sat on the biobed beside Jones and petted him on the head.
“Well, this is certainly an interesting side effect of your trip though whatever that was. Don't worry, we'll do everything we can to figure out what the computer did to you.” She said.
He had to admit as strange as it was his new form did have its moments. His fur was warm and his sense of hearing and smell were excellent by human standards. Much to his annoyance however, he was tiny; being so small felt very ackward, embarrassing even. As if to add insult to injury, being so small was going to make piloting a ship virtually impossible. He was about ready to throw a fit or even cry when his stomach began to grumble. The instinct to satisfy his hunger suddenly took precedent over his annoyance. Those were thoughts that were going to have to wait until later, for now, it was dinnertime!
Hearing it Jennings laughed and told him that she would take him to the galley to get something to eat. With that, she picked him up and walked him out of her ship’s medical bay, down the hall and into the galley. The ships cook prepared some corn and chicken for Jones, something he found very appealing in this form.
Using his little paws like hands, he quickly gobbled down the food. He was feeling tired, not only from eating so much but also from his experience, so he decided to go to sleep. Climbing up on the table, he curled up in a little ball and feel asleep. Petting the now sleeping creature, Jennings softly assured him that she would find a way to reverse what had happened to him.
Jones awoke several hours later; he was laying on the bed in Jennings quarters. Slowly standing up on his hind legs, he looked himself over.
“So, it wasn’t a dream.” He thought to himself as he felt the fur his belly. He didn't know if he was going to be this way for the rest of life or if this was just temporary. Despite the fact that (physically) he was an animal, he was still an explorer. He decided to take the time to see what this new body of his could do. Testing out his sense of smell, he sniffed the covers. He nearly fainted from the massive barrage of scents and information that assaulted him. Now that was certainly different. As a human, he had been used to a world more of sights and sounds, but now he was being introduced to a whole new world. He could smell his own scent on it, although he didn't really realize it, still finding it strange thinking of his current form as truly his own. Another scent, a scent he conjectured was Jennings scent was also rather prominent, her scent seemed familiar to him now but at the same time almost seemed alien. He was definitely not used to identifying her this way. Doing so made him feel more in touch with his animal side but less so with his humanity, and that scared the hell out of him.
Lying on his back, he maneuvered his tail as best as he could. He wasn't used to having this new appendage; it was like having to get used to a whole new arm or leg. However with a little luck, he was able to maneuver it enough to grab it with his little paws.
Clutching the tail with his right paws, he gently ran his left paw up and down it. The sensation was like nothing he ever experienced. As with the scents, the sensation of having a tail was very bizarre and yet at the same time, almost good.
After a few minutes he decided to move onto his feet. The flexibility of his new body was nothing short of amazing. Effortlessly, he was able to reach his feet with his muzzle, something that would make grooming far easier. That thought made him do a double take, cleaning himself with his tongue seemed horrified, though rationally he knew we would grow accustomed to it in time.
After this, he moved to his face, feeling his muzzle and his ears. As with the rest of his body, feeling animal paws touching animal parts was unusual, especially considered that those animal parts were his.
Having had enough, he rolled onto his stomach and stood on all fours and climbed off of the bed. He could hear someone walking down the corridor, several seconds later the door to Jennings quarters opened and she walked in. Happy to see her, Jones immediately ran over to her, warbling excitedly. As he reached her, she reached down and picked him up. As she held him, he suddenly felt embarrassed; he'd just acted like he was her loving pet! Looking up at her concerned expression he pushed the feeling aside and listened
“Well, we’ve been going over the logs on the ship to try to determine just what went wrong. The White Falcon’s medical system files were in active memory when you encountered the anomaly. We have discovered a faulty circuit between the computer core and the medical bay computers. Unfortunately, there is no way that you or the computer could have detected it. Now, normally this would have prevented the restoration of the data in the medical bay computers. For some reason, the systems were still restored but the information on you was mixed with the databanks on other Earth mammals. The unfortunate result of this is that it thought that a raccoon was your proper form. Unfortunately, when our ships docked, our computer systems became interconnected "and the data on your DNA was updated by your computer. That update has spread through all computers in the system." she pauses biting her lip. “Your original pattern...is gone”
First he felt extreme denial; this had to be a dream, things like this didn't happen to people. Then anger, his humanity had been forcefully ripped from him, how dare some damn machine steal his birthright! But no matter what he felt or thought, it wasn't changing the fact that he was now an animal. He wanted to smash something, to run and hide, to do..to do anything but sit there! Anger, unlike anything he had ever felt coursed through him. The emotions flowing through him were far more primitive that any thing he had ever experienced, he could feel himself getting swept away by them. Looking down at him Jennings could see the light in his eyes fading, being replaced by the dull stare of an animal, she knew she had to say something, to try to call him back.
Jennings comforted him by holding him and assuring him that she would take care of him and would arrange proper living arrangements. He nodded his head dully, too shocked to really comprehend what she was saying. This was all too much to take, before all of this; he had a bright future ahead of him, now it seemed as if he was about to be reduced to nothing more then a mere pet. He knew there was no way he could explore space, not like this, he felt defeated, as if his life was over. Jennings could see his despair and did her best to console him.
“Look, I know this seems bad right now and I know it seems unfair. But it isn’t all bad” she said, peaking his interest. “There is one thing all of this has almost made us forget. Your test flight was still a success; you managed to exceed light speed. Not only that but you discovered what is likely proof that wormholes exist. I think that’s more then cause for celebration.” Jennings said. She was correct, despite what had happened to him, his mission had been a success. But was the cost worth it, could he really accept having to live as an animal for the rest of his life?
“It’s not so bad, really. Think about it, there are many things you wont have to worry about anymore. Think about all of the responsibilities of adulthood you don’t have to worry now. And even if you can’t explore space, you can explore a whole new form now!” she said.
He had to admit that Jennings was right. As difficult as losing his humanity was, he had still accomplished something incredible. This accomplishment would herald a new era not only in space exploration but for humanity as well. In the grand scheme of things, it didn't seem so bad. If this was the price for launching all of humanity into a new era, then it was worth it. His journey and humanity’s were both now beginning. One to probe the deepest reaches of space, the other the other, the discovery of a new form