The Spirits
Richard was on his way to the store when he saw her. He wasn’t exactly sure what she was or where she had come from. Standing or more so floating several meters in front of him was an apparition. She lit up the area around her. It was dark out so the effect was even more pronounced. Seeing an apparent ghost floating in front of him, he was scared and wanted to run. But when she called his name, he was almost mesmerized by the sound of her voice.
“Richard Richard, come to me, I wont hurt you”.
“How do you know my name?” he asked her as he walked towards her, almost as if in a trance.
“I have been waiting for you”. She seemed almost familiar and her voice was very soothing, almost like a vision or premonition. Getting close to her, he felt an almost eerily cool breeze. Stopping, feeling nervous he stared at her in fascination.
“it’s okay Richard, I won’t hurt you, I want to help you”. Almost automatically and without thinking he raised his arms out towards her. Feeling what he could only describe as energy, his hands penetrated her. He was worried that such contact could he harmful to either of them, but she seemed to enjoy it.
“It’s okay, your not hurting me, come closer” she said. As he walked towards her, she began to circle him, touching his body through his clothes. He giggled as it tickled. She giggled as she knew he enjoyed it. Getting face to face with him she smiled. he could now see her face. It didn’t look human. It almost reminded him of a raccoon, she was very beautiful, and her having the face of an animal didn’t bother him at all. She started circling his entire body, enveloping it, almost like a blanket. Feeling an almost warmth, he at first didn’t realize what she was doing to him. Suddenly hearing a tearing sounds, he saw his shirt being torn away from his body. Looking down at it’s torn remains on the ground, he saw her begging to envelop his entire torso. Suddenly feeling very warm and itchy he saw brown fur growing all over it!
“What the?” he said. He heard her giggle. The fur quickly became a thick pelt. Moving to his arms, she began to circle around him, and envelop both at the same time. Feeling the same warmth and itching, he saw more brown fur quickly grow on them, and quickly grow into a pelt. His hands started to feel strange, short fur grew on top of them. His fingers became slightly longer, and the skin of the bottom of his hands became far darker and much more sensitive. Short, but sharp claws grew from his nails. Giggling as she saw him realizing his changes, the sprit moved to his face.
In retrospective he didn’t know why he just stood there and this point instead of trying to run. Perhaps he was too afraid. Perhaps he was too fascinated with what was going on and wanted to see how it played out, or maybe she had him in some kind of trance.
Moving up his face, she enveloped it. Feeling tingling over his entire head, he felt almost dizzy. Feeling his nose and mouth with her ‘hands’, she almost seemed to pull on them. He could feel them pulling out into a muzzle as she pulled on them. Looking down as best as he could, he could see it growing. Whiskers grew from the side of it. He teeth became pointy and much more like fangs. He could feel fur growing all over his head, and his hair slowly turned into fur. Moving to his ears, he felt them growing fur and changing shape, becoming pointer. A warmth spread across them and he felt them move up his head. His nose started to twitch instinctively, and he realized how much more powerful his sense of smell was. His hearing was equally enhanced and he could hear things from 10 times the distance he could before. Again giggling, the spirit moved towards his legs, completely enveloping them. He heard his pants rip and fall away, and realized that he was now standing there naked. He watched, as the hair on his legs became brown fur and grew into a think pelt. His feet started to change shape, the bottoms of them grew pad’s and the tops grew a thin layer of fur. Small claws grew from his toenails, and each toe grew a bit longer. Moving her ‘hands’ up towards just over his butt, he felt her start to pull on something. He looked back, and could see that her pulling was causing a long, bushy, furry ringed tail to sprout. He quickly had a full grown tail.
Finally moving away from his body, she floated in front of him, smiling at her ‘work’. Standing there, not wearing anything he was embarrassed, but with all of his new fur, he actually felt quite warm. Looking at her, he said one simple word to her
“Why?”. Smiling she started to float away she responded
“I just wanted to have some fun, thanks for giving me some” and disappeared in a cloud of light and smoke. Standing there, Richard looking himself over.
“Now what am I supposed to do?” he said. Looking at the tattered remains of his clothes, he realized they couldn’t be salvaged. He wasn’t sure exactly how he was going to explain this to everyone, and was embarrassed at being seen “naked”.
Rachel was just leaving her house to go take a walk when she saw him. He was floating close slightly above and in front of her. At first she was afraid of what appeared to be a ghost floating in front of her. It was dark, so it was hard to see exactly what he looked like. Starting to slowly walk away to try to avoid him, she heard him call her name. This startled her, how could he have known her name? Turning towards her, she asked him.
“How do you know my name?”. Now floating very close to her, he said
“There is much that I know”. Reaching out a hand, she tried to touch him. Her hand went right though him. She felt a warm tingling sensation and he giggled.
“That tickles”, he said playfully. It was then that she got a good look at his face. It looked like a raccoons face.
“What are you?” she asked. Not answering, she spirit moved towards her and started circling around her body. He felt warm and welcoming. Rachel started to get nervous.
“It’s okay, I wont hurt you” the spirit said. Relaxing a bit, she watched as he circled around her waist, and ended up enveloping her legs. Feeling an itchy and warm sensation, she heard a loud rip, only to see her pants being ripped to shreds. She was about to protest, when she noticed brown fur quickly growing where the spirit was enveloping. The fur quickly grew into a pelt. The spirit giggled, as Rachel noticed the fur, and he moved quickly moved to her feet. Her feet started to feel strange, and her shoes and socks suddenly ripped to pieces. Her feet quickly changed, the toes becoming longer and her toe nails growing out into short claws. Short bristly brown fur grew on the tops of her feet. Suddenly being levitated off the ground somewhat, she felt the bottoms of her fete change, managing to look at them, she saw pad’s forming on them. Despite how terrified she was at seeing this happening to her, she didn’t try to run. It was almost as if she was in a trance. The spirit moved behind her, and with his ‘hands’ started to pull at something over her butt. She could feel something being pulled out. Looking back as best as she could, she saw what he was pulling out. She was starting to sprout a bushy tail. The tail quickly grew out, and she could see that it had several black rings on it, like a raccoon tail. Moving up her body, the spirit enveloped her torso. Feeling yet another sensation of warmth and feeling itchy, she heard yet another ripping sound. She looked down, to see her shirt ripping itself to shreds and falling to her feet. Fur was quickly growing on her chest, sides and back. In a matter of seconds, her entire torso was covered in a pelt of brown fur. As she reached her hands up to feel it, the spirit moved toward her arms and enveloped them. Within seconds, a thick pelt of brown fur had grown in on her arms. Looking at her hands, they started to change. A thin coating or fur covered the top of her hands, and her fingers grew slightly longer and became more nimble. Short, but sharp claws grew from her fingernails. The bottoms of her hands skin became darker and much more sensitive. Giggling, the spirit again moved up her body, and enveloped her head. She could see her face pulling out into a muzzle, and could feel her ears move up to the top of her head. Her head quickly became furry. Satisfied that she was finished, the spirit moved away from her and floated in front of her.
Looking at herself in disbelief, Rachel turned to them sprit and asked
“Why?”. The sprit responded
“Richard needs a companion” then floated high into the air and vanished. Rachel stood there, not sure what to do, she looked down at her torn clothes and realized that she wasn't wearing any clothes. Her fur made her feel warm, but she still felt embarrassed over being ‘exposed’ like this .
“Who’s Richard?” she though to herself, when she realized that her sense of smell and hearing were much stronger then before. She felt her nose start to twitch instinctively as she sniffed the air. Almost immediately she got wind of a smell that appealed to her. She could smell another like herself, well not quite like herself, this one was a male.
“That must be Richard” she thought to herself, and started walking towards the scent.
Richard had suddenly become aware of a scent, it as another like himself, but a female. He still wasn't sure exactly what he was supposed to do, so he walked towards the scent hoping to locate her. He didn’t take long to find her. After walking for only 5 minutes he came upon another humanoid raccoon, a female one. He blushed when he realized that he had temporarily forgotten about his not wearing anything, but seeing that she was in the same state of undress made him feel a bit better.
“Hi, I'm Richard” he said
“Hi, I'm Rachel” she said. They exchanged stories about what had happened.
“Looks like they wanted us to meet like this”, he said.
“So what do we do know” she asked. Looking at the gorgeous female humanoid raccoon standing before him he responded.
“I can think of a few things” but stopped himself, not wanting to offend her. She had started to look him over and liked what she saw.
“No need to stop, I’m not offended” she said, in a playful voice. Reaching over, she gently rubbed him behind the ears, and he responded by chittering, enjoying the feeling. He reciprocated and rubbed her between the ears. Suddenly everything went white for a couple of seconds. Richard and Rachel suddenly found themselves deep in a forest. They spend a few hours exploring, trying to figure out where they were before finding a small cabin with a sign on it.
“Welcome home Richard and Rachel”, entering the cabin, in was well furnished. Again eyeing Richard, Rachel gave him a big hug and Richard hugged her back. Petting the fur on his chest Rachel listened to him purr in satisfaction.
The two sprits floated above the cabin. Watching the two raccoons.
“I’d say our work here is done” they said to each other as they floated off into the distance.